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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
    there seems to be some sort of grating below the sculpture as well. like it might open up
    Hmm could be but to me it looks like it rises up in the middle, judging by the markings... reminds me of that painting area in code veronica.
    Last edited by Scream; 02-06-2013, 11:08 AM.


    • mfw 1.5 puzzle recycled to CV


      • I wonder if those little chimney things on the tops of some of those little buildings act as 'buttons' and they have to be pressed in the correct order then the middle grate thing will come up and open. Then again probably not, but hey, just a guess.
        Last edited by Deus Flux; 02-06-2013, 11:27 AM.


        • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post

          Compared to this screenshot (from team`s building too), seems like many buildings are missing from the diorama


          The diorama must represents part of Raccoon City, and the missing buildings possibly represent the locations involved in the game. Maybe a puzzle, or maybe you just need to remove the RPD part from the diorama to find some item hidden beneath?


          It's clear the city diorama is obviously a puzzle, my guess is you find the middle buildings scattered through out the police station, set them in the middle of the diorama and the puzzle is complete.

          As for the mystery item, i wouldn't assume it's ammo..... I remember messing around with the re2beta2 beta, you can muggen any item to make it have "max" number count, even if its an item that you only find once in the game. Can someone translate the text? as far as the flamethrower goes, it uses a canister with a red circle at the top and bottom and a percentage to indicated how much is left for use.
          Last edited by Guest; 02-06-2013, 11:32 AM.


          • Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
            I wonder if those little chimney things on the tops of some of those little buildings act as 'buttons' and they have to be pressed in the correct order then the middle grate thing will come up and open. Then again probably not, but hey, just a guess.
            Lol, and then poison gas comes out you mean.


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              WTH with those pictures?

              Going by what WeshJ said on there, it seems they were threatening him? I don't know what to think but I doubt they threatened him. Maybe told him to shit his mouth or something.

              I really hope this does not affect us at all.. I really don't want the project to be cancelled.

              OMG those pictures, i-i...

              Click image for larger version

Name:	i-came-ghostbuster.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	23.7 KB
ID:	402440


              • Yes, I can feel it is close now..


                • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                  Lol, and then poison gas comes out you mean.
                  Hahah yes, that'd be hilarious.


                  • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                    It's clear the city diorama is obviously a puzzle, my guess is you find the middle buildings scattered through out the police station, set them in the middle of the diorama and the puzzle is complete.
                    The problem is that not only many buildings are missing, but also the entire floor. I don`t know, there is a lot of possibilities: maybe Push a switch - the floor comes out - put the missing pieces, or maybe the whole floor and the buildings are one single item (a very big item). The fact is that we allways seen the diorama complete in trailers an screenshots before, so it makes me think that could be a reversed puzzle, take out the pieces instead of put them on.

                    Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                    As for the mystery item, i wouldn't assume it's ammo..... I remember messing around with the re2beta2 beta, you can muggen any item to make it have "max" number count, even if its an item that you only find once in the game. Can someone translate the text? as far as the flamethrower goes, it uses a canister with a red circle at the top and bottom and a percentage to indicated how much is left for use.
                    Right, it could be ammo or not, you can modify digits also of key items via hex editing, and probably debug menu and other ways. Let`s see if someone can clarify what the japanesse text says.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 02-06-2013, 12:11 PM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • they were obviously messing with debug, handgun bullets with 0 count, 1 slot flamethrower


                      • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        The problem is that not only many buildings are missing, but also the entire floor. I don`t know, there is a lot of possibilities: maybe Push a switch - the floor comes out - put the missing pieces, or maybe the whole floor and the buildings are one single item (a very big item). The fact is that we allways seen the diorama complete in trailers an screenshots before, so it makes me think that could be a reversed puzzle, take out the pieces instead of put them on.

                        Right, it could be ammo or not, you can modify digits also of key items via hex editing, and probably debug menu and other ways. Let`s see if someone can clarify what the japanesse text says.
                        I'm willing to bet these "pieces" contain more then one or two buildings on each.... as you stated, the fact the diorama seems to be complete in the footage/pictures we got leads me to believe the puzzle had been completed already.

                        As for the mystery item, have you ever seen ammo for a gun in the resident evil series that doesn't look like ammo? As i stated, you can add a max number count to any item by using the special debug features in re2beta2 (even on the original release with a gameshark code that enables inventory scanning)...... It's clear it's not ammo of any type. I guess we can only wait to know for sure though.
                        Last edited by Guest; 02-06-2013, 02:58 PM.


                        • In the leaked item list from the 40% build, there's no diorama puzzle items mentioned though. It's possible that you had to arrange the diorama pieces in a certain layout (probably once you restore power to the building) and the middle piece of the diorama would rise up to reveal a hidden compartment. In all other shots we've seen of the room, the diorama has remained consistently pre-rendered all throughout, so I assume the compartment would only rise up if you examine the puzzle (thereby showing the examination angle) and would sink back down (in the exact same angle) once you're done perusing its contents.
                          Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-06-2013, 12:30 PM.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • Yeah, now that you mention it your right, there are no diorama puzzle pieces on the item list.... I'm still sticking with it's a puzzle of some sort though! (what you've explained seems plausible)


                            • This puzzle reminds me (don't know how though) the puzzle in dino crisis where you had to lift containers and put them in other place.
                              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                              • There's some empty road space at the bottom part of diorama. I assume that's where the diorama pieces are placed while you are not moving them around. It's definitely a puzzle though.
                                Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-06-2013, 01:05 PM.
                                Seibu teh geimu?

