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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
    They are all in boflames forum, just cycle trough topics.
    I already tried to collect them through such a process but I can't because of how old the threads are. Most of the pictures won't load anymore because their domain/host has expired and they just appear as broken image files indicating that the host/domain expired due to their age. So your suggestion won't work.


    • Guys, guys, it's cool, I got teh hookup:

      Sorry for all the extra photos... but hey... more is better than less right? Enjoy.


      • Btw, did anyone else notice that the positioning of the corner ceiling light is completely incorrect in these shots?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	RE15_NewBackgrounds_2.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	87.8 KB
ID:	401934

        These are, as far as I can tell, intact original backgrounds... so what gives?


        • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
          The project of the Century or the Decade is becoming famous!!! ehehe

          お蔵入りになったプロトタイプ 『バイオハザード1.5』 のプレイ動画が出現!の記事ページ

          Id rather it didn't become super famous because then more people will find out then they will start being rude and abusive to the team , and what happens if capcom finds out ? will it be like chrono trigger and square-enix ?


          • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
            Guys, guys, it's cool, I got teh hookup:

            Sorry for all the extra photos... but hey... more is better than less right? Enjoy.
            You win the internet. And a thank you from me. Best post, not just of this thread, but of any thread on THIA forums. You're awesome.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              While there are plenty of cases of magazines making stuff up or putting weird things in or in later years stealing stuff from the Internet, you're creating conspiracy level theories with no reason to.

              There were plenty of preview builds sent out to magazines by Capcom in late development previews because of the way Capcom always had worked in the US until the late 90s. You don't have to take my word for it either, the guys doing the podcasts at 8-4 sometimes with cvxfreak are mostly ex-magazine staff from the mid to late 90s and some of them still have early builds in their possession. There was discussion about it on a RE themed podcast a year or so back. Discussion also notes how in visiting Capcom Japan in 1999 for some hands on time with Last Escape one of them happened to ask about 1.5 and got some hands on playtime with it.


              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                Guys, guys, it's cool, I got teh hookup:

                Sorry for all the extra photos... but hey... more is better than less right? Enjoy.
                This is great, thanks man


                • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                  Btw, did anyone else notice that the positioning of the corner ceiling light is completely incorrect in these shots?

                  These are, as far as I can tell, intact original backgrounds... so what gives?
                  The positioning is correct. The lights are right behind the wall in the first shot. The perspective is just screwing with how you perceive the location of the overhead lights.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    Guys, guys, it's cool, I got teh hookup:

                    Sorry for all the extra photos... but hey... more is better than less right? Enjoy.
                    I just get an error message when I try to unzip it. =/


                    • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                      I just get an error message when I try to unzip it. =/

                      You have to download it again.

                      Oh, it gives errors when you actually try to extract it somewhere, but if you manually drag'n'drop the pictures (not the folders) it works.

                      Mac OS...

                      Please guys, don't use unsupported characters.

                      Don't forget to remove .DS_Store files before extracting
                      Last edited by SonicBlue; 11-09-2012, 04:40 AM.


                      • Yo Enigma thanks for your BH1.5 images pack, I was looking forward to add these pictures into my evil collection ! BTW Rick did you managed to boot the game with sounds, like i told you before RE2 and RE3 are extremely buggy on the psp for some reason, take my suggestion for consideration, sell the stupid psp and buy yourself a PS3 with CFW !


                        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          Yo Enigma thanks for your BH1.5 images pack, I was looking forward to add these pictures into my evil collection ! BTW Rick did you managed to boot the game with sounds, like i told you before RE2 and RE3 are extremely buggy on the psp for some reason, take my suggestion for consideration, sell the stupid psp and buy yourself a PS3 with CFW !
                          Resident Evil 3 and 2 work perfectly on my PSP 3000 with CFW 6.33 Pro-B3. You just have to edit the Game ID of RE2 and you have to ppf patch RE3 in order to play it.
                          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                          • I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! Now you have nearly everything I do...

                            I also strongly recommend downloading the complete set of Black~Crow's maps, since he's managed to dig up a handful of images that not even I have the original files for (like the second Power Room screenshot). Many of these images might be magazine scans that Black~Crow cropped himself, but I still keep even his oldest maps around for their rich variety of screenshots. I'm sure he'd be generous enough to share anything that my collection might be missing.

                            Speaking of missing... someone (forgot who) uploaded a double-screenshot of Roy like the one below, but without big markings blocking the frame as you see here. If anyone could post this unscathed image (or PM it to me) I would be quite grateful. The upper screenshot with Elza is more important, since I already have a version of the lower one with a less obtrusive watermark.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Character_Roy.jpg
Views:	5
Size:	148.8 KB
ID:	401935


                            Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post

                            Mac OS...

                            Please guys, don't use unsupported characters.

                            Don't forget to remove .DS_Store files before extracting
                            Sorry! I totally agree, I was being careless and not properly relabeling all the assets that I've collected over the years. I had always planned to do it at some point (along with weeding out the duplicates) but just haven't gotten around to it yet since I've been busy with other projects. Ever since I took a C programming class though, I've been trying to use more underscores instead of spaces in my file names.

                            If you guys want, I can properly relabel and organize it tomorrow to be FAT32-safe (or whatever non-OSX-friendly thing you guys are using... the folders open just fine on my Windows XP Pro partition which uses NTFS)... Almost all of the messy file-names you see are simply those of their unaltered sources.


                            Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            The positioning is correct. The lights are right behind the wall in the first shot. The perspective is just screwing with how you perceive the location of the overhead lights.
                            Drats, fooled again! I had this same issue with the bloody Kennel. Why are RE camera angles so warped all the time? I'm really curious to know their secret.


                            • Well, part of the problem with the Inflames set of images is that many of them were taken at an angle, off to the right of the screen, using a handheld camera of some kind. Whenever I'm working with them, I usually have to pull them into Paint Shop Pro and use its geometric perspective correction tools to fix them the way they're supposed to be. That's also why they're a bit blurry and the colors are a bit weird. Try comparing the B2 stairwell with its RE2 counterpart, the RPD 1F West Wing stairwell landing (where the Save Room is), and you'll see what I mean.


                              • That's a pretty neatly organized package. Neat.

                                Still amazed by the fact that no one's done anything like that before.

