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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It's one of the reason I try not to post in this thread too much - I've been excited as anyone else for this. 1.5 got me into the RE community, many moons ago, as I wondered what the hell had happened and stumbled across I am one of the ones whose been waiting 15 years.

    I can wait one more, though. The parasite in my brain won't kill me 'till I've achieved total world domination.

    Talking about things, wondering about things, hoping for things - all fine. Demanding? Not so cool. The Team are obviously going Above and Beyond in adding stuff, and they'll add exactly what they want - and not one thing extra, I should imagine. When the game is dumped you folks can try adding those things in if you like.


    • Look guys, the reality of the matter is that none of us have been waiting 15 years for this game, okay.
      Even if we first wanted it 15 years ago, we don't live for this game, this game doesn't motivate us, we have lives outside of the forums and wanting Resident Evil 1.5. If anything, 1.5 is just something we want on the side of our lives. As I've seen, the individual The Team spoke of has shown initiative and dedication to 1.5, demonstrated by the hefty price (not just monetary) he had to pay to acquire it, and The Team who have gone out of their way to do this inconcievable thing for us, and work hard to make this dream a reality for everyone. Godspeed.
      The biggest problem (and it's been brought up before) is that it's tough to trust people. They all start off in the community, and you filter them to a few. They convince you that they're trustworthy, and then they let something out, and it screw everything over. It damages relationships and it extends beyond what was hurt and damages other relations for other projects...
      It's hard to find good people now-a-days, and for some reason, most people fall for some, as I've mentioned before, "1.5 Fever", where they go insane showing off, feeling they're better, etc...
      It's all bullcrap :/
      The very least we can do is be appreciative and patient and support The Team interminably, and hopefully, we may undo some damage done by the betrayals felt by them, and shine some light on this dark subject.
      Last edited by Leonardos5; 02-17-2013, 11:25 AM.
      "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
      PSN Gamercards


      • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
        Look guys, the reality of the matter is that none of us have been waiting 15 years for this game, okay.
        Even if we first wanted it 15 years ago, we don't live for this game, this game doesn't motivate us, we have lives outside of the forums and wanting Resident Evil 1.5. If anything, 1.5 is just something we want on the side of our lives. As I've seen, the individual The Team spoke of has shown initiative and dedication to 1.5, demonstrated by the hefty price (not just monetary) he had to pay to acquire it, and The Team who have gone out of their way to do this inconcievable thing for us, and work hard to make this dream a reality for everyone. Godspeed.
        The biggest problem (and it's been brought up before) is that it's tough to trust people. They all start off in the community, and you filter them to a few. They convince you that they're trustworthy, and then they let something out, and it screw everything over. It damages relationships and it extends beyond what was hurt and damages other relations for other projects...
        It's hard to find good people now-a-days, and for some reason, most people fall for some, as I've mentioned before, "1.5 Fever", where they go insane showing off, feeling they're better, etc...
        It's all bullcrap :/
        The very least we can do is be appreciative and patient and support them interminably, and hopefully, we may undo some damage done by the betrayals felt by The Team, and shine some light on this dark subject.
        Yeah its all true ... Nothing would change for me if 1.5 was release or not, it might be joy but thats as you side outside of the life's important circle, it's just for fun, people buy games like RE to play when they're bored or free for fun nothing else "and horror ... LOL" .. so yea.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • The fact of the matter is, the demanding ungrateful impatient "gimmie gimmie gimmie now!" lamer crowd has always existed and always will, in this community and in many others. I recall back in the late 1990s, when Emulation was in it's golden age, and Translation Groups were popping up for the first time translating Japanese NES and SNES games into english for the fans, quite a few promising projects would suddenly up and quit, and most of the time the main reason the groups stated for quitting was that for every positive grateful encouraging email they got from a fan for working on the project, they would get 10 other emails saying "omg! you idiots, hurry up and release the translation already! you're too slow! you guys suck!", which would discourage them. I remember seeing update messages on Emulation news sites often back then saying, "Yet another promising translation project has shut down today. Who can you thank for it? All the lamers and flamers sending them hate mail. Read <this link> for their farewell message." I also remember one time reading a message posted by an emulation author who charged shareware who declared, "Each time one of you idiots leaks my new releases cracked to the public, I'm going to stop working on my emulator for six months!"

          Now, here's the problem with all of this, you will NEVER get rid of these types of people, they have always existed, and always will. All you can do is ignore them. To think that one day everyone in a fandom is going to magically acheive some sort of universal enlightenement where these types don't exist anymore to screw things up for people, you're delusional. That's just human nature, these idiots will always be around trying to fuck everything up. And like in the emulation author example, if someone says they are going to delay or quit something if something leaks (like in the emulation case) there is *always* bound to be at least *one idiot* who is going to do it out of spite to ruin it for everybody.
          Last edited by Eteponge; 02-17-2013, 10:56 AM.


          • Well it would change for me lol because id be very happy to play 1.5 and a classic resident evil style game again , just like the good old days of playstaion 1 when all you had to was put the game in and simply play away.


            • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
              The fact of the matter is, the demanding ungrateful impatient "gimmie gimmie gimmie now!" lamer crowd has always existed and always will, in this community and in many others. I recall back in the late 1990s, when Emulation was in it's golden age, and Translation Groups were popping up for the first time translating Japanese NES and SNES games into english for the fans, quite a few promising projects would suddenly up and quit, and most of the time the main reason the groups stated for quitting was that for every positive grateful encouraging email they got from a fan for working on the project, they would get 10 other emails saying "omg! you idiots, hurry up and release the translation already! you're too slow! you guys suck!", which would discourage them. I remember seeing update messages on Emulation news sites often back then saying, "Yet another promising translation project has shut down today. Who can you thank for it? All the lamers and flamers sending them hate mail. Read <this link> for their farewell message." I also remember one time reading a message posted by an emulation author who charged shareware who declared, "Each time one of you idiots leaks my new releases cracked to the public, I'm going to stop working on my emulator for six months!"

              Now, here's the problem with all of this, you will NEVER get rid of these types of people, they have always existed, and always will. All you can do is ignore them. To think that one day everyone in a fandom is going to magically acheive some sort of universal enlightenement where these types don't exist anymore to screw things up for people, you're delusional. That's just human nature, these idiots will always be around trying to fuck everything up. And like in the emulation author example, if someone says they are going to delay or quit something if something leaks (like in the emulation case) there is *always* bound to be at least *one idiot* who is going to do it out of spite to ruin it for everybody.
              yeah exactly they will always exist , That's why I hope the team will understand there will always be a few idiots that try to upset them and sway them from there work , But I hope the team remembers the people who actually do appreciate what they are doing , we can't do anything really for them except show our support , so I hope that get's through to them more then the negative comments do.
              Last edited by chrisliam2; 02-17-2013, 11:10 AM.


              • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                The fact of the matter is, the demanding ungrateful impatient "gimmie gimmie gimmie now!" lamer crowd has always existed and always will, in this community and in many others.

                ♪ Who is to blame...? ♫
                I'm a blackstar.


                • Zork is oppressive .....
                  Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                  ^ Lol ...


                  • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post

                    ♪ Who is to blame...? ♫
                    LOL! XD Her spoiled "I Want It Now!" song sure does sum up these types.


                    • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
                      Oh my God, yeah, I remember hearing that and thinking it was composed by the slow cousin of the FFVII composer, Opi.
                      I'm going to try and see if I can get the original release version (big PS1 box and all) from my cousin's best friend.
                      Seriously, they pulled waaay too much of a b-horror-movie feel into the DC release, lol
                      I'm talking about the moments with this James Bond-y feeling music starts playing when






                      (^God these took FOREVER! I couldn't find them anywhere, I had to type them by hand while listening to a walkthrough)
                      It's more of a comedy than anything...
                      sorry to bring these up, but are you saying the NTSC american Directors Cut: Duel Shock edition has new dialog/cut scenes aswell as a new (poor) soundtrack? im playing the original directors cut PAL release and it has the original music. let me know if what you said was true because id Import that version just to hear them scenes and hear the OST remixed.


                      • Originally posted by EVIL-WEBBY View Post
                        sorry to bring these up, but are you saying the NTSC american Directors Cut: Duel Shock edition has new dialog/cut scenes aswell as a new (poor) soundtrack? im playing the original directors cut PAL release and it has the original music. let me know if what you said was true because id Import that version just to hear them scenes and hear the OST remixed.
                        No the PAL version also had these extra scenes/voices - but original music was in the game. Also if you play Advanced Mode, there are new camera angles, a Silver Beretta that can perform random headshots, and mixed around item places..

                        Dual Shock version had the ''new'' horrible soundtrack although IDK if the new scenes were in it.
                        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                          No the PAL version also had these extra scenes/voices - but original music was in the game. Also if you play Advanced Mode, there are new camera angles, a Silver Beretta that can perform random headshots, and mixed around item places..

                          Dual Shock version had the ''new'' horrible soundtrack although IDK if the new scenes were in it.
                          Dont mean to doubt you, but are you sure? because i always used to play DC on Advanced Only (since thats Directors Cut mode, the other modes being the original game which i must have compeleted 30plus time before getting DC) I'm infact playing it right now as iv got the flu and dusted off my old PS1 to get ready for 1.5 but i never remember any different diolog and only differences i ever noticed was the ones you also pointed out...

                          maybe my memeory over the past 16 years hasnt holded up aswell as i thought, geuss i'll find out since im playing as Chris on Advanced mode...

                          EDIT: Just encountered Rebecca in the Save Room, She's going on about the holicopter crashing which is strange since she just serviced it last month. so i geuss the diolog is different after all.
                          Last edited by EVIL-WEBBY; 02-17-2013, 01:13 PM. Reason: IM BATMAN


                          • Originally posted by EVIL-WEBBY View Post
                            Dont mean to doubt you, but are you sure? because i always used to play DC on Advanced Only (since thats Directors Cut mode, the other modes being the original game which i must have compeleted 30plus time before getting DC) I'm infact playing it right now as iv got the flu and dusted off my old PS1 to get ready for 1.5 but i never remember any different diolog and only differences i ever noticed was the ones you also pointed out...

                            maybe my memeory over the past 16 years hasnt holded up aswell as i thought, geuss i'll find out since im playing as Chris on Advanced mode...

                            EDIT: Just encountered Rebecca in the Save Room, She's going on about the holicopter crashing which is strange since she just serviced it last month. so i geuss the diolog is different after all.
                            I only ever owned the Director's Cut PAL version..
                            Dunno if advanced mode changes anything as in speech, but I clearly remember the ROOT joke and Chris laughing at Wesker with the Tyrant - even the scene with Rebecca getting back up after being shot.
                            "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                            • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post

                              ♪ Who is to blame...? ♫
                              perfect analogy.

                              what is your avatar?


                              • Not to burst anyone bubble, but I have a five copies of the PAL RE1. None of them have switchable music or different dialog. I have the original PAL release, Platinum release, Directors Cut, German Directors Cut, and The White Label. They are the same as the USA releases. Also the Director Cut Dual Shock Version was never released in Europe, only Directors Cut which featured the original score.

                                Also the PAL PSN version is the exact same.

                                RaccoonSurvivor, That dialog you mentioned is in every release of the game.

                                The way the Root dialog triggers is if Rebecca has to make the V-Jolt and use it in the undergrounds area where Neptune is. "I guess we to the ROOT of the problem".

                                Chris' dialog with Wesker is the same no matter what. He always says that, unless Rebecca dies, in that case he won't use the line "sleeping with the ultimate failure".
                                Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-17-2013, 01:40 PM.
                                My Head-Fi Page

