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I'm Happy

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  • After waiting 4 hours outside in the blazing sun Im finally inside Sprint Center waiting for FUCKING TOOL!


    • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
      My 4 kg of strawberries trumps your "snack". Plus, I get to experience "bleeding anus syndrome" in the morning.

      I only do Norwegian strawberries, unfortunately
      (it's not quite their time yet)
      Last edited by Carnivol; 06-25-2010, 06:59 PM.


      • Got back from Tool about 45 minutes ago and HOLY SHIT! What an amazing experience. So glad I got to see them. Tool played about 2 hours. Awesome visuals (lights,lazers and projectors) They played a my favorite songs like 46 & 2, Vicarious, Lateralus, Intolerance, Jambi and of course Aenima. They also extended Stinkfist by a minute and a half long which was great.

        I'll be completely honest right before Jambi kicked it, Maynard said "it will all work out" then Jambi started playing I got a little teary eyed because Jambi means a lot to me because what its about.

        I spent around $160 on 4 shirts and 3 drinks (I waited outside in the blistering hot sun for 4 hours with nothing to drink).

        The only downside was...No pictures. They said they didn't want any pictures taken by camera's or cell pics. Well guess what? I said fuck that and took 2 pics and a video. Suck it sprint. I got caught making the video though but oh well.

        first song: Third Eye

        second song: Jambi

        Also here are the shirts I picked up.

        Amazing night.


        • I've never been one for large venues but that sounds like a hell of an experience. I wish they were playing near me but I guess they'll have to slip by me yet again. There have been a lot of festivals with Tool and other bands I love which I've missed over the years.

          Glad Aenima was played and it sounded good.


          • glad someone got some footage of my favorite song Vicarious.

            2:26 was just fucking amazing.
            Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 06-26-2010, 06:47 AM.


            • I'm happy because TNA Knockout, Christy Hemme, is going to record her first music video with her band, HEMME.

              EDIT: Christy's the lead singer of the band, for those who are wondering.
              Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 06-30-2010, 12:30 AM.


              • Going on vacation...wont be back until Monday. Though I've been having some sinus headaches that hurt pretty damn bad and my right eye has been blurry of late....but whatevs I dont care cause it'll also be my birthday. Hooray for birthdays, vacations, and not doing shit but relaxing.
                Are you tired, Rebecca?


                • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                  I've been having some sinus headaches that hurt pretty damn bad and my right eye has been blurry of late.

                  Its because you've been hanging out with me so much that you're pretty much OD'ing on my AWESOMENESS!

                  All in all though, have fun. We're gonna have to play some more RDR when you get back.
                  Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 06-30-2010, 03:37 AM.


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    Its because you've been hanging out with me so much that you're pretty much OD'ing on my AWESOMENESS!

                    Also to pay tribute to you as well haha.
                    Last edited by Guest; 06-30-2010, 11:06 AM.


                    • So...I just got back from the strip club. And by fucking god that was AMAZING!

                      I spent so much money though. But it was all worth it. I got VIP and I got a free lap dance from the girl I liked there. It all seems so cheesy but when I first walked in they were playing Stinkfist and then they played Prison Sex from Tool. I of course had my new Tool shirt on and I sat down with my friends that were there with me and the girl (her name is Vinessa) and she told me she liked my shirt and why she hasn't seen me in there at all because my friends are always there. I told her it was my birthday and she told the announcer and I got a free lap dance from all the girls there which fucking rocked. Vinessa asked me if I wanted to go VIP for a hour and I said yeah (obviously) and so yeah. We talked about music while she was doing her job. She seen Tool as well and she loves APC as much as I do which is great.

                      Then closing time came (3am) and she told me and my friends to stay and she'll give me a birthday present. She took me back to the VIP and that's that. Great fucking night was fucking great. Couldn't have asked for more.


                      • Went to the gym again for the first time in a long time with some friends. I need to lose the last 15- - 20 (need to get myself to 155 or somewhere near that) or so pounds of fat before I get myself the wardrobe of my dreams. Also, I just sold a huge chunk of my toy collection. It didn't really sell for much. I feel ambivalent about doing it, but I told myself I'm breaking out of my frigging shell of geeky loneliness so there!
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 07-05-2010, 11:05 AM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                          So...I just got back from the strip club. And by fucking god that was AMAZING!

                          I spent so much money though. But it was all worth it. I got VIP and I got a free lap dance from the girl I liked there. It all seems so cheesy but when I first walked in they were playing Stinkfist and then they played Prison Sex from Tool. I of course had my new Tool shirt on and I sat down with my friends that were there with me and the girl (her name is Vinessa) and she told me she liked my shirt and why she hasn't seen me in there at all because my friends are always there. I told her it was my birthday and she told the announcer and I got a free lap dance from all the girls there which fucking rocked. Vinessa asked me if I wanted to go VIP for a hour and I said yeah (obviously) and so yeah. We talked about music while she was doing her job. She seen Tool as well and she loves APC as much as I do which is great.

                          Then closing time came (3am) and she told me and my friends to stay and she'll give me a birthday present. She took me back to the VIP and that's that. Great fucking night was fucking great. Couldn't have asked for more.
                          NICE 5 STARS........what is the age requiremet is it like 20????
                          "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


                          • It's 18 in the UK, I think. Oddly enough the only time I went in a strip club was when I was underage (oh my sordid youth).


                            • I wanna go to one near my humble dumble neck of the woods but Im not old enough...I'm 14.
                              "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


                              • Depends on what kind of club you're wanting to go to.

                                I'm going back tonight with a few friends. I dont plan to spend as much money as I did. Got a text from Vinessa asking if I wanted to come hang out with her tonight after work so thats obviously a sign of something good.
                                Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 07-05-2010, 02:37 PM.

