Originally posted by Alfred
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Eteponge View PostOne big inconsistency I've always noticed, is that Jill in RE 3 arrives at the RPD on the night of September 28th (the day before RE 2) and Marvin is already dead, and on a writing on the wall is written September 29th.Last edited by News Bot; 01-15-2013, 03:59 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostHe isn't dead, he is unconscious after passing out from the wound he receives in the Desperate Times scenario of Outbreak. The writing is there because the background artists didn't change it, it's not really a plot hole since it isn't related to the plot. The artists and writers work independently.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostHe isn't dead, he is unconscious after passing out from the wound he receives in the Desperate Times scenario of Outbreak. The writing is there because the background artists didn't change it, it's not really a plot hole since it isn't related to the plot. The artists and writers work independently.
Marvin isn't dead - NO blood.
He is injured from his attack from Outbreak File 2 - which is before RE3 and RE2.. The funny thing is the boards are removed in outbreak, put up in RE3 and down again in RE2 - SO more attacks happened inbetween? Remember the file in RE2, there was several attacks in the Precinct - Chief Irons also has his manic moment shooting several survivors.
EDIT: Claire hadn't heard from Chris since August 1998 - one full month - read his diary in RE2.
He chased Umbrella in Europe, Jill stayed in Raccoon to investigate (leads to RE3) and he did not tell Claire to protect her.. but instead it lead her into the Raccoon City Disaster.
As for Leon - he even says "FIRST DAY on the job, Great huh?" to Claire.. He didn't know that station was overrun..
Clearly he just headed into town as usual to his new job, not knowing what had happened..
The outbreak started on about 23rd I think (read RE3 files) .. RE3 is set from the 28th till Oct 1st.
The first half (before Jill's infection at clock tower) is before RE2
Then RE2 happens 29th till 30th - Brad's zombie (fallen over railing in RE3? he's missing near it) is in RE2 under the stairs
Then after Jill awakes in Chapel - Oct 1st "to sound of falling rain" ..
Raccoon Coty is nuked daybreak - Claire, Leon and Sherry had already escapes via the train
People need to read into it more - it IS there, you just need to look for itLast edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 01-15-2013, 04:25 PM."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by alinhoalisson View PostThe writing on the wall of RE3 is an ad for the Michael Festival.
He was obviously meant to be there but since the outbreak a week or so earlier, it was ''cancelled'' so to speak.
I liked how there were signs of a life before, when Raccoon was a nice mountain city/town.
Makes the impact of the outbreak more horrible really.. Seeing the Restaurant in RE3 wasn't nice first time I played.. very sad."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by Darkness View PostSeeing the bus in RE2 for the first time was really an eye opener. A good background.
I don't like how they changed this street in DSC.. walking past the bus sucked hehe
Though on DSC, where the Kendo can blocks the alleyway, you can see a lit window with blood spray on the curtain inside - the music at this point and that sight was pretty creepy
EDIT: I bet 1.5 had a lot of these moments - especially the precinct.
We'll have to wait and see =)Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 01-15-2013, 05:14 PM."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by B.Zork View Postthere so many passion in this talkusation.- Revelations was old school enough but still lacked in areas. Loved escaping the ship as alarms sounded - YAY! That was how RE should be
Does anyone else miss the Self Destruct Systems? RE4 had escape the island but it wasn't the same..
Couldn't remember if RE6 had one or not .. don't think it did? Hmmm ..
But yeah the passion for me died a while back, though I still play the new ones for fun - good games on their own, but as part of RE history .. not for me
If they bring back Claire or Rebecca, true survival horror and proper zombies (not 'House of the Dead' clones with axes) I'll be set. Sick to death of Leon, Jill and Chris now - give some other people a try Capcom..
Even if it was another 3DS title, I'd be happy, they even said they wanted to do more like RevelationsLast edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 01-15-2013, 06:19 PM."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View PostIt's a real shame - for me the passion died after RE remake, Zero and Outbreak ..- Revelations was old school enough but still lacked in areas. Loved escaping the ship as alarms sounded - YAY! That was how RE should be
Does anyone else miss the Self Destruct Systems? RE4 had escape the island but it wasn't the same..
Couldn't remember if RE6 had one or not .. don't think it did? Hmmm ..
But yeah the passion for me died a while back, though I still play the new ones for fun - good games on their own, but as part of RE history .. not for me
If they bring back Claire or Rebecca, true survival horror and proper zombies (not 'House of the Dead' clones with axes) I'll be set. Sick to death of Leon, Jill and Chris now - give some other people a try Capcom..
Even if it was another 3DS title, I'd be happy, they even said they wanted to do more like Revelations