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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • So maybe we'll get a new vid tomorrow?
    Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


    • I wouldn't hold your breath. Chillax. Although its harder when no one is talking about 1.5 on here.


      • talking about that, i think it means it would be a spoken "documentary"? this vid will be awesome. you know... human voices


        • I wouldn't expect it on the 1st. He said he hopes the vid will be recorded tonight and I would assume putting together and editing a vid like that would take some time. Although I'd personally rather have them finish the game before doing something like this, I'd be lying if I said I'm not thankful for their efforts at giving us something as often as possible.


          • I always love behind the scenes stuff.. Will be quite interesting how it all works.
            I loved the in-game commentaries in Tomb Raider Anniversary .. if only more games did them.
            Of course, that game was different as it WAS an Anniversary edition..

            Still, Uncharted's Behind The Scenes videos are awesome!
            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              The vague comments were made immediately after BH1's release, though. Not after CV. There are certain things in both BH1 and its remake which happen no matter how you play, but aren't referenced or actually happened. Wesker's survival/death was one of them.

              It's something we'll ask Kenichi Iwao about considering he wrote BH1.
              I don't doubt your credibility on this if it was perhaps vague comments from staff, but if it's from just general users I'm much on the side of imacwesker on this one. I very much recall the only reason anyone ever thought Wesker's death was uncertain had gotten an ending where they hadn't seen the body in the Power Room. As it's been pointed out - in every ending, Wesker is killed. Of all the things that you can walk away with from the game is that as a fact because it's really one of the only constants (aside from the destruction of the mansion and even then thats not in every ending like Wesker's demise). So even though we can cherry pick a best or unsceen scenario to have characters like Rebecca and Barry both be survivors, it's seemingly always was intended for the main bad guy to be killed at the time the game was released.

              At the time CV was about to come out and Wesker's 'survival' was revealed officially (this was around November or December of 1999, just very shortly before the games launch) there was definently more puzzled people asking how the hell he'd survived because it seemed clear cut he was dead. I don't recall a lot of people saying it was at all vague, exactly the opposite. Post CV release, well yeah... definently, but not before it.

              But for sure, if you talk to Iwao - seems like a very great question to add to your list
              Last edited by Rombie; 12-30-2012, 08:55 PM.


              • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                I don't doubt your credibility on this if it was perhaps vague comments from staff, but if it's from just general users I'm much on the side of imacwesker on this one. I very much recall the only reason anyone ever thought Wesker's death was uncertain had gotten an ending where they hadn't seen the body in the Power Room. As it's been pointed out - in every ending, Wesker is killed. Of all the things that you can walk away with from the game is that as a fact because it's really one of the only constants (aside from the destruction of the mansion and even then thats not in every ending like Wesker's demise). So even though we can cherry pick a best or unsceen scenario to have characters like Rebecca and Barry both be survivors, it's seemingly always was intended for the main bad guy to be killed at the time the game was released.

                At the time CV was about to come out and Wesker's 'survival' was revealed officially (this was around November or December of 1999, just very shortly before the games launch) there was definently more puzzled people asking how the hell he'd survived because it seemed clear cut he was dead. I don't recall a lot of people saying it was at all vague, exactly the opposite. Post CV release, well yeah... definently, but not before it.

                But for sure, if you talk to Iwao - seems like a very great question to add to your list
                The whole Wesker death vagueness thing actually came from Mikami. BH1's events simply aren't meant to be taken at face-value.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • which is why we don't know if it was officially jill or chris sat on their ass while the other did everything


                  • I still think he was meant to be dead. They added a zombie version of him to the Saturn versions Battle Game. That's tells me they meant him to be dead, but then again they could just be having fun.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      The whole Wesker death vagueness thing actually came from Mikami. BH1's events simply aren't meant to be taken at face-value.
                      Talk about a fancy way to retcon the story. I've seen a lot of techniques to mask inconsistent story elements, but disregarding the events that happened in the official game is a first. Kojima should have spoken to Mikami before he started to work on MGS4.
                      Last edited by Kegluneq; 12-30-2012, 10:31 PM.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        The whole Wesker death vagueness thing actually came from Mikami. BH1's events simply aren't meant to be taken at face-value.
                        Cheers NB. Well then all I can say to that is Mikami be crazy. Hah. More so I am interested more to know what the writers thoughts are then.

                        Edit - Just saw the thread on PU has added another question. Given your evidence about what little Mikami really had to do with the franchise overall, why would you give his comments on Wesker so much credit then? Not doubting it, if it was just him and we know he thinks of some absurd things - but isn't this just likely another crazy comment? What was the circumstances and source? Did other staff agree if there was more than him? Again not doubting he said something but how much stock can we put in it if you yourself question how much credibility Mikami had?

                        Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                        which is why we don't know if it was officially jill or chris sat on their ass while the other did everything
                        Yeah I get this, I did mention this above. The difference is, as I also mentioned, Weskers death was a constant. Unlike a question of who, if anyone, was sitting on their ass (because some versions of the idea have neither as well) and how everyone survived... with Wesker it was until late 1999 in the public eye a seemingly closed question.

                        Either way the fact there is people in this thread who hasn't seen the power room thing after almost 17 years just shows how much is buried in the original game. I really like that
                        Last edited by Rombie; 12-30-2012, 11:28 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                          Talk about a fancy way to retcon the story. I've seen a lot of techniques to mask inconsistent story elements, but disregarding the events that happened in the official game is a first. Kojima should have spoken to Mikami before he started to work on MGS4.
                          They've always been pretty unrepentant about BH1's vagueness, it was an intentional design decision for the first three games (and Survivor) in order to give the player some level of control over the story. The in-universe explanation for the inconsistency is that Chris and Jill's memories were clouded. Even in the REmake, there are various things which happen but are baffling. For example, in the script, Barry says "I didn't mean to kill him!" to Jill when she confronts him in the tomb. It's never referenced again.

                          Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                          Cheers NB. Well then all I can say to that is Mikami be crazy. Hah. More so I am interested more to know what the writers thoughts are then.

                          Edit - Just saw the thread on PU has added another question. Given your evidence about what little Mikami really had to do with the franchise overall, why would you give his comments on Wesker so much credit then? Not doubting it, if it was just him and we know he thinks of some absurd things - but isn't this just likely another crazy comment? What was the circumstances and source? Did other staff agree if there was more than him? Again not doubting he said something but how much stock can we put in it if you yourself question how much credibility Mikami had?
                          I don't question Mikami's credibility or even his authority. I question how much he was actually creatively involved in the series. His comments about Wesker don't fit that territory, and he was the one who created Wesker (although it was Iwao who made him a villain), so I'd say that gives him some clout.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            The whole Wesker death vagueness thing actually came from Mikami. BH1's events simply aren't meant to be taken at face-value.
                            I really appreciate your studies, News Bot.

                            After reading all the stuff you've translated and uncovered, I feel cheated by both creative staff and localization departments.

                            That said, I don't take anything at face value anymore - the entire story is a massive fuck-ball of fail.
                            I'm a blackstar.


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              I don't question Mikami's credibility or even his authority. I question how much he was actually creatively involved in the series. His comments about Wesker don't fit that territory, and he was the one who created Wesker (although it was Iwao who made him a villain), so I'd say that gives him some clout.
                              I don't think you question his authority but, intentionally or not, you definitely question his credibility. And I only say it because of your own words. From your post on PU:

                              Originally posted by News Bot
                              1) He takes credit for things he never did
                              2) He tends to outright lie
                              I don't know about you but to me when you say someone takes credit for things they never did and call them a liar, you're questioning their credibility. I don't know what else you would call it. I get you're trying to say there is a difference behind the idea of stuff he did to create the game and stuff created in the game. But to me if someone just says crap about one, they're just as likely to do the same about the other. Get why I asked?

                              Originally posted by News Bot
                              7) His ideas suck. Flat-out. He is the one who wanted Dewey (Eddie Murphy caricature) and Gelzer (giant robo-man) in BH1, among others.
                              So we know his ideas suck, so thus doesnt his comment on Wesker and thus his ideas, opinions, etc. about this also suck? If Iwao made him a villain and wrote the story, I am more inclined to believe he provides a better answer to this than anything Mikami said in the end for the same reason you put more belief in other members of the teams working on the games than Mikami too.

                              But trust me also I am also well beyond any face value comment taking with the series, especially any original English translation.

                              And really we just went around in a circle here just for me to agree again you asking Iwao is probably the best thing for this and so now I will shut up on this.
                              Last edited by Rombie; 12-31-2012, 01:19 AM.


                              • I get why you asked Rom. But those statements of mine are based on very specific matters, of which this isn't one. It'll be a while before Iwao has anything to say on the matter, and really, his word doesn't have much bearing on it as he was not responsible for who would reappear in the series or which aspects of BH1's story would remain relevant in future games. Again, it all comes down to BH1's plot not being definite. What you see isn't necessarily what actually happened.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 12-31-2012, 01:34 AM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

