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RPD Dispatch Episode 12 - Randomcast

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  • RPD Dispatch Episode 12 - Randomcast

    Cast: John (Dot50Cal) - John (Mr. Spencer) - Chris (Alzaire)
    Special Guest(s): Gene (TheSelfishGene) - Wayne (Randomwab) - Rob (Rombie) - Stian (Carnivol)
    Call Ins: AJ - nemesiswontdie

    Start - What Happened with John
    02:39 - Whatcha Been Playing
    63:09 - GO GO GO BIONIC
    64:37 - Silent Hill Shattered Memories
    81:28 - Resident Evil 5 DLC
    92:12 - Call Ins
    103:59 - The Fanfic
    109:39 - Bloopers
    116:28 - Coming Clean
    117:57 - The Truth

    Gene talks about COD4 and touches on the fan made DOTA mod for Warcraft 3. Rombie discusses his disappointment with Silent Hill Homecoming and the direction of the series in general. Breaking news cuts in with the announcement of Resident Evil Archives for Wii (RE0 and RE1 Remake). Carnivol then discusses a recent visit to Capcom Europe where he played Bionic Commando at a "First to Play" event. Details about the game are all over the place as he discusses both the Multiplayer and Single Player portions of the game. After the break, we discuss the announcment of Silent Hill Shattered Memories. After that winds down, we start talking about the Resident Evil 5 Versus DLC a little bit. Finally, we take two calls from AJ and nemesiswontdie.

    Next Episode: Silent Hill 1

    Skit Count: 4
    (What Happened with John - 00:00)
    (GO GO GO BIONIC - 63:09)
    (The Fanfic - 103:59)
    (Coming Clean - 116:28)
    (The Truth - 117:57)

    RPD Dispatch Episode 12

    Show notes:

    Bionic Commando Rearmed Japan Song/Trailer
    For such an epic trailer I was shocked to see there wasn't an HD version up on youtube. Hopefully this rectifies t

    Phoenix Games
    .. Oh WOW. Yeah, there's no way to turn off that stupid background music that loops non-stop. This is officially the greatest PS2 'game' ever.Parts 2-4 comin...

    Capcom First to Play pictures (Or, Wheres Carn)

    If your confused at the end with our little skit:
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 04-12-2009, 10:59 PM.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      This is where discussion for the podcast will go once it is up.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • #4
        oooohhhhh my bad, my head is somewhere else right now.


        • #5
          This thread will be exploding in flames in a short while. Should be fun to watch.
          Last edited by Vector; 04-12-2009, 10:39 PM.


          • #6


            • #7
              1st to download haha


              • #8
                Well this should certainly be...interesting. If nothing more it will keep me busy while I dry my hair.
                Are you tired, Rebecca?


                • #9
                  Oh, sweet goes nothing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                    Well this should certainly be...interesting. If nothing more it will keep me busy while I dry my hair.
                    Haha it's probably not good for much else. It was a real shambles recording. I was playing LBP for a bit, and then someone had the idea to do the fanfic as a skit, and we weren't sure if we'd use it. At the end Carn was drunk and Wayne left, then we remembered to do the call ins.

                    I'd really like to see how this one comes out of editing.


                    • #11
                      Show notes:

                      Bionic Commando Rearmed Japan Song/Trailer

                      Phoenix Games
                      .. Oh WOW. Yeah, there's no way to turn off that stupid background music that loops non-stop. This is officially the greatest PS2 'game' ever.Parts 2-4 comin...

                      Capcom First to Play pictures (Or, Wheres Carn)

                      If your confused at the end with our little skit:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                        Haha it's probably not good for much else. It was a real shambles recording. I was playing LBP for a bit, and then someone had the idea to do the fanfic as a skit, and we weren't sure if we'd use it. At the end Carn was drunk and Wayne left, then we remembered to do the call ins.

                        I'd really like to see how this one comes out of editing.
                        I will say that Dot does so sincere...I keep laughing my ass off.
                        Are you tired, Rebecca?


                        • #13
                          Hahaha Dot, you son of a bitch. If I didn't know better, I'd shed a tear for you. I'm listening to the beginning right now and you sound like a broken fucking man. Touche, touche.


                          • #14
                            I drink your milkshake!

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                            Last edited by Bertha; 04-12-2009, 10:59 PM.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • #15
                              If you just want the lulz for now:
                              Fanfic - 1 hour 44 minutes
                              Bloopers - 1 hour 49 minutes
                              MGS Fans go here - 1 hour 56 minutes

