Originally posted by geluda
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
You can easily just stop replying and prolonging it. You keep trying to make the point of "illegal stuff everywhere for years", as if nobody is aware of it. Gemini's original point was more or less the same.
The site doesn't need "neutered." Just as the Internet doesn't need neutered for piracy or bestiality. Of course, mods/admins can take a more active stance against it.Last edited by News Bot; 03-07-2013, 10:35 AM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostWhat types of audio extensions does the ps1 support anyway ?
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Postsigpic
"Beware the friends bearing false gifts and speaking with fork tongues. Poor Four-Eyes!" - Rev, New Dominion Tank Police
Jesus in the fuck, what the hell is going on in here.
Yes. I agree with Gemini (hey, for people who've seen our "chats" on RHDN, that's something new - too bad the localization thread was deleted). Or, well, it's nothing to really "agree" with, 'cause it's just how things are in terms of copyright laws and what not. Whether people like it or not. As for C&Ds and what not, we try to avoid pissing off people here. We've basically drawn the line at THIA at what we feel does not in any way "harm" Capcom or other property owners. But it's entirely up to those rights holders to decide what they feel is crossing the line and if they decide to strike on something pre-existing on the site, we'll bow down (unless we firmly believe we are in the right when it comes to our treatment of it). We actually have had a few legal issues to deal with in the past, welcome to reality, but those aren't things we plaster all over the site, 'cause it's A: Serious stuff. B: None of the public's business.
Remember the Resident Evil 5 demo hacking spoilers? Here at THIA we actually took a pretty solid stance on that and decided we wouldn't pick apart the demo, we wouldn't post the spoilers, and we wouldn't link to those sites doing so. (While it was Capcom's fault for not really "cleaning" their assets probably, we still think it was totally a dick move and immature to do things the way many sites treated that thing, and anyone daring to bring up subjects like "people's interest" and "fair use" on that part doesn't know what the dick he/she is talking about and should go back to studying those subjects). Another case of "This is why we can't have good things."
Some sites decided to "fight back" on the demo thing, stupid move, really. Given the subject, it wasn't journalistic integrity, but rather kids being entitled dicks. Whilst the technicalities of whether or not Capcom would've been able to legally go forward with anything are somewhat of a subject of its own, in terms of liability and damage claims in regards to potential market value injury; the big issue in the case would of course be that if Capcom decided to escalate such an issue, there'd be the whole "But what about those guys? They do it too! Those guys too! Or what about the time X did Y? What about these other times they did that too? Why are you singling us out?" issue to deal with. 'Cause once you strike down on ONE, you basically gotta go after ALL. And that's something that can always backfire on all levels of fandom and the various fan communities of something. (Shooting yourself in the foot, one kid's dick move reflecting badly on everyone, etc.)
Anyway, it's up to THIA staff to deal with what we feel is suitable for our site or not. Which is why we've been very careful with our treatment of certain content in the past and also checked our legal grounds on various subjects before moving forward with certain things too. We like to think people are at least sufficiantly aware of the circumstances surrounding whatever they chose to post, that they don't go around doing something they either deliberately know is wrong or should've known to be wrong. Same goes for other sites; their staff need to deal with things as they see fit, face consequences for their actions and what not, but people shouldn't deliberately be dicky about stuff and at least try to be somewhat considerate when it comes to what to post online, how they acqure it, and what they do with it.
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostWhat about the SCPH-1001 ps1, i heard it's one of the best cd players and very unique among other models that came later !
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostWhat about the SCPH-1001 ps1, i heard it's one of the best cd players and very unique among other models that came later !
Last edited by yurieu; 03-07-2013, 02:00 PM.
Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post