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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Christmas looks unlikely, I half expect a rather long video which will contain with in it the 'big surprise'.

    There shouldn't be any rush to get it out there, let's just enjoy the ride.


    • Originally posted by LongTimeLurker View Post
      There shouldn't be any rush to get it out there, let's just enjoy the ride.
      I'm looking forward to The Sandwich Team's finished version, a fully playable RE 1.5, so yeah, they should take all the time they need to finish and polish it up. Playing a half-finished demo or the incomplete warp-a-door 40% would be unsatisfying compared to what they complete.


      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
        truth is we wait for end of world 21 of decemberest. no leak. just end.

        ha ha ha. i kid. wait for news. glad to see many excite.
        marry me LOL !!


        • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
          I don't get what the big deal is here. The sparkshot and flame thrower are retail weapons. It's obvious you don't find ammo because the game already had an abundance of weapons that suited all and any situations. They're just throw away weapons to make travel in those particular areas where they are found a little easier, while conserving ammo for your main weapons. Why are we treating them like they're some sort of mysterious deep cover secret? They're not.
          Who said anything about mysterious secrets? i just said you can access and actually use the ammo for both of these weapons. It's cool because the ammo is not accessible unless you cheat.
          Last edited by Guest; 12-18-2012, 05:04 PM.


          • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
            marry me LOL !!
            dont say that dude...


            • Are you jealous?


              • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                dont say that dude...
                its a joke ! Hence the ( LOL) have you lost your sense of humour or are you just have a problem with homosexuality ?
                I get it your a guy and you like Girls like elza walker ok I get it your straight


                • Nah he's just jealous because he wanted to be the first one to propose
                  Last edited by Rick Hunter; 12-18-2012, 06:33 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                    Are you jealous?
                    You got the point.


                    • Hi there guys, first post here, i've been so many times reading you and i've finally decided to register. I'm really excited about 1.5, it will finally see the light of day! Now i'm just long do you think the game would be??? Since there are no fmv (as Far as we know) i'm guessing around 6 hours Per scenario.

                      Will be one scenario longer than the other one? Elza's, leon's?

                      What do you think about??


                      • Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                        Hi there guys, first post here, i've been so many times reading you and i've finally decided to register. I'm really excited about 1.5, it will finally see the light of day! Now i'm just long do you think the game would be??? Since there are no fmv (as Far as we know) i'm guessing around 6 hours Per scenario.

                        Will be one scenario longer than the other one? Elza's, leon's?

                        What do you think about??
                        We won't know until it's released and we play through the game. I don't recall reading any official play time, for either character, being revealed.
                        Last edited by Eteponge; 12-18-2012, 11:17 PM.


                        • 6 hours per scenario!!?!? LOL

                          Even first time through on Retail 2, you shouldn't take more than 3 hours.


                          • If I sped through RE2 on Leon A, then I could beat it under an hour and a half. My lowest time was 1 hour and 10 minutes. My first playthrough was like 8 hours or so. So I would estimate 1.5 at being around that for a first time through, but who knows how long and complex the game is.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • this thread sits on top of almost all the emotions any forums ever witnesseed; hopeful, hopeless, despaire, fun, fakeness, seriousness, saddness, jealousness, brutality, even homo sexuality. I could continue this list... but i am in a hurry
                              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                              • I'd be happy with about 2 hours of game play even if I was a first time Resident Evil player. With it not really being a complete game, I'd say most of us would have it done within an hour (per scenario). Hopefully they'll try and flesh it out a bit more though.

                                @Zombie_X: Very Impressive time if it's PlayStation.

