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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • 49 days until Christmas arrive and still counting !
    Edit: Kegluneq since you're replaying BH3 at the moment, do know how to get that scene where carlos shoots his fellow mercenary to death ?
    Last edited by Guest; 11-05-2012, 06:08 AM.


    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      My gawd. I'm looking at your gif avatar and this fits so well.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
        Hell ya, i was wrong about the CALICO... about the H&K VP70 and the Glock 17 were just speculations... about 3 years i was wandering about (NOT THE TRACK FROM RE2), about the Handungs from 1.5 and ones who have the animation... now i know that the 3 handguns have different Animations...

        H&K VP70 Burst - Beretta M93R Capable to shot 3 rounds simultaneosly.
        H&K VP70 - SIG. P228 A Reliable gun that have a stabilized handling.
        Beretta M92FS (RE2 E.Battle) - Glock 18 A gun with a nice speed fire and stability
        Colt Phyton - Glock 18 (Because even if it looks like a old gun, only the animation changes and the velocity of the speedfires are the same of the Handung of the PSM Video at the second basement)
        Browning HP - The Same

        Only 2 Guns that i changed from the list but just are speculations as I said.
        S.Redhawk - Desert Eagle .50A (Animation from the BIOHAZARD 2 Trial Version)

        The animation from the Desert Eagle to the one from the Original Game (BIOHAZARD 2 Leon A/Leon B) have a little difference on the speed fire, the first have a increased speed fire and the one released on 1998, the Leon/Claire story the Velocity of the Speedfire was decreased, so the animation of the S.Redhawk is the same as the Magnum of the Trial Disc. That's my theory... please comment any mistake or any point of view....

        I don't know why you would use the Colt Python animation for the Glock 18, it's like using the Remington M1110 animation for the SIG Sauer P228.


        • Re-posting publicly posted screengrabs of PMs: EVIL
          Sniffing around personal internet servers for revenge and posting a file list on the forums: OK

          (Yes I'm still pissed of, haha. Don't know if I forgot to apologise... so here it is: I'm sorry.)
          Hail the heros of the revolution!


          • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
            Re-posting publicly posted screengrabs of PMs: EVIL
            Sniffing around personal internet servers for revenge and posting a file list on the forums: OK
            Obviously we staff don't condone doing such a thing. People should try not to make anything worse than it already is.


            • Doe's the modding team have the Ability to add read me files ?

              Also I noticed that the music stops playing when you enter the character menu screen.

              Doe's the 40% build come with that scene where Sherry said she found a secret entrance or is that the 80% build ?

              and doe's anyone know if the 40% build comes with the character select screen ?


              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                doe's anyone know if the 40% build comes with the character select screen ?
                Yeah it does, remember the Goromacida/Curator's video? he chose Leon.


                • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                  Doe's the modding team have the Ability to add read me files ?

                  Also I noticed that the music stops playing when you enter the character menu screen.

                  Doe's the 40% build come with that scene where Sherry said she found a secret entrance or is that the 80% build ?

                  and doe's anyone know if the 40% build comes with the character select screen ?
                  I don't think anybody can answer your question surely about the text files. But with the extent of the hacking they have shown off, I'm sure they're already capable of it or will get there eventually.
                  As for the item menu, I noticed Elza was already equipped with handgun when the menu was opened. I think they recorded the menu in a room without background music and just spliced it with the hallway footage.
                  The character select screen and the scene with Sherry in the factory are both present in this build. No voice acting in this version though. You can see them in the PSM videos (only the partial last bit for the Sherry scene).
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • ah ok cool thanks for that


                    • Originally posted by Robert_Kendo View Post
                      so,after GmanWillis (Garret Brown) scammed me i deceided to put my finger in my ass.Damn i was to stupid,so how could i trust him..I got him on my aim/msn for years...He is the one who claimed to got 1.5 and i believed him..Now i lost an alpha build of 1 of my games but i dont really care..just a bit..Here is a pic of the game he got on his server..if real or not,i dont know!
                      People in our community may have seen such tricks for multiple times. Personally I don't think he really has RE1.5, and what he has is either RE2 trial or RE2 beta2.

                      By the way, I noticed something fishy. In 1990s the capacity of a CD is 640 MB, but look at the size of that ISO file, obviously larger than 640 MB. I wonder if the owner cares to explain what other 'irrelevant' files he packed into the ISO.
                      Last edited by w.dash; 11-05-2012, 11:20 AM.
                      ------People themselves call for camalities and blessings.


                      • i don't know if this has been asked before, but was there ever an official statement why the developers changed the german shepherds back to RE 1 style dobermans? think it's way more realistic for police men to have german shephers (albeit some use dobermans as weel, of course).


                        • Grumble grumble.
                          Last edited by Chris' Boob; 11-05-2012, 02:14 PM.


                          • Originally posted by w.dash View Post
                            People in our community may have seen such tricks for multiple times. Personally I don't think he really has RE1.5, and what he has is either RE2 trial or RE2 beta2.

                            By the way, I noticed something fishy. In 1990s the capacity of a CD is 640 MB, but look at the size of that ISO file, obviously larger than 640 MB. I wonder if the owner cares to explain what other 'irrelevant' files he packed into the ISO.
                            Yep. It's so fake it hurts... I feel sorry for Kendo. Next time don't trust people so easily, Robert_Kendo. Only perform negotiations once enough proof is provided.
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • Sorry to hear that you got scammed by him , kendo. To me at least, that gmanwillis is just another flamboyant idiot, who wants attention (stating the obvious i know, lol).


                              • Robert Kendo, can you please share more information what game you lost?
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

