Originally posted by geluda
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by DangerousDave87 View Post
I read these 2 comments on youtube (2. Advent video) yesterday and I am somehow worried. If the Team really contacts Capcom, this project might die soon after. Megaman x Street Fighter is a fan made game that Capcom never worked with. The Team's project however uses at least 40% of Capcom's original work. What do you guys think?
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostI can foresee three big problems with this:
1. The fact that the game is apparently the PS1 version means they'd have to redo everything from scratch or somehow build a non-Sony infringing emulator for it (BIOS-less and everything) for it to be released and played on any non-Sony platform.
2. Assuming nr. 1 doesn't work, there could be a PSN release ... however, with the exception of a few oddball cases, all owners of digital distribution platforms ala. PS Original and Virtual Console have been very reluctant and restrictive in regards to permitting the release of material that weren't originally available on the platform, hacks/modifications of the original code as it was released on the target platform and/or releasing titles that weren't originally released in specific regions.
Sure CAPCOM is influential enough to make a release of a "tweaked" PSOne RE2 version happen, but still...Last edited by Aleff; 12-11-2012, 06:25 PM.Hail the heros of the revolution!
Originally posted by Darkness View Postguys a new teaser!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0Last edited by Eteponge; 12-11-2012, 06:46 PM.
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View PostMrBZork was kind enough to reply to me on youtube and he said the game will work with the psx emulator I hope it works with my version lol I always have so much trouble with some emulators.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostHell yeah. Gonna be fun to play on ePSXe. I won't enhance the graphics 'til I've beat both scenarios with stock psx graphics
but im very curious to try epsxe on DirectX.
Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Postam I the only one that plans on burning this and playing it on a real playstation? The only downside is the shitty controller, but hell, its worth it for the experience.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostThe PS controller is not crappy at all, in fact I think it's one of the best out there. And I will be playing on an actual PS1. No stupid as hell emulation for me.Last edited by justinlrich1993; 12-11-2012, 11:34 PM.
That is unless the team figures out how to implement it ;)
And yes the Saturn D-Pad is amazing.