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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Goddamm dudes, im going to need an encryptor to know what some of you are you saying, really.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Compu.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	103.9 KB
ID:	404721
    ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


    • New on Saturday Morning Cartoons - Jesus Trollmero and Friends presents: Indecipherable Trolling!


      • Originally posted by Northman View Post
        Oh, hi B.Zork. Nice to see you. You and the rest of IGAS are still making progress, right?

        Right? Please don't be dead. ;-;
        Well, the Battle Colosseum preview is supposed to be released in the somewhat near future, so there's that and whatever else they've intentionally withheld as alluded to previously.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
          Trollmero 2.0?


          • Originally posted by P.I.M.P. View Post
            No need for apology.

            For those unaware, there is no translation required for PIMP's previous post. He/she was simply stating that they're currently in the middle of their religious practice, Ramadan, and was hoping to be further blessed with news of 1.5.

            I'm all for the funnies about broken translations, guys, but c'mon now.
            I'm a blackstar.


            • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
              guess this is scenario that not occure if people did not have this will for premature leak. game fatigue
              i dont think that after being cancelled for over a decade, a leak can still count as premature


              • Also releasing the vanilla build, can that even be considered a leak? I mean new beta's get released all the time online and on ASSEMbler, but those are never considered a leak. The MZD build was leaked, but I didn't dive into it as much as I did with the vanilla build.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  Also releasing the vanilla build, can that even be considered a leak? I mean new beta's get released all the time online and on ASSEMbler, but those are never considered a leak. The MZD build was leaked, but I didn't dive into it as much as I did with the vanilla build.
                  It was premature that we got to play the game before they released anything. If it is a leak, It was a preemptive one they were forced to do to keep some prick from profiting off something they sunk their time and money into.


                  • I hope it doe's get completed one day and that we get a demo sometime this year One thing I dislike about projects like this is there
                    is always the possibility that the project could just vanish and stop Like so many other fan projects I have become interested in ,
                    I'm not saying it will happen it's just a possibility like I said , some projects fall apart because the team has disagreements , some
                    fall apart because of C&D (Chrono Resurrection,Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes) , Some stop because of personal life and jobs like
                    Card Saga Wars , But I try to remain positive and leave the forum for a few months and then come back for a quick check to see if there
                    is any important updates. I Don't expect the project to be finished as soon as I snap my fingers lol , But would be nice to hear what
                    They are currently doing.

                    As usual I wish them all the best and hope it's all going smoothly for them all.


                    • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                      I hope it doe's get completed one day and that we get a demo sometime this year One thing I dislike about projects like this is there
                      is always the possibility that the project could just vanish and stop Like so many other fan projects I have become interested in ,
                      I'm not saying it will happen it's just a possibility like I said , some projects fall apart because the team has disagreements , some
                      fall apart because of C&D (Chrono Resurrection,Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes) , Some stop because of personal life and jobs like
                      Card Saga Wars , But I try to remain positive and leave the forum for a few months and then come back for a quick check to see if there
                      is any important updates. I Don't expect the project to be finished as soon as I snap my fingers lol , But would be nice to hear what
                      They are currently doing.

                      As usual I wish them all the best and hope it's all going smoothly for them all.
                      I personally dont remember any fan project related to Resident Evil being finished. If IGAS/Gemini realeses this it will be the first i think.

                      I stil have the sadness of Dark Biohazard being cancelled looked so promising...
                      Last edited by Unmasked; 07-01-2015, 03:24 PM.
                      ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                      • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
                        I personally dont remember any fan project related to Resident Evil being finished. If IGAS/Gemini realeses this it will be the first i think.

                        I stil have the sadness of Dark Biohazard being cancelled looked so promising...
                        There have been minor modifications to RE games in the past, zorlon did a mod for ps1 that replaced uncut videos - but did it sloppily.

                        I did a similar thing that restored the videos the right way, I also had a second disc the had some bonus modes and videos, easter eggs. I took the existing engine and reworked it to create new content in ways no one thought of before.

                        oh and did I mention I released my mod on the day of the 15th anniversary of the game? You can find it in the modding section of this very forum.

                        I also released tools and info to allow anyone to create their own mods - but sadly they haven't been used much. I was hoping igas would eventually release some tools and info so the community could benefit from their experience and hard work. I was really hoping this could be more of a community project.

                        I actually offered my help for this project, but they didn't want me. I wonder how many of the 12 man team is actually doing anything now?

                        Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                        guess this is scenario that not occure if people did not have this will for premature leak. game fatigue
                        If something didn't leak the community would have torn itself apart by now.

                        We need a demo - 1000 pages FTW

                        -The More You Know


                        • The circumstances behind the release are unfortunate but I'm happy that we still got to experience it nonetheless. I still boot it up and play it from time to time, and I enjoy the mods that people develop for it as well.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Guys guys! New IGAS footage here!

                            Last edited by VirusPunk; 07-06-2015, 05:46 AM.


                            • Ha ha


                              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                                The circumstances behind the release are unfortunate but I'm happy that we still got to experience it nonetheless.

                                why do people keep saying stuff like this? rmandel bought it and spread it around until it got posted publicly. some people actually enjoy sharing, and its not a bad thing! there should be thanks and praise, not dismal bleak view on it!!!

