Its like the retail limping system. Happens whenever they take damage
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Another thing I'm curious about is the zombies that are missing chunks of their flesh.
in that video, within a few seconds a zombie crawls up from the bottom of the screen and it is clearly missing the flesh off it's right arm. I cannot recall whether that was in the first game or any of the sequels, but I'd be interested to learn more about it.
Very strange you pointing out that flesh stripped arm. Never noticed it at all
Yeah, that's clearly strictly something only in 1.5. But it may be something from the final build only and not 40%. Or it could happen when you sever the waist and we haven't seen it.
However the visible damage thing is quite viewable, you just have to pay REALLY good attention sometimes. Not too hard to miss it.
You can actually see bloodstains on the characters in some of the old 1996 era trailers. But of course, with the poor quality of the videos and the lack of confirmation about the damage system before the PSM feature, people just brushed it aside.Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-08-2012, 09:20 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by Darkness View Posthe said maybe, he wasn't assuming they did. Nope.jpegTired of Stupid... sigpic
I wonder if 40 procent disc. has any old data like old models of leon (Chris look alike, civilian and gloveless) and elza (ponytail-less era 3 model) and few enemies (example german shepard version of dog zombie).Last edited by GamerTak3r; 12-08-2012, 10:34 AM.sigpic
Originally posted by B.Zork View Postone question to ask. one. go!
EDIT: I've gone back through and have found a few points where blood stains are visible in old videos.
Last edited by justinlrich1993; 12-08-2012, 11:00 AM.