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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Discussion

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  • Originally posted by Yzak View Post
    I loved Steve's voice because of what's been said about it matching his personality some.

    Though about the love thing. I know most people find it cheesy because of the "short time together" thing, but I think it actually makes a lot of sense for a character like Steve. Look at his backstory. He lost both of his parents (had to kill one of them himself), was in a pretty shit situation after he was taken to the island. His overall view on people was he didn't LIKE them. Any of them. Claire reached out to him and as someone who apparently hadn't experienced much kindness, his quick attachment to her when she gave him something he hadn't had makes sense. Because when you get something like kindness when you don't have much of it, I can imagine wanting more after you realize how nice it feels.
    Precisely, my dear! Precisely! Good day to you! *pours you some tea* :3

    Steve analyzing ftw.


    • Am I the only wanna who thinks Claire looks terrible in this game?
      She's my favourite character, but, she's definately weird

      I don't really bother about her face, but her outfit sucks now.
      She was fine in RE2, but as we can see in these pics, they changed her shorts colour, her boots,her gloves, she now has a weird bag...she looks like a cowgirl now

      In "pic 1" and "pic 2" is noticeable that Claire is terrible near Ada
      Her clothes sucks and she looks like a hippie

      I miss her old outfit


      • she is sexy in this 'new' outfit


        • Really? I think she looks fine.


          • Originally posted by Yzak View Post
            Though about the love thing. I know most people find it cheesy because of the "short time together" thing (...)
            I find it funny that so many people have a problem with Steve loving Claire, yet every one accept Ada-Leon thing.

            Claire and Steve at least spent a lot of time together (what was shown in game + the whole fly to the Antarctic). Also, it was shown through various cut-scenes that Steve feels something for Claire: during the first part of the game he was constantly showing off to impress her, later he tried to kiss her when she was sleeping, he gazed at her ass; he wanted to be her "knight in the shining armor" all the time.

            Ada, on the other hand, spent with Leon what?, an hour at most? And she was ignoring him for the most part of the game ("Ada wait!"), and yet when she was dying no one question her feelings, her words ("I'm...just a woman who fell in love with you.") toward Leon.

            If anything I think that the whole love theme was done so much better in CV than in RE2; in CV those feelings were developing through the entire game, in RE2 they just pop out in the final scene and that's it.
            Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 04-25-2009, 10:30 AM.


            • Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
              I find it funny that so many people have a problem with Steve loving Claire, yet every one accept Ada-Leon thing.
              Honestly, I think it's the other way around.

              In my experience, more people have a problem with the Ada/Leon romance than the Steve/Claire romance, and I think it may be because it's still there in RE4, whereas the Steve/Claire romance was just a one-off thing, and we haven't even seen or heard from Steve since CV. For all we know, he's still dead. Anyway, I think part of people's issue with the Steve/Claire thing isn't just the fact that they only knew each other for a few hours, but how it was handled overall. I mean, his whole death scene was laughable.

              Maybe I'm just supposed to accept it as a "chick thing," but I had a really hard time buying Claire completely breaking down and weeping over Steve's death. I guess it's because I'm a guy, but breaking down and crying over someone dying who you've only known for a few hours is a bit of a stretch, particularly for a character like Claire who is portrayed as a very strong woman (not to mention the fact that she couldn't even stand him for most of the game). I could understand her being sad, but completely breaking down? Eh...

              And for the record, I've never been a fan of the Leon/Ada romance either.
              Last edited by Archelon; 04-25-2009, 10:49 AM.


              • Want to know what's a weird transition when Leon gets shot and takes the bullet for her then Ada says "Leon that woman was... I have to talk to her" HELLOOOOOOO HE GOT SHOT HE IS IN SHOCK AND ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS PLAY TAG WITH ANNETTE


                • Originally posted by Tyrant T-002 View Post
                  Am I the only wanna who thinks Claire looks terrible in this game?
                  She's my favourite character, but, she's definately weird

                  I don't really bother about her face, but her outfit sucks now.
                  She was fine in RE2, but as we can see in these pics, they changed her shorts colour, her boots,her gloves, she now has a weird bag...she looks like a cowgirl now

                  In "pic 1" and "pic 2" is noticeable that Claire is terrible near Ada
                  Her clothes sucks and she looks like a hippie

                  I miss her old outfit
                  I don't appreciate that they slutted-up Claire by making her vest show off her stomach and giving her booty shorts, and I wish they would've at least kept the top portion of her shorts pink (for God's sake, why would she be wearing jean cut-offs when it doesn't match ANYTHING she's wearing?!), but I don't particularly mind the cowboy boots. The outfit is a little... strange, but it's not terrible. I sort of wish they had updated Sherry's outfit, though. It looks incredibly outdated for 2009.

                  Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                  Maybe I'm just supposed to accept it as a "chick thing," but I had a really hard time buying Claire completely breaking down and weeping over Steve's death. I guess it's because I'm a guy, but breaking down and crying over someone dying who you've only known for a few hours is a bit of a stretch, particularly for a character like Claire who is portrayed as a very strong woman (not to mention the fact that she couldn't even stand him for most of the game). I could understand her being sad, but completely breaking down? Eh...
                  The first time I played CVX, I cried during Steve's death. Lawl. Granted, I was really young at the time, but even now, it stirs something emotional in me, but I'm not sure it's a "chick thing." I'm not an emotional person, and I don't watch click flicks as I cry with my best friends and chocolate. I feel like Steve's death scene is really quite well done and wonderfully acted by the VAs.

                  But... as far as Claire mourning Steve, I don't find it all that ridiculous. If you think about it, it's logical she would be so emotional about a situation like that. I agree that Claire is a strong character, but that doesn't mean she can't get incredibly emotional over a tragic situation. With all that Claire had been through at that point--both Rockfort and Raccoon City--she never dealt with losing someone during the crisis. Yes, she witnessed a billion people dying around her, some she had contact with, but she didn't have a bond with any of them.

                  Sherry survived Raccoon City with her, as did Leon. I'd imagine that if either of those two had died during Raccoon City, she would've cried as well. Maybe I'm analyzing it too much, but I honestly think that after spending at least a couple of days with someone and then suddenly watching them die (specifically due to the horrific situation you are in), you'd be absolutely heartbroken. Especially considering Steve's youth, his dependent personality and his shitty life. I think that while Claire was easily aggravated by Steve, she understood why he acted the way he did and therefore felt a lot of compassion for him. Not to mention that her breaking down the way she did was probably a result of EVERYTHING happening around her, maybe even several months worth of anguish while searching for Chris and dealing with Umbrella's mess.


                  • I think her new costume's "ok". All the really did was change her short shorts to regular blue denim and added a indian style side bag lol. I guess they just have to always make little changes, just like they took away Leon's white sneakers.
                    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                    Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                    • nah there just copying Rebecca's cowgirl outfit cos there lazy
                      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                      • I wish they made a normal remake of RE2 for x360/ps3 and not some lasergun-game. I hope they still make a normal remake of RE2 some day, although this kinda is like a remake.
                        Last edited by Mesker; 04-28-2009, 10:10 AM.


                        • The T-103 looks hardcore. Very good design, and I love the face.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • yeah he is awesome


                            • I probably won't get this game, because i found i had a better time watching Dot's play through video of Umbrella Chronicles than actually playing it myself. I felt the game play was really sluggish and tedious, and since this is just the same engine that aint gonna change. I'm interested to see how they're gonna be combining both plot lines into one story, but that's about it, and to do that i don't need to buy the game.


                              • About this new video:

                                - Graphics seem to be really better
                                - Claire's voice is awesome
                                - Blood
                                - I want her pink shorts back xD
                                - I really hope characters move slowly, cause in REUC they ran all the time
                                - I don't care about the old looks, cause they are in 1998, even though the game is new
                                - Are Leon and Claire alone sometimes?

                                Is it true that this game will have a online mode?
                                Last edited by Guest; 04-28-2009, 11:11 AM.

