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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I still remember the Resident Evil Outbreak main theme on the first trailer at E3 2003, beautiful!
    "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


    • Music from RE3 like the Options Menu music (could be a save room BGM) and The Clock Tower BGM is fantastic. The piano kinda reminds me of Dawn of The Dead (1970's original) a little bit too .. creepy - obviously if they bells toll was edited out . it'd be good.
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        Music from RE3 like the Options Menu music (could be a save room BGM) and The Clock Tower BGM is fantastic. The piano kinda reminds me of Dawn of The Dead (1970's original) a little bit too .. creepy - obviously if they bells toll was edited out . it'd be good.
        The options menu BGM is really a nice piece of music and would fit well, maybe when Roy dies or (possibly) Ada.

        Also I think the BGM at the beginning of RE3 would fit well somewhere. Though I don't know where.
        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


        • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
          Suena de lujo compatriota, pronto nos echarán la bronca por no hablar en inglés XD.
          Less 'angry' and more 'irked', really. Most of the folks can't read Spanish, so it's not polite to talk in it without good reason. Such as mentioning that we're going to get angry about you talking in Spanish...


          • Other spaniard member wrote his post first in spanish by mistake, then I advised with that joke and he edited his post in english. I hope you don't feel too irked...
            Last edited by The_Wes; 04-05-2013, 03:22 PM.
            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Less 'angry' and more 'irked', really. Most of the folks can't read Spanish, so it's not polite to talk in it without good reason. Such as mentioning that we're going to get angry about you talking in Spanish...
              Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
              Other spaniard member wrote his post first in spanish by mistake, then I advised with that joke and he edited his post in english. I hope you don't feel too irked...
              guys, not fight, I mistakenly wrote in Spanish and I edit. The rest was a joke. We are here to talk about 1.5 does not let a simple mistake to distract us.

              A question for D.Birkin: the game will be at 1 cd or 2 cd's?


              • Originally posted by sefirott View Post
                guys, not fight, I mistakenly wrote in Spanish and I edit. The rest was a joke. We are here to talk about 1.5 does not let a simple mistake to distract us.

                A question for D.Birkin: the game will be at 1 cd or 2 cd's?
                I'd think 1. Since it was intended to be just one.
                Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                  Other spaniard member wrote his post first in spanish by mistake, then I advised with that joke and he edited his post in english. I hope you don't feel too irked...
                  Nah, I'm mostly just making sure we don't go off too far. There's been a few times when members have tried to abuse the fact they speak other languages to get around the rules. Feel free to speak Spanish if there's a reason to - but otherwise, I'd consider it a kindness to stick to English.

                  Not that half the membership understand that either...


                  • A video producer's opinion .... In my "Story of RE15" video series on YouTube, I found myself using mostly RE2 and RE3 tracks in conjunction with the RE15 BGM tracks. Thematically, they're very similar in certain respects - RE2 more so than RE3. The problem I had with the RE3 music was the constant intrusion of BGM themes associated with Nemesis and the UBCS (Carlos, Nicholai, etc.) the farther the story goes - but some of the ones used early in the game worked quite well for what I was doing. RE3 BGM Track 12, "City of Ruin," is an excellent example. I used this several times in my series. I didn't use much from the other RE games. I used REO1's hospital theme in at least one place and that for the ruined clinic in REO2 in another. I opened my series with the music that plays at the end of REO1's "Outbreak" scenario - although I used it to start my story, instead of finishing a game scenario. I deliberately used the REUC version of a well-known RE15 track ("Live Evil" - based on "The Red Lab") for Elza's fighting retreat down the 1F West Hallway because it seemed appropriate - she pops out of the North Office to find herself surrounded by zombies, almost like Jill in the alternate Factory entrance in RE3 - and the music helped to drive the action. That was pretty much it. To sum it up, the RE15-RE2 BGM tracks play well off of each other in an RE15-inspired production, with the early tracks of RE3 as a good secondary source - IMHO. The rest is cherry-picking the remainder of the RE music library to round off the corners.

                    There's an atmosphere about RE15 that needs to be emphasized with the audio as well as seeing it with the eyes. It's one first of desolation and abandonment, then one of gradual realization and fear, then suspense building up to true terror as the threats in the game become realized. In other words, very much like what happens in RE2, its descendant. That's why in my opinion the RE15 and RE2 soundtracks work well together. It's not the same with RE3. The whole tenor of the atmosphere changes once Nemesis and then Nicholai appear. If RE15's Birkin were played more like a Tyrant, then the Nemesis-inspired BGMs of RE3 might work - but he isn't, and they don't. Also, RE15 lacks a truly conniving villain like Nicholai - so his BGM themes go out the window, too. That leaves you with roughly the first third of the RE3 soundtrack - and part of that is recycled RE2 music. You have to keep those RE15 themes I mentioned above in mind when you start cherry-picking the soundtracks of the other games ... and since we already have the end-of-game music for RE15 (an early version of RE2's "The Third Malformation of G"), you can't go with something else if you're looking to be true to the original.

                    I did what I did because I needed a LOT of BGM tracks to pad out my series. Team IGAS has the tougher job. They've only got a handful of original RE15 tracks, and they've got to be really choosy about any extras they pick. They've got to work with the original concept/atmosphere of the game - and because of that, their choices are quite limited.
                    Last edited by RMandel; 04-06-2013, 04:29 AM.


                    • Originally posted by sefirott View Post
                      A question for D.Birkin: the game will be at 1 cd or 2 cd's?
                      paging Birkin, hello Birkin, you there? no. he out of office this morning.

                      with current data expansion plan estimate and usage, we will only need that one disc. if we end at two discs, it is because disc two is only bonus of some sort.


                      • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                        paging Birkin, hello Birkin, you there? no. he out of office this morning.

                        with current data expansion plan estimate and usage, we will only need that one disc. if we end at two discs, it is because disc two is only bonus of some sort.
                        Thank you very much for the reply B.Zork. And thanks for the great work you do.


                        • Question removed.
                          Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-06-2013, 02:14 PM.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Don't you fellas want any mysteries left for the release? :-P


                            • Why people ask so many strange questions? Knowing what icon we use or number of disks changes nothing.
                              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                              • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                                Don't you fellas want any mysteries left for the release? :-P
                                Indeed! It's interesting to learn how they've overcome some obstacles but I'm happy just waiting knowing the game is in good hands. If anything this has reaffirmed my confidence in the kind of end result they're capable of creating. Now knowing some of the real complications they've had and the lengths they've had to go to just to get the game in a good working state, I'm confident that they're capable of creating something we're all going to be extremely happy with.

                                In particular the 3D artists are doing an amazing job, the style really seems to fit and the backgrounds are getting better each time I see them, I'll really look forward to seeing the end result.

