Then we got problems like ok im playing a straight 2 hour playthrough correct no saves no nada Im like in the last 15 mins of the game so and im playing the nightmare diffcutly and full health so I go into the labatory room where the weapon box is at, then IT TAKES ME A WHOLE CLIP OF CROSSBOW ROUNDS TO KILL ONE ZOMBIE I anticipated it but the thought of wasting an entire clip blows my mind, anyway I have a grenade launcher equip im safe right? WRONG? I try to get in between these 2 zombies ONE BITES me and im like ok im good THE OTHER ONE BITES ME IMMDEATILY AND IM LIKE INVENTORY INVENTORY WEED I MEAN HERBS AND OMG ANOTHER DAMN ZOMBIE BITES ME AND I DIE giving me no damn air to breath wasting 2 hours of my life AGAIN re2 great game by the way but damn when it makes me repeatdly die and die and do the same thing over again I just want to get in to the game grab a bat and pull a shaun of the dead on all these people. Thanks for letting me rant on here guys good fourum by the way

Then we got problems like ok im playing a straight 2 hour playthrough correct no saves no nada Im like in the last 15 mins of the game so and im playing the nightmare diffcutly and full health so I go into the labatory room where the weapon box is at, then IT TAKES ME A WHOLE CLIP OF CROSSBOW ROUNDS TO KILL ONE ZOMBIE I anticipated it but the thought of wasting an entire clip blows my mind, anyway I have a grenade launcher equip im safe right? WRONG? I try to get in between these 2 zombies ONE BITES me and im like ok im good THE OTHER ONE BITES ME IMMDEATILY AND IM LIKE INVENTORY INVENTORY WEED I MEAN HERBS AND OMG ANOTHER DAMN ZOMBIE BITES ME AND I DIE giving me no damn air to breath wasting 2 hours of my life AGAIN re2 great game by the way but damn when it makes me repeatdly die and die and do the same thing over again I just want to get in to the game grab a bat and pull a shaun of the dead on all these people. Thanks for letting me rant on here guys good fourum by the way
