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Single, taken, or in a relationship?

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  • #76
    I really don't know. Id say taken but that "relationship" is as complicated as.. as... I don't know, sometimes I'm like... "f*ck it, I'll date someone else" and other times "god damn it! I miss her".... and she's the same. It's frustrating at times.


    • #77
      Well I took the girl I like out on a date last week. Everything was great, we had tons of fun... but then tonight I asked her if she liked me back or if we should just stay friends and she said: "Honestly, I think were better off as friends. I like you, but not like that. I think were on different levels right now and want different things, I'm sorry "

      So yeah, I'm pretty much torn/heartbroken right now because not only did she say she didn't like me like that but she mislead me by saying yes to the date in the first place. On the plus side were still friends.


      • #78
        sorry to hear that medic

        not meaning to brag but my date went pretty damn well tonight, she was more excited to meet Trent Reznor than I was
        we just got back from the casino cause we went there eat after the show
        we're going out next weekend


        • #79
          Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
          Well I took the girl I like out on a date last week. Everything was great, we had tons of fun... but then tonight I asked her if she liked me back or if we should just stay friends and she said: "Honestly, I think were better off as friends. I like you, but not like that. I think were on different levels right now and want different things, I'm sorry "

          So yeah, I'm pretty much torn/heartbroken right now because not only did she say she didn't like me like that but she mislead me by saying yes to the date in the first place. On the plus side were still friends.
          I feel really really sorry for you. Because that's exactly what my ex GF did to me.

          It hurt so bad. Plus the fact she didn't bother to tell me for about a month too.

          I'm sorry this has had to happen to you Taylor.

          I had a pretty heartbreaking day today too. though not as bad as yours. I asked out a girl in my class who i totally admire and am crazy about, only for her to say no, and i was so sure she would say yes.

          Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          sorry to hear that medic

          not meaning to brag but my date went pretty damn well tonight, she was more excited to meet Trent Reznor than I was
          we just got back from the casino cause we went there eat after the show
          we're going out next weekend
          Well at least someone had a good day, good for you. What's it like meeting your idol? If i ever meet George Lucas i don't know what id do.


          • #80
            hes awesome, its the second time ive meet him (first time in 2006 on the 2006 winter [With_Teeth] tour)
            hes really nice and so is the rest of the crew i talked to Trent for 45 minutes, though i feel bad cause i pretty much blew off my date when i was talking to Trent lol oh well.


            • #81
              Seeing a married woman. What does that count as? She's convinced her family I'm a far off cousin of her's. Problem is her and her family is hardcore Sicilians. (Dark hair and olive-colored skin) and I'm all Irish (Red hair and light skin). So I stick out around the family. Plus her family has those strong Sicilian ties. Like Godfather ties. Everyone warns me that instead of sleeping with the wife of the family, I'm going to end up sleeping with the fishes.
              Last edited by The John Doe; 05-28-2009, 07:33 AM.


              • #82
                are you married to the chick? or is she cheating on her husband with you?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by The John Doe View Post
                  Seeing a married woman. What does that count as? She's convinced her family I'm a far off cousin of her's. Problem is her and her family is hardcore Sicilians. (Dark hair and olive-colored skin) and I'm all Irish (Red hair and light skin). So I stick out around the family. Plus her family has those strong Sicilian ties. Like Godfather ties. Everyone warns me that instead of sleeping with the wife of the family, I'm going to end up sleeping with the fishes.
                  Well, when they find your body, at least they will have got the right name by calling you a John Doe.


                  • #84
                    No. I'm not married. The woman I am seeing is married though. Her husban is some kinda highup at a Nissian car plant (They haven't been hit like GMC and Chryslar). He refers to it as "The Family Buisness", and he doesn't like to talk about it. (As I mentioned earlier: It's one of those Godfather stereotype families..And I'm not trying to be racist.)

                    And thank you Miss Valentine. Keep an eye on the news for me. ;)

                    One of "The Family" members once asked me what I did for a living.
                    I told him that I'm famous in Hospitals.
                    He, of course said "Bull Sh*t".
                    So I handed him the city phone book and stated that every single Hospital he called would inform him that they have heard of me....


                    • #85
                      as this is the subject of relationships has anyone had that annoying ex in their lives that will NOT leave you alone and still texts you and adds you too shitty facebook style things? because my recent ex is really starting too piss me off its bad enough doing drugs behind my back and not admitting it but sticking her tongue down a guys throat the day after we broke up and posting th pic up on her myspace was the worst thing ya coudl do too anyone and if its not that months ago she was texting me saying she was missing me i give a damn any more i'm worth more than that she's pathetic..
                      Last edited by DXP; 05-29-2009, 02:16 AM.


                      • #86
                        Taken...we have been best friends since 2007, she was like my "big sister", but 1 month ago something happened and we ended finding ourselves in love, I have to admit that at the very beginning everything was so strange.
                        because she is 3 years older than me, graduated and with a good job... while i see myself like a 20 aged child who is still studying and without a real job... I felt like I was inferior to her, and sometimes i still think so... but everytime she looks in my eyes saying me "I LOVE U", well...i'm so happy, really.

                        Most important thing, she loves RE too LOL it's good to have a girl with my same hobbies
                        The only bad thing is that now she works/lives 300miles far from me and we can stay together only 2 days every week, during weekends... but after this summer i should move in Rome (where she lives) joining the laurea degree course over the Italian Air Force, i just hope to pass the exam

                        we'll see...


                        • #87
                          Well im still waiting for that sepical person to come into my life when im going home and I see a cupple I get this felling like im the only person in the world who does not have that some one but I now the day will come some day it's just a matter of when and how.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                            Well im still waiting for that sepical person to come into my life when im going home and I see a cupple I get this felling like im the only person in the world who does not have that some one but I now the day will come some day it's just a matter of when and how.
                            I know, I'm envious of couples when I see them. I at least have the hope that they're happy.


                            • #89
                              ^Yea everyone feels like their the only person alone sometimes, but I also like to see happy couples...makes me remember that there is still beauty in this world lol.
                              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                              • #90
                                [QUOTE=ChrisRedfield29;106958]Damn, that sucks. What a jerk. I <3 you Katy. Isn't that enough?

                                Yes thats enough *hug*

