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Predictions for RE 6

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  • #46
    Originally posted by J_Man757 View Post
    Carlos dosent get any ladies, he is that annoying frat guy who lies about getting the ladies cause secretly he is gay lol.
    Haha, that is funny stuff because it is probably true about him .

    My favourite all time partnership is either Jill/Chris or Chris/Claire.


    • #47
      I liked Chris and Claire better, even though Jills RE1 story isnt cannon her and chris seem like morons-shakes head- when you release chris from the prison he just sits there when the place is about to blow up.. and his worst one liner"Hey I gotta have my moment to" when he says it to Jill when him and Barry give her time to get to the elavator.

      Also how she never question Barry when he is obviously up to something.

      "Barry, wheres Barry?"


      • #48
        I think that regardless what direction 6 will take, it will not completely abandon all that came before it and that includes the former leads characters. It will be like 5 in that the main character will still be someone who we recognise in order to get the long time fans through the door and interested.


        • #49
          Originally posted by J_Man757 View Post
          I liked Chris and Claire better, even though Jills RE1 story isnt cannon her and chris seem like morons-shakes head- when you release chris from the prison he just sits there when the place is about to blow up.. and his worst one liner"Hey I gotta have my moment to" when he says it to Jill when him and Barry give her time to get to the elavator.

          Also how she never question Barry when he is obviously up to something.

          "Barry, wheres Barry?"
          Well the dialogue was just plain bad in the first game. The REmake fixed some of it, but I think they left alot of it in because thats what made the game what it was. I don't really consider Jill and Chris to be partners in the first game, they barely ever have contact once inside the mansion. I DID however enjoy the Umbrella's End scenario with Jill/Chris teamed up. Even though that wasnt the best game, that situation really showed that they were taking the fight to Umbrella and making progress. Could of had a better BoW then TALOS though.


          • #50
            A crow is a better B.O.W. than T.A.L.O.S., though I agree that the Umbrella's End scenario did a decent job of building up the partnership between Jill and Chris.

            It's been said but 6 only has two options as far as I'm concerned:

            1. Chris and Leon finally hold hands and double-clothesline Lickers and Hunters (the enemy list is a stretch, but really, Leon and Chris need to team up)


            2. A character that hasn't been the focus of a major game can be the lead. Barry, Billy, Carlos... or, my fav., Hunk. Sure Billy and Carlos are bland and/or lame, but that's why they could use some character development that makes them likeable and important characters. Barry's really old, though, and Billy probably got killed in Raccoon Forest or simply never dedicated to the "struggle" since he had to remain on the run and try to rebuild his life. So, I'm pulling for Carlos or Hunk.

            Of course, my secret fantasy would also include Bimmy and Jimmy teaming up.
            Last edited by CubedSphere; 02-24-2009, 05:30 AM.


            • #51
              "With less than a month to go before Resident Evil 5 hits, 1Up is digging into the game to unearth a lot of new information including an interesting interview with the game's producer.

              If this short intro to the week-long package can be believed, it sounds like Jun Takeuchi has finally come to the same realization that a lot of gamers have, it's time for the basic framework and mechanics of Resident Evil to get an overhaul.

              In what is destined to be the first genuinely epic game of 2009, Resident Evil 5 is practically guaranteed to be the last of its kind, with the game's producer, Jun Takeuchi, assuring us that a reboot is in order for the inevitable Resident Evil 6. That's not to suggest that there's anything wrong with the evil at hand. Quite the opposite; it's awesome fun, and we've beaten the game from beginning to end, and have a week's worth of detailed, insider info for you to enjoy.

              While the new footage, preview and "secrets" all sound interesting, what I'm waiting for is the full Takeuchi interview set to hit the site on Wednesday.

              Come on Takeuchi, no more zombie pinata."

              link to page, just a warning, it has a kind of spoiler image we kind of have already seen in the trailer, so click on it if you don't want to see the image, the entire article/post is already above...

              ...reboot...what kind of reboot???
              Last edited by unemployed; 02-24-2009, 10:58 AM. Reason: ? adding my ptless comment, ahhh, wrong link! just killing time @ work n multi tasking so it gets confusing...


              • #52
                Leon and Chris partnership would be great, like Spiderman and Hulk together you know LOL


                • #53
                  Yes to the Leon/Chris partnership with the condition that they will team up at the end of the game to fight a big monster or something.


                  • #54
                    I'd like to see a Barry scenario. He doesn't necessarily have to be a BSAA member. Here is a little scenario (that needs padding out). Wesker leaves a canister of T-virus knocking around Barry's new hometown, Barry returns from a fishing trip to find the town over run with zombies and must battle his way in to save his family. Classic RE style.

                    I'd like to see Claire return but again it'll make Chris jump straight back in. That and they kind of retired her in Degeneration.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                      I'd like to see a Barry scenario. He doesn't necessarily have to be a BSAA member. Here is a little scenario (that needs padding out). Wesker leaves a canister of T-virus knocking around Barry's new hometown, Barry returns from a fishing trip to find the town over run with zombies and must battle his way in to save his family. Classic RE style.

                      I'd like to see Claire return but again it'll make Chris jump straight back in. That and they kind of retired her in Degeneration.
                      I would like to see Barry take control even in lets say a sea side New England type town where there is touches of new and old world in it, I honestly think that if Barry was to lead make Rebecca the backup.

                      Have Barry be the older Stronger character, and Rebecca the faster and younger teammate, flush them both out alot and make Rebecca to seem like someone who can hold her own,I mean she was the only member of S.T.A.R.S to wear a bullet proof vest after all lol, so she is smart, least I think.
                      Last edited by J_Man757; 02-24-2009, 01:15 PM.


                      • #56
                        I still want REmake2 before RE6. Production time on RE6 will probably be a very long time. How long do you think it would take to create REmake2 on the REmake engine, for the Wii?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          I still want REmake2 before RE6. Production time on RE6 will probably be a very long time. How long do you think it would take to create REmake2 on the REmake engine, for the Wii?
                          That is, of course, if they choose to create the RE2 remake on the REmake engine, which I hope to God they would!


                          • #58
                            i for one hope billys in re6


                            • #59
                              I don't know who I would like to see back for RE6. I don't mind a nice mix of new and old characters. Though it depends on what they decide to do with the story after RE5 is said and done. Wouldn't mind seeing Rebecca, Sherry or Barry in some form (main or minor).


                              • #60
                                Reboot FTW. Personally, I'd love to see the story completely rewritten from scrtach to acomodate new gameplay elements (like fast, running zombies to fit with run-and-gun and such), but with a similar scenario and chain of events (and with COMPLETELY new characters).

                                But that's only because the series has become much like Sonic the Hedgehog's : Too many characters, not enough stuff to do with them. Not to mention some are completely stupid and would take too much of a game to dispose of.

