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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Discussion

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
    Nothing, but she's part of my theory about Darkside Chronicles. Read my original post in this thread.
    Ahh, I see what you mean.

    But IMO I think Darkside Chronicles will mostly be a Leon and Claire tribute....basically paying respect for them being the only ones absent from UC. But I think since Leon has Ada recurring in his scenarios it's only right that they include Sherry again, maybe the new scenario will reunite the 4 of them (with a much older Sherry).
    Last edited by CODE_umb87; 04-03-2009, 08:17 PM.


    • #17
      I feel that the darkside chronicles news is kind of bittersweet.

      On one hand I really enjoyed the Umbrella Chronicles and thought it was a fun game. The only thing I was kind of disappointed about in UC was that RE2 was not included. So I'm obviously very excited to play a rail style shooter in old familiar RPD police station, sewers and umbrella facility, etc...

      On the other hand though... I am worried that this is essentially a cop out when it comes to remaking RE2 proper how they did for RE1. I have been hoping for years that they would remake RE2 exactly how they did like REmake. My hopes are now crushed.

      So I'm half excited and half disappointed.


      • #18
        Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
        But IMO I think Darkside Chronicles will mostly be a Leon and Claire tribute....basically paying respect for them being the only ones absent from UC.
        I don't think it has anything to do with respect. Those scenarios were purposely left out of UC for sequel purposes. I think UC and Darkside Chronicles are mostly just meant for the newer fans that came in with RE4 and RE5 that don't wanna hunt down the old games or aren't into the slow pace of the old style. New fans might be turned off by how RE2 & CV have aged compared to rebirth, 0, 4, 5... So rather than have to remake them and invest more time and money into the past of the series, and run the risk of turning off the newer fans to the future of the series this is the easiest option for Capcom.

        In terms of respect this is probably the biggest disrespect they could do to the old fans, not necessarily that it's on the Wii but that they act like fans wanting an RE2 remake would be happy with a crippled version on rails.

        Then again I can understand why they don't want to remake RE2 fully since it's setting has been in 4 games now and there's probably a good chance in them revisiting the original concept for the Outbreak series. Kawata saying it could take up to 8 years for RE6 to be released can only mean something else is in the pipeline. Dark Side Chronicles is slated for the end of this year so that isnt it. With the recent success of Left 4 Dead and with the experience Capcom got with co-op in RE5 it would make sense. The concept for the Outbreak series was very ambitious, just didnt work on last gen consoles. Could be a real masterpiece if done right though.

        Sorry to veer off into Outbreak but I think that might be part of the reasoning for Dark Side Chronicles in place of a proper RE2/CVX remake
        Last edited by fffour; 04-03-2009, 11:30 PM.


        • #19


          • #20
            im very much looking forward to it


            • #21
              I'm both excited and worried for Darkside Chronicles. There’s a lot I worry about, but there’s also potential for a very fulfilling game. I really do not want to see a Resident Evil 4 scenario unless it fills us in on something having to do with Ada. I agree with what a lot of people are saying here--DSC is a tribute to the Claire & Leon storyline--but I think it’s far more important for Capcom to take this opportunity to answer questions about Ada and Sherry and “The Organization.”

              I am, however, a little peeved that we are once again seeing recycled material. While I understand this is easier for Capcom, it seems like their unwillingness to go beyond what they already have leftover from Outbreak is going to hurt their ability to tell a decent story. Oh, Capcom, why must you be so lazy? (But, you know, their constant recycling of Outbreak really makes me realize, once again, just how much work was actually put into the Outbreak games.)

              One thing worth nothing, though... DSC already has one above Umbrella Chronicles: Voice-acting. We have Alyson Court back, who is undeniably talented, and even Paul Mercier is at least familiar to us. I’m not really sure how I completely feel about Paul, but I do think he can at least act, and any faults in line-delivery are mostly due to the material he’s given. He has the unfortunate task of voicing Leon, whose personality doesn’t exactly leave opportunity for outstanding emotion. I just hope that if Ada ends up appearing in the game that they will use Sally Cahill again. I am, admittedly, quite fond of her, and I was disappointed when she did not return for Umbrella Chronicles.


              • #22
                Well, it can really only get better from Umbrella Chronicles. That game was atrocious...
                That said, I really don't have high hopes for it.
                When more footage or information comes out hopefully I'll see something to pique my interest.


                • #23
                  I'm really excited to see Birkin again, I wonder if he'll resemble zero Birkin. Kind of sad that they already used up hunks scenario in UC
                  "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                  Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                  • #24
                    I know I've said this before, but I really don't think UC and DSC are meant for new fans or people who never got into the series. The way the stories are put together as well as many of the story holes being filled by files and the extra side-chapters make it come off more as something for people who are familiar with the series already. And personally, I think it'd suck big ones if people were too "bawww" to want to play the games because the game schematics are different, who've only come into the series "late" and played UC because they were too lazy to play the games proper. Especially when realistically, the games are not hard to get a hold of. RE1 still has the DS port which is amazing, and the REmake. RE2 and 3 have GC ports which I see for sale in places still. CV is on the PS2 and I see that in stores too. So really I see no big hunt to get one's hands on the old games.

                    That said, fans are split on what UC was, depending. It's a side-game that wasn't intended to be breathtaking or shiny new, especially since they were still working on the breathtaking shiny new RE5 back then. I liked it because I wasn't expecting a huge amazing title, and I dunno what else people expected when they saw it, with the possibility of just "not on rails." But if it wasn't on rails, then the argument would be "too short" or "omg the story butchering!" so. Cause the on rails thing I can level with people on, but everything else is like :? to me, considering UC was never a mainstream huge RE title.

                    But so far DSC looks amazing, and it looks like it's going to take a step up from what UC was and I think I'm going to enjoy it very much. Especially since I love Code Veronica so much.


                    • #25
                      i think Darkside Chronicles final chapter will probably have something to do with Sherry.

                      i mean capcom made RE4 and killed Umbrella off in it, then all the fans were angry so they quickly made RE UC and showed Umbrella's demise.

                      then with RE5 many people were specualting that Sherry would be in it, but she didn't even get mention, then they quickly come out with RE DC, which is possibly something to finally satisfy all the people who want to know about Sherry.


                      • #26
                        My interest in this game is the same as Umbrella Chronicles, yea I want to know more about the game because it is an RE game but at the same time don't expect much. I hope this game has online co-op.


                        • #27
                          Needs Nicholai.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #28

                            O HAI.


                            • #29
                              The RE2 part has me excited ...
                              but I really hope Steve is in it... mmmm grl.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by misstvirus View Post
                                The RE2 part has me excited ...
                                but I really hope Steve is in it... mmmm grl.
                                Lol. Just got a really scary flashback to the marathon.

                                Originally posted by TheMedic
                                I'm really hoping they will at least put a mini game in there about what really happened to Rebecca after she got out of the mansion. She's the only character they didn't cover after the mansion incident. At least they showed Barry in the helicopter in RE3 right?

                                If everyone completely forgets about Rebecca I will be pretty pissed off as well as alot of RE fans.
                                Sorry to say, but Rebecca was forgotten about a long time ago. Last we saw of her, she was that innocent little 18 year old medic from Bravo Team. That's all she is right now, considering she hasn't been seen in over ten years of the Resident Evil storyline.

