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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • 1.5 being the "end" is simply a quote taken the wrong way. Mikami said he probably would've ended the series "on 2 or 3" but there's no way to tell if he really would have. Plenty of people however are so far up Mikami's colon that they take anything he says as utmost literal fact.

    Saying Elza ran to the police station doesn't actually mean she literally ran there on-foot.

    Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
    Id love to know how resident evil would of changed if it was 1.5 we got instead of the re2 we have now
    Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 12:54 PM.


    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      Or maybe much better without all those retarded family stories.


      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
        Or maybe much better without all those retarded family stories.
        No, it would just be shit. Believe it or not, those "family stories" were a massive improvement over what little plot 1.5 had.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          No, it would just be shit. Believe it or not, those "family stories" were a massive improvement over what little plot 1.5 had.
          Just because elza isn't looking for her brother? And is just looking to survive? Still have sherry birkin annette and I believe hunk was planned for 1.5 because his icon pic is on the bioflames pic of the computer screen's icon.


          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
            Just because elza isn't looking for her brother? And is just looking to survive? Still have sherry birkin annette and I believe hunk was planned for 1.5 because his icon pic is on the bioflames pic of the computer screen's icon.
            Who said Elza looking to survive wasn't fine? 1.5's issues went far beyond the principal motivations of the lead characters. Also, do you have that picture? Haven't seen it myself, and it would make sense for HUNK to be planned at that stage given that the U.S.S. were already devised by that time (hence the armor), but there's no evidence to suggest that he was and, as a character, he wasn't actually created until very late into development of BH2 since The 4th Survivor was a last minute addition to the game.
            Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:22 PM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              Or maybe much better without all those retarded family stories.
              well, if 1.5 was the main game, the only game who should never has existed was CV. even RE3 could be there, with some modifications.

              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              even more?
              Last edited by yurieu; 12-29-2012, 01:22 PM.


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                Who said Elza looking to survive wasn't fine? 1.5's issues went far beyond the principal motivations of the lead characters. Also, do you have that picture? Haven't seen it myself, and it would make sense for HUNK to be planned at that stage given that the U.S.S. were already devised by that time (hence the armor).

                Second bottom right icon, that's hunk.

                Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                well, if 1.5 was the main game, the only game who should never has existed was CV. even RE3 could be there, with some modifications.
                of course, the police station would just look different.
                Last edited by Darkness; 12-29-2012, 01:24 PM.


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  nice pic dude, never saw those obscure 1.5 pics.

                  is there another uncommon pics around?


                  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post

                    Second bottom right icon, that's hunk.

                    of course, the police station would just look different.
                    Wrong, that's not HUNK. That's a facial texture which you can also see in the same screen in BH2 final, and BH3 come to think of it.

                    Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                    even more?
                    The storylines in the series would need to be bad in the first place to be even more bad. The series has never executed any plot as well as they were written for Western gamers due to the story always being buried under shoddy localization and hackneyed voice acting. A "good" story is defined quite a bit by presentation, so there are a few which leave quite a bit to be desired outside of their native language. But in terms of writing, they are mostly all pretty solid. Its only recently that the quality of writing has taken a downturn, and that is due to the increased involvement of the producers and directors in the writing process. Mikami at least he knew what to stay away from.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:30 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post

                      Second bottom right icon, that's hunk.

                      of course, the police station would just look different.
                      That's not hunk, it's like a T-103's face. Let me get you the image...

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	7.png
Views:	1
Size:	131.3 KB
ID:	402167
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • aww dammit. Oh well. Still think hunk and his team was the reason for the virul outbreak/g-birkin in 1.5 as well


                        • I think HUNK deserves his own game. He's way to under utilized.


                          • Originally posted by Treeman View Post
                            Hi guys, been monitoring this post since it started, every bathroom break I read the new posts, so I decided to join to point out something that you guys may have missed. According to the links above, Mikami said that Elza runs to the police department seeking protection. It makes no mention of her riding a motorcycle, maybe that crashed cycle has nothing to do with her, maybe it's just a background thing. Also, Mikami is asked if there will be a resident evil 3 and he said that they haven't determined that yet, which means that 1.5 was not supposed to be an end to the series like so many on here claim, they were just waiting to see if 1.5 would have been profittable enough to justify another sequel.
                            Anyway glad to finally join this conversation, I just hope I get a nice spot on the Zorkmeisters ass since we seem to start where he ends. lol
                            It was also stated a few times i believe by Mikami ( dont take my words as 100 percent truth as i dont remember if it was him or not for sure) that 1.5 was gonna be the last game.... and as far as elza not crashing in to the police station... she is wearing a bike racing suit.... and she starts where a bike has crashed through the main doors of the rpd.... just puttin two and two together.

                            Is this new? I get a resident evil 2 vibe from that picture for some reason....
                            Last edited by Guest; 12-29-2012, 01:49 PM.


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              1.5's issues went far beyond the principal motivations of the lead characters.
                              You're just repeating what the devs once said. From what we know, most of the game is very similar to RE2 in terms of scenario and events. Same characters, same virus, same boss... RE2 just has less interactions between those characters and features a Tyrant.

                              Without just mimicking what the devs said, tell us exactly why 1.5 wouldn't have had a led to good sequels. No speculations please. And the argument that Umbrella was done for is not a valid one, since Capcom got rid of it offscreen before BH4 even began.


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                aww dammit. Oh well. Still think hunk and his team was the reason for the virul outbreak/g-birkin in 1.5 as well
                                What you think unfortunately does not retroactively make 1.5's plot any good, though. There's absolutely no evidence indicating there was an attack on Birkin in 1.5. It's very likely that they didn't even write an explanation for how he was infected with the G-Virus. The scenario was most likely just as incomplete as the rest of the game with only the basic outlines covered, and Kamiya has most likely forgotten what he had written. Not to mention the fact that 1.5's plot is inconsistent as a whole due to the whole "lol Umbrella's gone" thing, when the game indicates they aren't.

                                On that note, the attack on Birkin was NEVER the cause of the outbreak in Raccoon City. The cause of the outbreak was the virus leaking into the city sewer system via the mansion, that is the "cannibal disease." The attack on Birkin only caused a spike in infection that then led to the city's football stadium being overwhelmed and the resulting horde flooding the streets. The city was screwed either way, the latter was written more for drama than to actually explain how the virus infected the city.

                                Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                                You're just repeating what the devs once said. From what we know, most of the game is very similar to RE2 in terms of scenario and events. Same characters, same virus, same boss... RE2 just has less interactions between those characters and features a Tyrant.

                                Without just mimicking what the devs said, tell us exactly why 1.5 wouldn't have had a led to good sequels. No speculations please. And the argument that Umbrella was done for is not a valid one, since Capcom got rid of it offscreen before BH4 even began.
                                I'm repeating what the dev's once said because they were right and I have actually done a fair amount of research into it. The general layout of the scenario is similar, that's quite true, that's because the stage progression was never the scenario's problem. The story simply wasn't very good even in an unfinished state.

                                I never said 1.5 wouldn't have led to good sequels, only that they would've paled in comparison without a decent writer. Umbrella's downfall was fully explained between CODE:Veronica, Gun Survivor 4 and BH4. Nobody likes to look at the big picture, though.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 12-29-2012, 01:58 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

