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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I will apologize on behalf of all Canadians. Welsh you little sod, you better not influence the views of others on our Majestic country, and it's people. One day we shall be a super power, and take over the US, but for now we must wait vigilantly, and plan for our next move.
    Last edited by Guest; 02-16-2013, 07:08 PM.


    • have you play game like super metroid? you maybe able to tell story of super metroid if you have, but then i say "how you able to tell if no dialog?". 1.5 maybe is a little like that. there is enough to say what happen, when it happen, where it happen, and maybe even which possible order thing happen. big problem is just not always you know the words and thoughts of everyone and why it happen. but there is many sources of legitimate information to draw inspiration and conclusion from to fill in such gap like those after solve puzzle of who, what, when, and where. we will maybe cover it in video form of how we reconstruct a scenario in pieces.
      Thanks for answering, and I look forward to that video.

      One more question if you don't mind.

      Will you be implementing your own custom voice acting/actors into the project or do you have all of that from the original assets?
      Last edited by MrSoft; 02-16-2013, 07:22 PM.


      • If 1.5 doe's come out one day I wonder what emulator would be the best for it ??

        PSX or ? ePSXe ?

        Id love to get a chipped ps1 but have no idea how to get one done anymore since my import shop closed many years ago and I can't buy chipped consoles on ebay.


        • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
          I will apologize on behalf of all Canadians. Welsh you little sod, you better not influence the views of others on our Majestic country, and it's people. One day we shall be a super power, and take over the US, but for now we must wait vigilantly, and plan for our next move.
          Yeah, then they'll all speak french

          Anyway the team's description of "the individual that fronted the money to make this possible" somehow reminded me of the Curator. I recall reading B.Zork calling him a nice guy and he had done many charity events through his facebook site. And in the and he maybe isn't that asshole we all think.... again, it's just my guess.
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
            Id love to get a chipped ps1 but have no idea how to get one done anymore since my import shop closed many years ago and I can't buy chipped consoles on ebay.
            I can help you out with that. I have a chipped PS1 I can send you. $15 for the system plus shipping.

            Also, my bad Zork. I don't want to tarnish any possible friendship that may come. So don't pay attention to my bitching. Besides what's gone on today, the colonial marines fiasco, and my personal life, I am typically very quite. But today was a bad day all together. So please accept my apology. I do appreciate you guys are taking the time to complete the game, but I get anxious and impatient. It's a personality thing.

            Anyways can I ask one question? When it comes time to release the game, how will it be distributed? Perhaps torrents?

            If you guys need server space, I have an unlimited amount of storage with my current host. Just thought I'd offer.

            Alfred, remember how Curator sold off his entire collection for $10,000? I wonder.. Did he sell it all to see 1.5 reach the light of day...
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-16-2013, 07:35 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • I for one continue to be grateful for The Team's effort, and I'm sorry to hear about all these setbacks, especially since such large sums of money, as well as unique access to assets were involved. I just wish to encourage you by saying that you should continue to do things your way, since that is what has gotten you this far. You are the people with the vision, stick to it, ignore everybody else (especially the rabid fans) and maybe we all win.

              Best regards: Waiting and hoping since the year 2000


              • Originally posted by Northman View Post
                I for one continue to be grateful for The Team's effort, and I'm sorry to hear about all these setbacks, especially since such large sums of money, as well as unique access to assets were involved. I just wish to encourage you by saying that you should continue to do things your way, since that is what has gotten you this far. You are the people with the vision, stick to it, ignore everybody else (especially the rabid fans) and maybe we all win.

                Best regards: Waiting and hoping since the year 2000
                Same here man. I am probably one of the rabid ones, but I don't mean to come off as "release it nowz". I am very impatient.

                So do as you guys wish. I wish you the most luck and I look forward to possibly seeing this game on the PSN. Oh and speaking of that, I made custom assets for the PSP version. If you need them, I got em. I think it will selfboot on an unmodded system but it's hard to say as I don't have access to one.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • I have much more respect for you now, Team.
                  I myself was planning on one day spending 5 digits for 1.5, lol You guys beat me to it.
                  I understand what you're saying, but what I don't understand is how you meant many opportunities were ruined for you. I get what you're saying, but I'm proposing that the community can be your sword and your shield (Skyrim, hehe).
                  You guys are in a power position and we are greatly in favor of your project and by all means, we want you to succeed and be happy.
                  Don't you think that we can be the material with which the bridges may be rebuilt?
                  You can definitely use the fact that the game has been revealed early to your advantage in this aspect, in my opinion...
                  "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                  PSN Gamercards


                  • I have a great deal of respect for the team taking time out of there lives to do this for everyone , The team must remember that there will always be some idiot that will try to muck things up for the people but the majority of us would never think of doing such a thing like that to upset the team , It doe's make me sad when I see messages like that and makes me think that a few more negative pushes will make the team stop working on the game,
                    and I know none of us would want that to happen , I just want the team to know all of us on here really do appreciate there efforts , I am happy to wait as long as possible for this game Ive waited so long anyway whats a few months or years , I look forward to the next update .


                    • I think they know we all appreciate their work, but we need to have patience and just wait. I just want to know if RE1.5 will have an extreme battle mode and the RE2 characters, like Claire as a side character with Elza, and Leon, with Leon RE2? It would be fun to play as a zombie too. Well, whatever they do with the game, I hope it is good.
                      I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                      • Side games aside, this looks awesome. Finally 1.5 will be ours..

                        *Breaks out debug PS1*
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • hello not true my uncle never buy the beta resident evil sorry for attention was the only coat I have are the three from the first Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 beta and sorry for my bad English my message is traduccido by google


                          • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
                            hello not true my uncle never buy the beta resident evil sorry for attention was the only coat I have are the three from the first Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 beta and sorry for my bad English my message is traduccido by google
                            Well shucks buddy, you sure had me fooled.


                            • Nothing will stop the fights, arguments and possible leaks though until somethings thrown onto the net, even if it's the original or the early restoration build that was 'stolen'.
                              Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                              • Actually, the leaks can be stopped. Aside from Colvin and GMan, I doubt too many complete boneheads managed to obtain private assets. As you can see, I am being quite optimistic here...

                                And about Colvin... why would he work so hard for the community over the past decade only to shit on everyone? Something must have really rustled his jimmies here...

