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I'm Happy

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  • I'm happy I left this site. This site is fucking garbage. One half of the site is fucking retarded and the other half are cunts. If the lot of you were on fire, I wouldn't piss on you to put out the flames. I hope a majority of you live long unhappy lives while being surrounded by people that absolutely despise you and when you finally die, people show up to your shit show of a funeral just to make sure you're fucking dead.

    Getting that off my chest makes me feel happy. Fuck all of you.

    Also, a big fuck you goes out to that cocksucker Vector. I hope you drown in a pool of cow shit, you fucking possessive creep.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      I'm happy I left this site. This site is fucking garbage. One half of the site is fucking retarded and the other half are cunts. If the lot of you were on fire, I wouldn't piss on you to put out the flames. I hope a majority of you live long unhappy lives while being surrounded by people that absolutely despise you and when you finally die, people show up to your shit show of a funeral just to make sure you're fucking dead.

      Getting that off my chest makes me feel happy. Fuck all of you.

      Also, a big fuck you goes out to that cocksucker Vector. I hope you drown in a pool of cow shit, you fucking possessive creep.
      Click image for larger version

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      See you in hell.


      • well that came outta nowhere


        • What the hell nemesis......


          • Sounds like somebody's at the end of their rope. Too bad what I've just seen is my first impression of this person. I take it they weren't always like this however, given people's reaction so far.
            Whatever the hell brought this on, it seems to me that this person's been through a bit of a rough time. Doesn't excuse how they've behaved, but this doesn't smell of something as simple as trolling. More like bitterness, as I'm sure others might be able to tell.

            But if I'm wrong, then just for the record; Nice to meet you too :/


            • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
              If the lot of you were on fire, I wouldn't piss on you to put out the flames. I hope a majority of you live long unhappy lives while being surrounded by people that absolutely despise you and when you finally die, people show up to your shit show of a funeral just to make sure you're fucking dead.
              You pretty much just summarized how I feel about most people ... on a good day. Maybe I just need to move away from the Appalachia region of the US? (Yes, the stereotypes are true)

              Anyways, sorry that it came down to this for you. Typically in retrospect, becoming this angry isn't a very pleasant feeling.
              I'm a blackstar.


              • I am very happy I've found a really wonderful girl to be with. But she'll spend 6 months in USA while I'm here in Brazil. Any help/tips/advices?


                • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                  I am very happy I've found a really wonderful girl to be with. But she'll spend 6 months in USA while I'm here in Brazil. Any help/tips/advices?
                  Honesty & clear communication throughout. That & a couple or so anecdotes to share.
                  Best of luck & I hope things keep working out for you


                  • I'll be happier when I get a girlfriend.

                    I've been single for years now. Years!


                    • I'm happy because it's just any other day.


                      • Last edited by Mikhail; 03-10-2017, 08:45 PM.


                        • Comment

                          • Originally posted by BSAA . Org View Post
                            I'm happy because it's just any other day.
                            no, lil dude. This is just another great day!


                            • I couldn't help but to notice that Silent Hill Heaven has almost gone to hell. It's all but abandoned, as only a small few of us even still post there. We were discussing a game that just got cancelled so it could be built into something better, and the RE7 buzz has died down a bit as well, which means the activity is getting to a point where it's crucially low. Anyway, here is the link to the forums if you want to join.


                              • Pretty happy to finish my long term freelancing gig. Learned a lot and met a lot of wonderful people. Back to regular freelancing & job searching. It was a great experience, good for my resume, and the money was good. hahahaha!

                                Been reconnecting with old IRL friends over a few drinks & finally being able to sit down to play some video games again, it's been pretty busy for the past few months.

                                Nier: Automata & Zelda Breath of the Wild are both great.

                                Also, pretty happy to see TheSelfishGene & Dot50Cal are still alive, lol! Cheers!

                                Hope everyone's doing fine, been a while since I've been here.

                                Speaking of which, if anyone has a Wii U and you like old school PS1 era RE... pick up this game called 'Vaccine' on the eshop, it's a pretty good RE clone.

                                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                                Here's a first impressions for anyone interested! Thought it would be swell to bring this to everyone's attention.

                                EDIT: I just noticed that it's also on other platforms & I found the trailer as well, so enjoy! ;)

                                Last edited by Kaneco; 03-30-2017, 09:05 AM.

