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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • arent the psmuseum owner american? 10 thousand dollarS? i thought jesus romero was a nice funny man.


    • Click image for larger version

Name:	Elza_WTF_Am_I_Reading.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	425.4 KB
ID:	402471


      • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
        Kinda made my day
        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


        • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
          Mhm... Dat shadow. XD I'm sorry, I had too.

          Seriously though, reading that post is like reading those Nigerian "We will transfer &$10000,00,000 (US) Dollars to you're account today please" emails- kind of weird to see that here, though.

          Attempted translation, mileage may vary.

          This post had already become boring when people started asking about the release date (of 1.5?), and then nobody (one the team?) said anything. People who don't know how development takes place when restoring the game asking when they can download a demo (maybe he means un-restored version?) of the game is not the answer in my opinion. The thread should be closed and reopened when 1.5 is released. [UNTRANSLATED: team play is the only interesting cover art for the game and made ​​some comments.] (Have no clue on that last bit. Could use some help.)

          I have a guy (presumably the uncle mentioned later? XD) who is engaged in commerce, he traveled to Japan and spoke with the owner of the Playstation Museum. After two weeks of hard negotiation, he reached an agreement with the owner and obtained a copy of the 1.5 eighty percent build for 30,000 dollars.

          My uncle arrived last week with the beta in hand and put it in a steel safe. I bought a copy but I had to cut into my savings for a playstation 3 to do so- PS3's are expensive in Venezuela. Currently, a friend of mine played around with the desperation menu. (I guess...) Right this very moment, he is playing with Elza and it is incredible. The zombies are much harder than in RE2, which is a good thing. Good news is that with the desperation menu you can set zombie difficulty. (<< Total guess, to be honest) I can use Resident evil beta 2 (In trade for 1.5?) or 10,000 dollars, but 1.5 might be on the internet for D/L this June.
          Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 02-11-2013, 05:28 PM.


          • Jesus, por favor escriba su mensaje en español.

            Jesus, please write your message in Spanish.


            • Another yawn story. I'm gonna assume the video will be out around Tuesday/Wendsday.


              • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                Another yawn story. I'm gonna assume the video will be out around Tuesday/Wendsday.
                I hope so im looking forward to it


                • That badly translated post made me laugh. Message to the ladies 'n' gentlemen over at the modding forums: "That's what you get if you use machine translation"


                  • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                    Another yawn story. I'm gonna assume the video will be out around Tuesday/Wendsday.
                    Jesus is obviously the semi-derp lovechild between a Spanish dictionary and GmanWillis...
                    Bad troll is bad, -3/10
                    "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                    PSN Gamercards


                    • His uncle must be very rich to buy that kind of stuff, if he's looking for someone to adopt, i'm available !


                      • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                        His uncle must be very rich to buy that kind of stuff, if he's looking for someone to adopt, i'm available !
                        Hell, he should adopt me so I can use the funds to become a real life Darkwing Duck. (anyone who gets that reference gets mad childhood props)


                        • Guys, guys, haven't you realized yet, Jesus is speaking in tongues of fire! It's a divine 1.5 revelation.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Pentecost-Tongues of Fire_TIF.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	167.3 KB
ID:	402472
                          Last edited by biohazard_star; 02-12-2013, 12:19 AM.
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                            Guys, guys, haven't you realized yet, Jesus is speaking in tongues of fire! It's a divine 1.5 revelation.
                            fucking LOL at that sig


                            • Yea. When they told Elza they were going to overhaul the script, they forgot to mention that her role was being downsized to that of a corpse. Poor girl.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • Can we not mock people whose English is not great? Otherwise I get to take the piss out of most of you lot.

