^Pretty much what we've assumed happened. Further confirmed by how it appears to be so that Elza starts at the gate and not at her bike.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by geluda View PostIt's believed that Elza crashes through the front doors of the RPD on her bike smashing the glass and then somehow, either automatically or by Elza her self, the shutters come down and lock her inside. We know from observation over the years that Elza is ahead of Leon in her adventures through the game, so by the time Leon makes his way downstairs into the lobby and the Zombies break through the shutters, Elza is already gone from that area. So chronologically it seems:
- Elza crashes through the main entrance
- Shutter come down
- Leon reaches main lobby
- Zombies break through shutters
The question I have is does Elza return to the lobby at a later date and find the shutters broken? It would be interesting to see if she has a response to that.
Aleff!!! I just noticed you quote me in your SIG. Thnx bro!
Funny, my avatar adds up to it as well
And to the huge amount of people in this room. Make ME A SPACE, see this Desert Eagle in my holster???? Wanna see it going boom? Didn't think so.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by Clawditoh View Posti bet she have to, some of those doors have to be locked, and u must find the key. There are like 4 doors in that spot. one in the right and then more in the corridor. so probably yes.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostChaps, MrBZork probably had a video prepared long in advance, but at the last minute realized that something needed to be changed based on our discussions or his own observation.
Either that or it's intended for Christmas Eve.Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!
Originally posted by Alfred View PostI think it's your second thought. Traditionally, the end of the advent time isnt the 23rd, it's Christmas Eve. Because of that I think he will release a video or the "special surprise" tomorrow.
I wake up at 6 AM waiting for a new video and there's nothing, nothing at all. Funny how a 10 second clip of a scrapped videogame is supposed to be the highlight of my Monday.
Ah well, probably gonna have to wait until tomorrow or the day after that since my timezone is ahead of Bzork's.Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-23-2012, 05:18 PM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by geluda View PostWhat we do know however is that Elza and Leon never meet each other, so it would be interesting to see if the things that Leon does has an effect on Elza's scenario and vice versa. Elza and Leon might never meet each other, but perhaps they are aware of each others presence by the actions they take. I don't know if Capcom went in to that much detail when considering each scenario.
Their scenarios are connected and whatever they do affect the other's scenario.
Another thing: In Elza's scenario, she meets William for the first time and fights him.
In Leon's scenario, The elevator is already activated and William jumps from the roof.Last edited by Guest; 12-23-2012, 05:23 PM.
Unless he posts something in the next 40 minutes. He still has time to post it guys.
i still wonder why bioflames source never bothered to make photos of the media, radio and medical room... almost all the important rooms from the RPD are photographed. Maybe it was possible to advance to the sewers without visiting them ?