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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
    My first suspicion, but I didn't want to be the guy who said it
    This is insane, people just love to use this game to satisfy their sense of worth...
    Seriously, some people will endlessly go to ridiculous lengths to feel like they're in power, to have people look up to them, to feel important, to feed their own ego...
    Pretty sad...
    Are you on the R.E. Fan forum? I said it to him, i'm sick of that dude.


    • Originally posted by Tewi View Post
      Itchin' and Scratchin' 4 Bzork vid

      I applied the wound with fresh bandages with an ointment of a new Episode of the Walking dead, but it wasn't helping.
      My Disco Fever wasn't reducing but taking a quality dump in the sewers was quite refreshing.
      I don't think I'm going to make it, I leave all that I own to my pet cat Guppy. Goodbye cruel world -XOXOXO-Bite-XOXO
      Guppy? xD Maybe you should go play some RE2 to alleviate the fever. That seems to be the remedy around here right now.
      Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 02-10-2013, 09:46 PM.


      • Comment

        • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
          Are you on the R.E. Fan forum? I said it to him, i'm sick of that dude.
          I keep up on multiple forums, I've seen some of you guys posting on some of them, mainly assembler, I believe. Darkness I saw, a lot.
          I avoided joining most forums to avoid having to more personally interact with such individuals Gman.
          I saw him around every now and again, and got tired of seeing his crap...
          I felt more comfortable registering here after checking around the forums for a few years, and I figured most of you are pretty decent dudes. Since then, though, I haven't strayed too far.
          But hell, people all over have had their fill of GmanWillis...

          Originally posted by Tewi View Post
          Itchin' and Scratchin' 4 Bzork vid

          I applied the wound with fresh bandages with an ointment of a new Episode of the Walking dead, but it wasn't helping.
          My Disco Fever wasn't reducing but taking a quality dump in the sewers was quite refreshing.
          I don't think I'm going to make it, I leave all that I own to my pet cat Guppy. Goodbye cruel world -XOXOXO-Bite-XOXO
          Listen to AB, that guy knows what it's all about.
          I've been on Resident Evil 1 for the first time in years, and I haven't been able to set it down ALL DAY, lol
          Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-10-2013, 10:55 PM.
          "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
          PSN Gamercards


          • Happy year of the Snake everyone!!! New year, New beginning!

            巳 恭
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            • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
              I keep up on multiple forums, I've seen some of you guys posting on some of them, mainly assembler, I believe. Darkness I saw, a lot.
              I avoided joining most forums to avoid having to more personally interact with such individuals Gman.
              I saw him around every now and again, and got tired of seeing his crap...
              I felt more comfortable registering here after checking around the forums for a few years, and I figured most of you are pretty decent dudes. Since then, though, I haven't strayed too far.
              But hell, people all over have had their fill of GmanWillis...
              Yeah, i only signed up to Assembler because i'm a collector and there are some nice items/games on that forum that collectors like. The community here at THIA is great, some people argue but the passion for 1.5 (and resident evil) is strong hahah


              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                Remember when i posted this.....

                "Originally posted by Snake_Plissken:
                We're about 70% done, was supposed to come out on Halloween, even shot for a Christmas release but everybody's been backed up with college/life stuff.
                87% of the game was complete in the first place; ie, all the maps/object frames were completed, but the textures were scattered/sorted within separate files (pieces left by the developers, non-scrapped).
                Stay tuned."

                Well i called dude out about it and told him his information was bogus.... This was his reply:

                "Originally posted by Snake_Plissken:
                And you are apart of the project, how? -Parading around posting data you probably gathered through passing? -Okay smart guy, if you are apart of the project, you should talk to 'Paul', but you probably don't even know who 'Paul' is, cause you're a fucking fraud who seems bitter somebody caught onto your tricks.
                Oh and I already love how people here are assuming (people who know me here) that I'm not apart of this. wow, awesome people, believing a complete stranger. -It's been real. Fuck this place, again and again, I don't know why I keep coming back, and contributing.
                Two-faced shit bags."

                It's clear he caught feelings, most likely because he's not a part of the team... and the funny thing is, he accuses me of claiming to be apart of the team because i was posting pictures on the forum ( you can read any of my posts on that forum, none of them ever hint at me being linked with the team or this project ) He still hints that he's with the team and drops the name " Paul " it all seem weak and lame to me.

                I've heard of this 'Paul' guy, too. If true, I simply cannot understand why "the team" would associate with an attention whore like that, unless they were looking for a dummy to do PR.
                I'm a blackstar.


                • I'm surprised Plissken would claim such a thing considering he's a pretty cool guy. Quite out of the blue.

                  FWIW, he was one of the guys who worked on the Policenauts translation mod.
                  Last edited by News Bot; 02-11-2013, 08:54 AM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Mmmm, still no video, and Bzork appears to be missing from his youtube channel. He wrote many days ago "Video just need sound", and a week passed since that. If that was really, how much time could take to put sound to a making of video? I´m almost sure he means the narrator voice. My guess is that the Team currently work on weekends, and this weekend they probably didn`t work. Also, no Bzork comment after the Welsh threat. What do you think? Just speculating.
                    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 02-11-2013, 12:20 PM.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • Eh he said the video will be 'wrapped up' this weekend not that it'll be released, these people have lives afterall so I guess the answer is: the video will be released when they are ready/have the time.

                      We're not entitled to anything frankly, so we ought to just wait and be patient rather than making conspiracies out everything.


                      • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                        Mmmm, still no video, and Bzork appears to be missing from his youtube channel. He wrote many days ago "Video just need sound", and a week passed since that. If that was really, how much time could take to put sound to a making of video? I´m almost sure he means the narrator voice. My guess is that the Team currently work on weekends, and this weekend they probably didn`t work. Also, no Bzork comment after the Welsh threat. What do you think? Just speculating.
                        I'm on a 72 hour watch from today, mainly because, as it's been brought up before, it was mentioned the video would be wrapped up this weeked.
                        Plus, I take into consideration that after the whole "Welsh" event, they probably have to garner their focus and concentrate on getting back on track, and probably might have to make an, "official", statement on it.
                        Or, there is even the possibility that the screenshots might come from the video and they may need to re-shoot (that is considering it's part of the video and not a conspiracy).
                        Also, there, again, was that bet in that it's right before an official holiday and they may want to piggyback on hype and build-up?
                        Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-11-2013, 03:14 PM.
                        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                        PSN Gamercards


                        • this post has already become bored when asked about the date nobody says anything not known how development takes the game and when to wonder if I could liverar a demo of the game is not the answer in my opinion should be close this post and open it when the 1.5 release team play is the only interesting cover art for the game and made ​​some comments.
                          on the other hand I tell you I have a guy who is engaged in commerce he traveled to Japan spoke with the owner of playstation Museun two weeks is hard to reach an agreement to end the owner sold him a copy of the beta development of 80% 30,000 dollars for one my uncle arrived last week motro me after the game and put it in a steel safe I bought a copy but I had cut my savings for a playstation 3 in Venezuela are costly.
                          alusinante friend the game is the menu of the menu despuracion selecion of character in this moment is playing with Elza is incredible but also something much harder sombies the good news is that with despuracion menu you can choose the love that I can use something like resident evil beta 2 now this is what interezante June 1 release the game in this forum if equipment 1.5 does not do any form capcom first not know where I live. if anyone wants a copy to must have 10 thousand dollars if we expect to June when the game is on the internet.


                          • wat


                            • Am I high or something? that was...


                              • lol anyway..................................

                                hopefully the video will come out sometime during the next few days. looking forward to seeing what the team are going to be showing this time around. Always great finding out new info on 1.5

