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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
    They did reuse the fat police zombie and the fast walker zombies from RE 1.5 in RE 3.
    They sure did. Also the female zombies we see at the beginning of RE3 for a bit. The biting sound from zombies in RE3 also reminds me of a 1.5 sound. (not the same, but reminds me of 1.5).

    Originally posted by braders1986 View Post
    I wouldn't say reused. Devs Probably just had a similar idea again without even realising but decided to actually use the idea this time around. If they used the same (or even close to) 1.5 assets and animations in RE3 then I might agree. But they didn't.
    I don't think they had 1.5 on their minds when they made RE3. Those things just worked well with the new faster based changes in general. Anyone can think of a fat or running zombie without having to dig up an old idea to do so.
    I don't think he meant reused as a direct dump of the enemy models and animations... I think he was just saying how they added a fat zombie to RE3 that bears a very good resemblance to the one from 1.5. And how they also added fast moving zombies to RE3 similar to the ones in 1.5 as well.
    The point being that, they added them in RE3 and not RE2 retail.
    Last edited by Original Sin; 01-16-2013, 03:48 PM.
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    • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
      I don't think he meant reused as a direct dump of the enemy models and animations... I think he was just saying how they added a fat zombie to RE3 that bears a very good resemblance to the one from 1.5. And how they also added fast moving zombies to RE3 similar to the ones in 1.5 as well.
      The point being that, they added them in RE3 and not RE2 retail.
      Correct, and it wasn't that they simply added a fat zombie, it was a fat policeman zombie specifically, looking very much like the one from RE 1.5. I remember reading in an interview with the director of RE 2 (the interview was discussing final RE 2 and RE 1.5), and he said something to the effect that people ask him "where did the fat policeman zombie go?" This interview was before RE 3 was made. So, maybe because fans were asking about that fat policeman zombie, they put him in RE 3.
      Last edited by Eteponge; 01-16-2013, 06:47 PM.


      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        Absolutely none of those were consciously recycled from 1.5 though, so it's a bit forced to start calling them "1.5 features" when they're neither unique nor did the developers actively look to 1.5 for inspiration.
        Not true. Dino Crisis 2, in particular, borrows some assets and ideas from BioHazard 1.5.

        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        More of a stretch to see a tangible, somewhat probable connection and immediately begin proclaiming it as almighty fact that stuff was reused. There's no connection between the Spider Monster and the Drain Deimos/Brai Sucker in the slightest. One is a human/spider hybrid that can only walk straight like a zombie. The other is a mutant parasite able to crawl around almost any surface and lacks any features of a spider or human.
        ... (sigh) You should re-read your own translations. Besides, Drain Deimos and Brain Sucker have literally the same A.I behaviours and attacks as the Phantom-Spider. You know, grabbing the player and spitting venom.
        Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-16-2013, 07:23 PM.

        BioHazard YouTube Channel
        BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


        • As far as I remember there's only one fat policeman zombie in RE3 too, but I might be wrong. It's been a while since I played. Also I recall an interview or someone posting about one back on Bioflames where the director said RE3 was his 1.5 vision or something like that, I really can't remember but if I can find the old topic I'll link it here.
          Last edited by BiohazardFE; 01-16-2013, 07:19 PM.

          "Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police


          • Originally posted by BiohazardFE View Post
            As far as I remember there's only one fat policeman zombie in RE3 too, but I might be wrong. It's been a while since I played. Also I recall an interview or someone posting about one back on Bioflames where the director said RE3 was his 1.5 vision or something like that, I really can't remember but if I can find the old topic I'll link it here.
            Theres a chance you will only encounter the one in the rpd but theres more. Never heard about that though, doesn't sound like something anyone at capcom would be caught dead saying either.


            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
              Not true. Dino Crisis 2, in particular, borrows some assets and ideas from BioHazard 1.5.

              ... (sigh) You should re-read your own translations. Besides, Drain Deimos and Brain Sucker have literally the same A.I behaviours and attacks as the Phantom-Spider. You know, grabbing the player and spitting venom.
              Dino Crisis 2 also "borrows assets" from BH3, mainly in terms of background material which isn't really the same thing considering, as I said, CAPCOM has a dump of assets for that which they use at will. Nothing was borrowed from 1.5, it was borrowed from that dump.

              It's funny that you bring up my translations when you're relying on a mistranslation for the name of the spider creature. "Phantom" is a mistranslation of the Japanese word for "monster". It's Monster Spider/Spider Monster. Another enemy grabs the player and spits venom, which is actually in BH2 retail: Ivy. The Spider-Monster does not have the same AI behaviors as either the Brain Sucker or Drain Deimos, which don't spit anything either. Again, forced connection based on appearances at best, and even then it's stretching it pretty far.
              Last edited by News Bot; 01-16-2013, 07:40 PM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                The Spider-Monster does not have the same AI behaviors as either the Brain Sucker or Drain Deimos, which don't spit anything either.
                This is simply wrong. Dude, you need to replay RE3. The Brain Suckers and the Drain Deimos do spit poison..quite often if you evade them. But they spit poison, that's a fact.
                Last edited by Alfred; 01-16-2013, 08:21 PM.
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                • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                  This is simply wrong. Dude, you need to replay RE3. The Brain Suckers and the Drain Deimos do spit poison..quite often if you evade them. But they spit poison, that's a fact.
                  Yes, yes they do. They spit it low, maybe knee level or less. Brain Suckers and Drain Deimos have nearly the same AI.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    Dino Crisis 2 also "borrows assets" from BH3, mainly in terms of background material which isn't really the same thing considering, as I said, CAPCOM has a dump of assets for that which they use at will. Nothing was borrowed from 1.5, it was borrowed from that dump.
                    No. Dino Crisis has 2 different places (one of them being recycled in design, only expanded) that were from BioHazard 1.5, and the reference is shown twice (for each) in the game. Not to mention that the sub-weapon system and battle armor is, too, completely borrowed from BioHazard 1.5.

                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    It's funny that you bring up my translations when you're relying on a mistranslation for the name of the spider creature. "Phantom" is a mistranslation of the Japanese word for "monster". It's Monster Spider/Spider Monster.
                    Thanks for the clarification, but don't turn this on me. Your words, not mine.

                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    Another enemy grabs the player and spits venom, which is actually in BH2 retail: Ivy. The Spider-Monster does not have the same AI behaviors as either the Brain Sucker or Drain Deimos, which don't spit anything either. Again, forced connection based on appearances at best, and even then it's stretching it pretty far.
                    Ivy spits... venom? Please, replay BioHazard 2 again.

                    Oh, and do the same for BioHazard 3, too.

                    BioHazard YouTube Channel
                    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                    • There were no sub-weapons in 1.5, and armor is not an alien concept to video games. I'd also like to see these recycled places, because I'm betting they're once again going to be related to background textures.

                      What words of mine are you going on about? To begin with I don't know what translation of mine you're talking about.

                      Ivy spits acid/poison acid over you by grabbing you when close, and also spits from a distance. I don't need to play BH2 again. I also don't need to play BH3 again. DD/BS do not spit anything, ever. They latch onto you and begin to feed or swipe at you with their claws. The clue to their attack methods is in their names. They also jump around the environment and crawl around on walls and ceilings like the Web Spinner/Giant Spider. To say that is the same behavior as an enemy that we've only seen moving in a straight line is pretty... speculative.

                      EDIT: Apparently I'm just awesome at BH3 to the point where two enemies have never been able to use one of their attacks on me. Learn something new every day.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 01-16-2013, 09:14 PM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Oh yeah? Well this video below says otherwise. It spit's , but away from Jill. So they DO spit acid. Maybe not the Drain Deimos, but the Brain Sucker does.

                        Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-16-2013, 09:16 PM.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post

                          That's pretty great...

                          EDIT: Apparently I'm just awesome at BH3 to the point where two enemies have never been able to use one of their attacks on me. Learn something new every day.
                          Only the Brain Sucker seems capable of it, though. Or it's just stupidly rare for the DD to do it. Is there a shot of them grabbing and spitting acid on the player?
                          Last edited by News Bot; 01-16-2013, 09:24 PM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            That's pretty great...

                            Only the Brain Sucker seems capable of it, though. Or it's just stupidly rare for the DD to do it. Is there a shot of them grabbing and spitting acid on the player?
                            I couldn't find a video to show it to you but I am pretty sure the DD does it as well. The acid spit is pretty rare though.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Wow. First time I've ever seen that too.


                              • Really? I'm surprised.. and you call yourselves RE fans! *runs away crying*

                                Joking aside I am really baffled that some people didn't know they could attack this way. I loaded up a save game in BIO3 and indeed the Drain Deimos does spit acid just like the Brain Sucker, although it seems not that often.

                                News Bot, what was the word they confused Phantom with? Both Bakemono and Monsuta are translated to Monster, so what word was mistranslated?
                                Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-16-2013, 10:05 PM.
                                My Head-Fi Page

