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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I think actually nothing was lost from 1.5, but everything was redesigned or recreated in later games, apart from RE2 of course:
    T-Gorilas into Eliminators, Manspiders into Brain Suckers, the hand grenades, the knife as sub weapon, Antivirus as in-game item, the concept of civilians making team to survive, and surely many weapons and background ideas.
    I´m very interested in see how many features had 1.5 that we think they was originated in later games.
    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-16-2013, 10:00 AM.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
      I think actually nothing was lost from 1.5, but everything was redesigned or recreated in later games, apart from RE2 of course:
      T-Gorilas into Eliminators, Manspiders into Brain Suckers, the hand grenades, the knife as sub weapon, Antivirus as in-game item, the concept of civilians making team to survive, and surely many weapons and background ideas.
      I´m very interested in see how many features had 1.5 that we think they was originated in later games.
      well, maybe thats the 1.5 glory. take all these successful ideas, and return them to their origin, an incomplete prototype! thats wonderful!


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        Seems like the solution to where you meet one of the side characters has been staring us in the face all this time. Initially, I thought that cell door was made a 3D object so a zombie could bust it open and provide a mild scare for the player, but it seems impossible since the door opens towards the interior of the cell. If that isn't the case, then the only other explanation I can think of why it was set up this way is that you are supposed to free/meet a side character from this prison cell. It's either he/she locked himself in there or that person is actually a detainee (both are analogous to Ben in retail). Sherry doesn't really fit the bill and Marvin is apparently met on the second floor of the station. That would leave us with John and Ada, who both look like they have good reasons to be thrown into jail. One looks like a big, bulky and intimidating construction worker (who probably gets into fights a lot), while the other one is apparently a detainee from the Umbrella laboratory.

        I think it may be ada. You meet her very close to the jail in RE2, however she's not a researcher, she is a civilian. In 1.5 she is part of umbrella, and they were under serious investigation. If this were elza's scenario shot with that door I might say john. But I believe leon meets ada here, and she convinces him to release her.
        Last edited by Darkness; 01-16-2013, 11:02 AM.


        • Well it can only be one person or the other since we know the game still follows retail's zapping system where both scenarios happen simultaneously. Now that I think about it, that door has always been shown flung open in all available media of it (all with Leon's scenario being played), but I don't think we've ever gotten any media of Elza in the RPD jail.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 01-16-2013, 11:16 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Correct me if I´m wrong, but it was suposed that 1.5 follows the RE1 system, with both main characters visiting the same rooms (although not starting from the same point).
            Since the game originally was planed to coming in 1 CD, probably both Leon an Elza paths could be at least exactly the same, I don´t think their adventures were to much different, besides of secondary characters appearances, because it would expend too much exclusive backgrounds and events for each one.
            So, in that case, probably both Leon and Elza have to visit the jail block and each one finds his/her respective character in the cell, if the theory about the secondary character found in the cell is right.
            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


            • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
              Correct me if I´m wrong, but it was suposed that 1.5 follows the RE1 system, with both main characters visiting the same rooms (although not starting from the same point).
              Since the game originally was planed to coming in 1 CD, probably both Leon an Elza paths could be at least exactly the same, I don´t think their adventures were to much different, besides of secondary characters appearances, because it would expend too much exclusive backgrounds and events for each one.
              So, in that case, probably both Leon and Elza have to visit the jail block and each one finds his/her respective character in the cell, if the theory about the secondary character found in the cell is right.
              Nope, elza meets john on the roof I think. Zapping system kind of existed in 1.5, was expanded in retail to 2 cds. The scenarios happen simultaneously in 1.5 elza and leon just don't meet.


              • Since ben character was not in 1.5 until retail, i'd say it's either john or linda, but if linda was indeed locked in the cell, it would be more logical since she was working for umbrella at that time and the later was under investigation like what "darkness" said, but what about marvin ? maybe he was locked himself !


                • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                  I think actually nothing was lost from 1.5, but everything was redesigned or recreated in later games, apart from RE2 of course:
                  T-Gorilas into Eliminators, Manspiders into Brain Suckers, the hand grenades, the knife as sub weapon, Antivirus as in-game item, the concept of civilians making team to survive, and surely many weapons and background ideas.
                  I´m very interested in see how many features had 1.5 that we think they was originated in later games.
                  Absolutely none of those were consciously recycled from 1.5 though, so it's a bit forced to start calling them "1.5 features" when they're neither unique nor did the developers actively look to 1.5 for inspiration.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • That might be a bit of a stretch. I seem to recall there was at least a few bits from 1.5 used in RE3, such as the containers where Dario was killed. It seems equally likely that someone at least, 'Hey, how about we have an enemy like the man-spider thing we scrapped' as not.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Absolutely none of those were consciously recycled from 1.5 though, so it's a bit forced to start calling them "1.5 features" when they're neither unique nor did the developers actively look to 1.5 for inspiration.
                      Capcom recycles many stuff around all of their games especially when it comes to RE.
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        That might be a bit of a stretch. I seem to recall there was at least a few bits from 1.5 used in RE3, such as the containers where Dario was killed. It seems equally likely that someone at least, 'Hey, how about we have an enemy like the man-spider thing we scrapped' as not.
                        More of a stretch to see a tangible, somewhat probable connection and immediately begin proclaiming it as almighty fact that stuff was reused. There's no connection between the Spider Monster and the Drain Deimos/Brai Sucker in the slightest. One is a human/spider hybrid that can only walk straight like a zombie. The other is a mutant parasite able to crawl around almost any surface and lacks any features of a spider or human. Seriously.To use another example from another game, the castle in Lost In Nightmares is commonly proclaimed as being recycled from "3.5", but in reality, none of it was reused. Just people seeing similarities and then assuming the whole thing was lifted from one game to the next. Now, Uroboros on the other hand, that was recycled, and many plot aspects have been recycled throughout the series. People need to be less keen on jumping the gun on things.

                        Backgrounds are different, as CAPCOM actually have a collection of textures/photos/basic designs that they use in quite a lot of games.

                        Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                        Capcom recycles many stuff around all of their games especially when it comes to RE.
                        Sure, so do quite a lot of video game companies. Nobody's saying CAPCOM don't do it, only that a lot of these "connections" aren't very tangible.
                        Last edited by News Bot; 01-16-2013, 01:01 PM.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                          Correct me if I´m wrong, but it was suposed that 1.5 follows the RE1 system, with both main characters visiting the same rooms (although not starting from the same point).
                          Since the game originally was planed to coming in 1 CD, probably both Leon an Elza paths could be at least exactly the same, I don´t think their adventures were to much different, besides of secondary characters appearances, because it would expend too much exclusive backgrounds and events for each one.
                          So, in that case, probably both Leon and Elza have to visit the jail block and each one finds his/her respective character in the cell, if the theory about the secondary character found in the cell is right.
                          Well, both characters already have two methods of entering the sewers (Leon through the service garage, Elza climbs down from the helipad), so don't see why they can't meet their sidekicks in different places.

                          Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                          Since ben character was not in 1.5 until retail, i'd say it's either john or linda, but if linda was indeed locked in the cell, it would be more logical since she was working for umbrella at that time and the later was under investigation like what "darkness" said, but what about marvin ? maybe he was locked himself !
                          Prolly not, as we have a pic with Leon and Marvin on the second floor. If Leon were to find Marvin in a cell, then the player still doesn't have a reason to backtrack to 2F at that point, since they're so close to their exit of the RPD.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Absolutely none of those were consciously recycled from 1.5 though, so it's a bit forced to start calling them "1.5 features" when they're neither unique nor did the developers actively look to 1.5 for inspiration.
                            I don´t said that those features were recycled (probably I expressed wrong), I said recreated or redesigned (consciously or unconsciously).
                            I´m talking about the ideas, concepts, plot situations, not specifically that they took the assets discarded from 1.5 as a base for creating assets for other games.
                            I mean, things that people without knowing about 1.5 could think that were first implemented in later games, but they really was previously developed for RE2, or planed in a similar way, although not seen in retail version.
                            Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-16-2013, 02:06 PM.
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • They did reuse the fat police zombie and the fast walker zombies from RE 1.5 in RE 3.


                              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                                They did reuse the fat police zombie and the fast walker zombies from RE 1.5 in RE 3.
                                I wouldn't say reused. Devs Probably just had a similar idea again without even realising but decided to actually use the idea this time around. If they used the same (or even close to) 1.5 assets and animations in RE3 then I might agree. But they didn't.
                                I don't think they had 1.5 on their minds when they made RE3. Those things just worked well with the new faster based changes in general. Anyone can think of a fat or running zombie without having to dig up an old idea to do so.
                                Last edited by braders1986; 01-16-2013, 03:21 PM.

