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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Well, it's not really hard, considering everything they have done til' now.
    I mean, you only need to change the background of the saving typewritter, change the text saying "an old typewritter, I need Ink Ribbons" and change the Ink Ribbons icon to Memory Card Icons.

    I may be wrong...


    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      They're almost infinitely better than most others out there that are actually in the same "league" and thus actually fair/appropriate to compare them to.
      Claiming RE VA is consistent compared to games in the same league is a huge stretch, infinitely better? Not even close. The ony real constants were Claire and Ada and even Ada been replaced now. Every other character gets a new VA every or every other game pretty much.

      Compare that to, what? MGS series, Mass Effect, Uncharted?
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • Could someone explain this image to me? i know its a zombie and all , but it seems that he is sitting on a bench lol


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          I mean, you only need to change the background of the saving typewritter, change the text saying "an old typewritter, I need Ink Ribbons" and change the Ink Ribbons icon to Memory Card Icons.

          I may be wrong...
          You stand completely correct. The typewriter may simply be an easter egg hinting a reference at the old file system, like many hypothesized. As long as they can set save triggers and the proper phrase to indicate a save point, even a toilet could be used for storing the current progress.
          Last edited by Gemini; 11-07-2012, 01:32 PM.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by Morellus View Post

            Could someone explain this image to me? i know its a zombie and all , but it seems that he is sitting on a bench lol
            I don't see anything.


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              I don't see anything.
              u cant see anything at all? really?
              Ill try posting the link


              • It's a slumped over dead Police Officer, leaning on the wall, I believe this is leon's scenario, and he's saying "Everyone is either dead from the zombies or has become one of them"


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  It's a slumped over dead Police Officer, leaning on the wall, I believe this is leon's scenario, and he's saying "Everyone is either dead from the zombies or has become one of them"
                  Thanks... u rock man !


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                    It's a slumped over dead Police Officer, leaning on the wall, I believe this is leon's scenario, and he's saying "Everyone is either dead from the zombies or has become one of them"
                    It's interesting though that he's dead when Leon approaches him, but comes to life in Elza's scenario. Notice how he's sitting in different positions in the two scenarios, and the fact that Elza stuffs him with shotgun pellets. It would seem that Leon first encounters him before his transformation is complete.

                    Just for reference, the barely-legible subtitles say:
                    It seems to be the voice inside his head.


                    Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    even a toilet could be used for storing the current progress.
                    I like calling Mei Ling the best.


                    • Hunnigan is just a non sexy asian mei ling. Copy moar capcom.
                      Does anyone know which build morellus' shot is from?


                      • Should be the one Inflames took screenshots of.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • blargh....80%. To think it might be in the upcoming release is doubtful. Then again...think they've got event coding down pat?


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            blargh....80%. To think it might be in the upcoming release is doubtful.
                            It could be... we don't know whether that corridor is textured on the PSM build. Either way, it wouldn't be too difficult for the team to recreate that scene.


                            • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                              Claiming RE VA is consistent compared to games in the same league is a huge stretch, infinitely better? Not even close. The ony real constants were Claire and Ada and even Ada been replaced now. Every other character gets a new VA every or every other game pretty much.

                              Compare that to, what? MGS series, Mass Effect, Uncharted?
                              Excluding how Telltale Games managed to rope in the Monkey Island 3-4 cast for their Monkey Island 1-2 re-releases + Tales of Monkey Island, I can't really think of many franchises that have had over a decade worth of something even remotely sesembling attempts at consistency - without retconning shit left 'n' right and changing things out left 'n' right.

                              Just to take the 3 franchises you mentioned;

                              Mass Effect was severely affected by the unavailability of actors, resulting in rewrites and limitations in terms of DLC and cast between games..
                              Metal Gear Solid's like the only thing David Haytor, most of the other cast has been swapped around (although the JP cast has remained consistent, right?) - Consistency in Narrative? har har har.
                              Uncharted I'm not sure about, but Nolan North's onboard and Nolan North's availability is so terrifyingly amazingy that I sometimes wonder if he's actually just a vocaloid. Either way, there's 4 years between all 4 Uncharted games at the moment, with only 3 characters being reoccuring cast members with major roles in several installments, making it fairly easy to schedule these things as they are "big/major" jobs that always takes priority over other stuff (being on the "right side of the pond" probably made life easier for them too)

                              Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              Originally posted by Josh-san View Post
                              That was the Capcom of yesteryears. That is not the Capcom of today, an empty shell of it's former self. You are talking about the Capcom of Shinji Mikami, Keiji Inafune, Hideki Kamiya, Hiroshi Shibata and others. All of whom left Capcom because of what Capcom became. The Capcom of today has killed the MegaMan series, considering it unworthy of budgets it allocates for new and shitty IP such as Lost Planet and Dragon's Dogma, and the Capcom of today generates awful games such as Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, and also continues to support Paul Anderson in creating at least two more Resident Evil movies after Retribution, helping him rape the series to death. It's sickening how you blindly defend Capcom no matter what and invoke Capcom's imagined support of the Dreamcast as if it were the same company consisting of the same people as it was back then. It isn't, it's a wholly other beast. You are talking about and praising a Capcom that no longer exists.
                              Spot on. Same deal with Square-Enix fanboys. Some people can't seem to accept that these companies are an empty shell of their former glory. If they came into light this generation without so many successful IPs in their pocket they would go bankrupt in months.
                              Sometimes I get the feeling that the only Capcom games people played in the past were RE2 or something and completely forgot about all the other horrifyingly crappy stuff they put out before, but which they don't do these days 'cause it's just not economically viable to make a "middle of the scale" game anymore.

                              If Lost Planet and Dragon's Dogma is considered "shitty," then I dunno what you consider a good game and I question what you find faulty in them if you at the same time praise 90s PS1 games - and regardless of your answers, most likely you've got noone but yourself to blame if something you've picked up recently is somehow "generic" to you - since, clearly, you're not open to someone shaking up the formulas and styles of things (also, gotta question whether or not you actually palyed those games). Capcom's support of the Dreamcast was surprisingly good too, claiming they didn't support it is being completely ignorant and full of shit. Having roughly 30+ releases on the system in less than the 4 years life span is not what I would call "not supporting" it. Heck, I don't even think SEGA themselves published that many titles for the platform.

                              Yes. It sucks Mikami, Inafune and Kamiya all left Capcom, but it doesn't change that the average quality of Capcom's output these days is much higher than it used to be, that their releases are now more available world wide, that they're still one of the few devs that dares to try to shake up the formula a bit with their games and run their own spin on things, and that their own localization department for international releases of internally developed projects outshines that of pretty much every other third party publisher out there who isn't EA.

                              Sure, it sucks the Gooch left Square, that Nomura got a lot of praise for efforts that should've really been credited to Naora, but even this doesn't change the fact that the Eidos half of Square-Enix has had a near flawless streak of amazing games post-merger and there's nothing indicating this will change in the nearby future either. And while the JP branch has been lagging a bit behind, they've still got their qualities and have had their fair share of quite interesting and enjoyable titles (some of which were titles that really stood out and should've truly been given more attention by the consumerbase)


                              • When I read "Square Enix", I think about:

                                - No more Kingdom Hearts of home consoles
                                - Vaporware versus 13
                                - No Final Fantasy type 0 for westerners
                                - Atrocious FF13
                                - A totally failed FF14 that they are still trying to fix 3 years later
                                - Absolutely no communication anymore concerning the HD port of FF10

                                The only thing that saves their name are the Eidos IPs. They screwed up nearly everything else. That's a shame, they are far from what they used to be 10 years ago when they were still the two biggest japanese RPG companies.

