Never have I seen such stuck up fanboyism in all my life. The idiocy is somewhat disturbing. . .
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Originally posted by SonicBlue View PostI'm posting this here because the moderators on the "other" board are the ones causing flames, and of course they only post there because they'd get banned pretty easily anywhere else, but on RE123 they can do as they please and nobody dare going against them.
The Mortician, started the shitstorm.
He brainwashed DXP and his team members in believing that the stuff Team IGAS shown was fake, and or easily reproduced in RE2 PC without producing any proof, just assumption.
His team members, after some posts trusted him, and you can clearly read DXP "explosion" about this project, some pages after The Mortician "I know it's a RE2 PC mod" posts.
You have only to read his post from this page and forward, he ruined the community.
a lot of people are really starting to have sour grapes and as I said on the other forum it's just pathetic seeing people act like this over a 90's video game and it's kinda funny at the same time seeing how certain people act , I just hope the team knows there are more people out there that support them rather then the others being negative and jealous people.
and try to have a nice chat with my fellow 1.5 fans
Originally posted by SonicBlue View PostI'm posting this here because the moderators on the "other" board are the ones causing flames, and of course they only post there because they'd get banned pretty easily anywhere else, but on RE123 they can do as they please and nobody dare going against them.
The Mortician, started the shitstorm.
He brainwashed DXP and his team members in believing that the stuff Team IGAS shown was fake, and or easily reproduced in RE2 PC without producing any proof, just assumption.
His team members, after some posts trusted him, and you can clearly read DXP "explosion" about this project, some pages after The Mortician "I know it's a RE2 PC mod" posts.
You have only to read his post from this page and forward, he ruined the community.
Your claim is hilarious and unfair...
First of all..
That "theory" I had and those "shit storm" causing posts were done nearly one year ago... Back then we only had some pictures found by random in different places like facebook profiles etc. Back then I was just not buying it since I have not seen enough proof. Now.. a bit later it was obvious the team was working on legit material and I have no doubts about that.. I was not the only one who was not sure if it was "fake" back then.. Even you stated doubts about the authencity of those stair well renders that popped up out of nowhere...
Remember? No? Then have a look here, where you called those renders to be clearly fake..
So I brainwashed all.. yeah.
Me ruining the community? By what? I'm a longtime member of RE 123, provided lot of help and info also some more or less useful tools that were not there before and which have not been replaced by something up to now.. I'm sure a lot of guys over from RE 123 can't agree with your story here..
So basically me having doubts about something that a whole page (Bioflames) was always discussing about, nearly a year ago when info was scarce, is destroying a community?..Last edited by TheMortician; 05-15-2013, 04:45 PM.
Originally posted by TheMortician View PostI'm not afraid to show up here. Why should I?...
Your claim is hilarious and unfair...
First of all..
That "theory" I had and those "shit storm" causing posts were done nearly one year ago... Back then we only had some pictures found by random in different places like facebook profiles etc. Back then I was just not buying it since I have not seen enough proof. Now.. a bit later it was obvious the team was working on legit material and I have no doubts about that.. I was not the only who was not sure if it was "fake" back then.. Even you stated doubts about the authencity of those stair well renders that popped up out of nowhere...
So I brainwashed all.. yeah.
Me ruining the community? By what? I'm a longtime member of RE 123, provided lot of help and info also some more or less useful tools that were not there before and which have not been replaced by something up to now.. I'm sure a lot of guys over from RE 123 can't agree with your story here..
So basically me having doubts about something that a whole page (Bioflames) was always discussing about, nearly a year ago when info was scarce, is destroying a community?..
Yeah sure, they are doubts, but I was not trying to convince anyone to support my theories, because anyone can have doubts about strange stuff that suddenly appeared.
Instead, after your post, the conversion from a normal "trying to figure out what's happening" became in a they're lying I know how they did it, but without showing how they did it.
I remembered that DXP was not like he's now, and by checking the thread for the reason, I've found that it was your post to start his craziness.
At every new video there is a new DXP rant, and not only him, they are not sensate complaints, they doesn't have the know how to be sure about what they said, you didn't brainwashed them? That's fine, but you gave them strange ideas about the Team work, and now they believe they can do everything, because "it's documented", this is not rational thinking.
And now there is Mrox2, with his "fuck off MarkGrass, now let me extract some stuff with BIOFAT"
Wow that is what I would call a conspiracy theory..
So I'm basically controlling everyone? And always forcing guys to believe me? You should check if your tin foil hat sits tight dude.
I'm pretty sure DXP and Mrox have their own heads and opinions.. Claiming i'm brainwashing them and that I indoctrinate them sounds a bit paranoid..
Sure I'm moderator on 123 but i'm not their nanny, teacher or whatever..
Why can't guys just don't stick to discussing about the project itself instead of trying to initiate any battles with the most ridiculous pretext?
The majority of the community of both of those boards love the project. Does it matter that some won't like it at all?
You and other criticize DXP and others to never stop about it..while you also can't stop about it.. The easy way to end so called trolling is, to just ignore it...
I'm sure Team IGAS and others here have better things to do...
Can we just agree that neither DXP nor Mrox2 have anything to say worth listening to? Both spend more time bitching than actually doing anything of value.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by TheMortician View PostWow that is what I would call a conspiracy theory..
So I'm basically controlling everyone? And always forcing guys to believe me? You should check if your tin foil hat sits tight dude.
I'm pretty sure DXP and Mrox have their own heads and opinions.. Claiming i'm brainwashing them and that I indoctrinate them sounds a bit paranoid..
Sure I'm moderator on 123 but i'm not their nanny, teacher or whatever..
Why can't guys just don't stick to discussing about the project itself instead of trying to initiate any battles with the most ridiculous pretext?
The majority of the community of both of those boards love the project. Does it matter that some won't like it at all?
You and other criticize DXP and others to never stop about it..while you also can't stop about it.. The easy way to end so called trolling is, to just ignore it...
I'm sure Team IGAS and others here have better things to do...
You said that what they did was pretty easy to do hacking RE2, after your post they both changed their minds in "I don't want to hear about this project any more"
After this they entered in some sort of competition, they think that they can build a Formula 1, like Team IGAS, because they are assembling their "race car" but I don't see them even starting drawing it, but that's not a problem, they have everything ready, in their head.
The fact that DXP knows for sure that they stole the code from RE2 Dreamcast (for just picking something new) is something that doesn't deserve a clarification? Try to read his statement again, he provided the code to show how easily is to spot, or how you can take advantage of pre made code of another game?
Anyway there is all the thread to read if they what want to make their own opinions, your comments could be only the catalysing effect, but after what you said everything changed.
Originally posted by TheMortician View PostYou and other criticize DXP and others to never stop about it..while you also can't stop about it..Last edited by Gemini; 05-15-2013, 05:37 PM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostThe same could be said to a moderator, who is supposed to prevent flames instead of simply standing there and conveniently turning a deaf ear. Don't be surprised if people ever avoid the board like it's the plague.
I'm sorry I have to rely on Enrico when it comes down to give some guys what they're screaming for. I often enough tried to settle things and to warn guys.
At least be honest Gemini.. In comparison, to the topic here.. the "shit storm" on 123 was a mild breeze. Mods here even closed the topic to get things under control again.
And I'm sure Carnivol and DarkMoon can agree that it's not easy to keep the masses away from freaking out when the text string "1.5" appears somewhere.
Guys like you also don't help with their permanent provocations.. In a world free of such natures.. there would not even be a need of a moderator..
@Sonic Blue
Dude you probaby not have noticed.. But mrox, DXP and me that are all different persons.. I swear.. hahaha
What do DXP's claims have to do with Team96? Nothing. Those are his claims and his opinion.. or was there an official statement on Team96 Blog with any of those claims?
No there wasn't.. Why? Because that are DXP's claims.. posted in a public forum.
I'm not the chief, we have no chief. All members are organizing it together.. and even if I was chief of that team..
It's not a fascist dictatorship where all discussions are about other teams work or I will indoctrinate guys on a 24 hour a day base.. That argument is just crappy, stop trying to even use it.
We all have jobs and stuff to do besides our modding, coding, modelling etc.. Just like the dudes from IGAS.. So on a daily base, there is not much time left to do that hobby.. sadly.
and that also doesn't offer enough time nor motivation to just keep distracted by other's work while having to do lots of other stuff. Even though you would still love to see me all day long in my brainwashing chambers..
If someone claims something, he should prove it. I fully agree with that, but instead of bashing the shit out of him while also not providing some counter proof isn't help anyone..
DXP is speaking for himself.. And if you can't get that, I could also claim you speak for IGAS (following your argumentation line) since you get pretty defensive easily about their work.. As if you would defend your own
So enough of that.. I really can't understand why someone always tries to get Team96 involved and named. Also I somewhat find it disturbing to see our team name getting called so often in another team's project topic, while it has 0 relevance.
Let me add that.. It shouldn't be that hard to divide IGAS and our work..
Team96 works on a PC mod
IGAS works on a PSX mod
While it may have been obvious to a lot of guys here.. It still is necessary to again state it..
Even though it's the same or a similar game engine (pretty much). Comparisons of output and work is a bit.. well.. stupid.
Since both cleary are two different things to do. Like apples and oranges.Last edited by TheMortician; 05-15-2013, 06:04 PM.
Originally posted by TheMortician View PostGuys like you also don't help with their permanent provocations..
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by TheMortician View PostAnd I'm sure Carnivol and DarkMoon can agree that it's not easy to keep the masses away from freaking out when the text string "1.5" appears somewhere.
Anyway, I think what's getting people worked up on both sides is how, whilst people clearly have their differences in taste and preferences, a select few individuals on one side is showing an excessive amount of dedication to vocally hating on everything that's being shown from the 1.5 project. I could conjure a handful of good reasons to actually be butt hurt over things pertaining the 1.5 project, but when it comes to these individuals ... I'm having a hard time even finding any justification to their blind hate.
What we're basically seeing is:
-Countless, baseless and uneducated accusation in terms of what's being done and how it's being done.
-Namecalling of the project itself and/or project staff.
-Hilariously cocky and elitist claims that anything that's not already part of some 15+ year old footage "must" be made up by "the team."
-General asshole attitude towards a group victim of the fact that they seemingly shelled out of their own pockets a small fortune to get a restoration project kicked off the ground (with seemingly no intentions of actually showing anything until it was ready - possibly even negotiated for backing/support from the proper rights owners), just to get screwed over royally by community members and scammers who tried to genuinly turn a profit on their personal efforts and "investment" (if you can call it that) - Clearly doing nothing but harm in overall, all for personal gain (Stay classy!)
All in all, it mostly just comes off as someone with some sort of strange type of envy and anger towards the fact that he's not part of the restoration team (or maybe kicked off the team?) -- or maybe it's a lack of control/insight, going by how it's mostly a bunch of community no names working on this in public. (Okay, Zork's been around for a few years, at least, but to my knowledge; he's only been active when announcing releases in the past.)Last edited by Carnivol; 05-15-2013, 06:32 PM.
Anyway, what have these guys been doing for these past few years, in comparison to what IGAS made in one year?
If these guys were so good, there would be plenty of videos and topics around their work and people would be hyped up, right? Honestly, never heard of them. The only thing I ever saw were DPX's backgrounds, and they sucked in comparison to what IGAS is doing.
So if they want to call IGAS names and criticize their work all the time, maybe it's time for them to show us what they spend their time doing? Or maybe they can't, and then should just shut up. Just sayin'.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostSo you apply this to others but not your friend DXP who is clearly rage-flaming with each new video released, always spamming massive amounts of nonsense? I really have no idea why Enrico lets you even moderate the board when you are clearly not part of the helpful bunch. Have fun administering your own little kingdom while the ruler isn't looking.
Quit claiming that Gemini, you're wrong, doesn't matter how much times you will repeat misinformation.
To round up the facts..
I'm top poster number 1 with around 2.200 posts since June 25, 2008 on the board, see through my various collection of posts and claim
that majority of my posts are just BS without looking ridiculous while trying to do so. Go for it!
I have tried to help and have replied more than everyone else on that board. Period.
To say i'm not part of the helping bunch is so lousy that it isn't funny anymore. What do I have to do to be member of the helping bunch still?
Turning a blind eye? Well I can't see everything and there is always the "Report post" function to keep me noticed, there are also other ways to make sure stuff doesn't get overlooked.
That phenom can be observed here as well if you want to see it.. and if you don't turn a blind eye ;)
I mean, does everyone who bashes and spews insults about the 123 boards or members here on the boards gets his treatment? Nope.. Obviously not..
Me acting like a King is hardly what I'm doing... I'm the only active moderator of the board. Since i'm mod only one person was banned for being a total ass.
I never had issues with Enrico nor did I run into trouble with majority of the members there. Regardless of what you do, I have a pretty good reputation there and that is something you have to earn..
No matter what you do dude, the picture you paint only exists in your head. Sorry.
Agreed. Matches my observations.. To quote B.Zork
"It's a sad day again"
@Rick Hunter
Where did our Team officially claim anything like that? Source? Nowhere.. Is it that hard to divide a single persons opinion from a Team and their general work?
It's not hard to get so much attention, i'm not trying to downplay IGAS in anyway by that, but come on..
What does get more attention?
1.5? or a PC mod?... obvious shit is obvious.. Isn't it?...
The RE community may be big in general, but the branches of it, which are obsessed by 1.5 or even mods are tiny in comparison.. So that audience is most like interested in the most wanted prototype...
And about what guys on the modding board have achieved in comparison?.. Well depends on how you go about rating stuff and what you count into it.. But I get what you're trying to sayLast edited by TheMortician; 05-15-2013, 07:05 PM.