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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
    This and more video, uh? SWEET!
    What are you not happy? This is good news!

    I'd like a classic RESIDENT EVIL (PSX), only, and nothing more.


    • Originally posted by DZIAD View Post
      What are you not happy? This is good news!
      of course it is... oh, the sweetest thing!


      • Very good news!!!


        • Originally posted by Patlabor View Post
          Long time lurker and felt the need to register to point out this important fact.

          B.Zork's comment was directed at Zombie_X and to all others who feel the need to let their lips slip.

          If you read the second sentence again, he/she is saying that if The Team doesn't happen to have a build or other assest, it might be due to the fact that people claim publicly to have heard such and such about The Team or their assets and thus compromise their status or possibility of obtaining something or the process thereof.

          So, once again, restrain from saying you heard so and so about The Team or what they have or don't have from someone you can't mention or heresay you heard, as it might just screw up a deal or agreement they have or currently compiling.

          (Such as Party 1 gives Party 2 valuable asset on terms that it not be said they have said asset or show said asset before certain date, that if such is done, said asset is revoked and they go dark, or worse. Party 1 then hears/reads that Party 2 has said asset publicly (eg: THIA) and assumes only Party 2 could have stated that (which they didn't), therefore violating the terms of having/using said asset. End of asset.)

          Rather simple rule, but it sure must be hard for those who want to show off or impress others about something that might have been told in confidence to them but feel the need to blurt it out publicly, without thinking twice if it is true or not in the first place!

          Just had to put that out there as there seemed to be misinterpretations of B.Zork's comment.

          It amazes me reading all these comments on not what people THINK or GUESS of The Team, but what they seem to KNOW about The Team. We all know so very little about them, but such liberty is taken at stating facts about them, what they have or don't have, etc.. and then extrapolating from there into these asinine "statements."

          That's my two cents.
          I just hope nothing has been compromised already. His post yesterday left a bad feeling in my stomach.
          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


          • Glad to see things are moving forward.


            • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
              MrBZork posted an announcement on his Youtube Channel:
              These 'Making Of' videos I very much look forward to! Especially the reconstruction of unfinished areas on the disc.


              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                These 'Making Of' videos I very much look forward to! Especially the reconstruction of unfinished areas on the disc.
                Same, it's going to be interesting to see the 'Making Of' videos.


                • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
                  No Bleemcast doesnt support memory card
                  Wrong. Bleemcast DOES support Memory Card, but the file for the PSX game MUST BE the only thing on it. If you have a saved file of a DC game/emulator, it won't save your progress; if the Memory Card is empty, it will work ;)
                  The longest 15 years of our gamer life :D


                  • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                    I just hope nothing has been compromised already. His post yesterday left a bad feeling in my stomach.
                    I took his post as more a word of caution than anything else. I don't think anything has been compromised at all. Hopefully something I said hasn't stunted their progress. I was jsut repeating back what a couple people from ASSEMbler have told me.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Mae77 View Post
                      Wrong. Bleemcast DOES support Memory Card, but the file for the PSX game MUST BE the only thing on it. If you have a saved file of a DC game/emulator, it won't save your progress; if the Memory Card is empty, it will work ;)
                      oh i didn't knew that!, thank you for the info, so if i have a empty VMU will work to save on Bleemcast. time to get a new VMU then xD


                      • Saw Mr.BZork's announcement. That is really a piece of good news!
                        ------People themselves call for camalities and blessings.


                        • I came.


                          • Waiting... :Q__________
                            Last edited by killer7ITA; 12-27-2012, 05:02 AM.
                            I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                            • Originally posted by killer7ITA View Post
                              Waiting... :Q__________
                              BE PATIENT


                              • I wonder when the delayed trailer will be released then. New Year, perhaps?

                                Also, did anybody else notice that the spider's shadow in B.Zork's avatar is upside-down? I wonder if this has anything to do with the minor technical difficulties they are experiencing.

                                EDIT: A comparison pic from the Hyper Remix trailer. I wonder what caused the shadow to glitch in Bzork's avatar.
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 12-27-2012, 07:01 AM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

