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  • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
    To say i'm not part of the helping bunch is so lousy that it isn't funny anymore. What do I have to do to be member of the helping bunch still?
    I was specifically talking about moderation, or the lack of any when it comes to flames/trolling from some individuals; there's no need for the rest of the wall of paper, it's totally out of topic with what I was trying to point out. Draw your conclusions or just carry on, I definitively won't bother adding more if you can't (or don't want to) see the problem by yourself.
    Last edited by Gemini; 05-15-2013, 07:45 PM.

    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


    • Whatever their personal opinion and attitude is, they still indirectly represent their team. And I have yet to see something of their work, while in less than a year team IGAS made something unprecedented. And it's not only about RE 1.5, it's about their skills at modding an unfinished PSX game.

      The only thing that ever made me feel excited from the modding community was Dominion's last project. It was trying to be original, and kinda felt authentic, a really new experience. Most other projects ended up aborted or were just room swapping and models/backgrounds re-texturing. Nothing really interesting.

      It's not anymore about wanting IGAS to release the damn game, it's already out and it's not enjoyable. It's about the incredible amount of work and efforts they invest to make that game playable; it's unprecedented and they don't ask for anything in return.

      And what do we have on your forums? Guys like DXP calling them "assholes" who should release the "pure build" and stop "bastardizing" the game. We don't "lick their asses", we just appreciate what they're doing and certainly feel grateful. DXP's attitude is unforgivable, it's not about stating opinions, he's just spending his time spouting nonsense and insulting people who are leagues ahead of him in terms of modding. That's pathetic, and you've turned a blind eye on his behavior.


      • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
        Me acting like a King is hardly what I'm doing... I'm the only active moderator of the board.
        Alright maybe you are more active than the only other moderator apart from the admin (whether you assume he counts as a moderator or not) I do my fair share, the point being I know when to step in when things go hectic. Just because you don't see me there logged in, doesn't mean Im not doing anything. Remember I get and reply to the same reported posts that you do.

        Also this isn't about you in anyway, but a lot of the time people with 1000's of posts who claim they have some sort of integrity within a community just make me laugh, I just find it's sometimes people don't have any self control in when to post. (Remember this is just a my generalised opinion) Even if I was 100% active 24/7 I don't think I'd make that number of posts because I think its only necessary to post when its, well, necessary.

        Is anyone like me where they spend like 20-30 minutes writing one post to make sure what they're saying doesn't sound like the words of a blabbering maniac? Or am I just slow haha.

        The way I see it is, the people with low post counts are maybe just more of a reader/listener than a speaker.

        I'm not having a bash at you or anything, you do an alright job on there, it's just being the other moderator I felt it necessary to speak up.

        (To the 123 boarders, remember click that report post button if something is unjust, the "The hats should be red, No!, the hats should be blue" arguement is not an excuse to click the report button, unless the blue hats become blood covered red, you can also PM Mortician or myself if any specific problems arise, If you have any concerns which need to be forwarded directly to the admin, that's also possible, Thanks)

        I wonder if anyone get's the hat reference.


        Now on to the topic of 1.5 I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far, I'm just being patient. I can wait, I know it's coming now and there are plenty of other things I can do in the meantime, Good luck, I don't really have anything to say on anything. Oh a thing I would like to say is to B.Zork is, this is my fault that I'm a little hard of hearing, but I struggled to understand some parts of the last making of video due to the voice. I had to turn it up a little loud to hear it clearly, but this made the game sounds blast my speakers.

        That's everything I think.


        • @Rick Hunter

          But it does not represent the team. I can see it's taken indirectly but a team is a collective and it can only have an opinion if all members agree and say so.
          That is not the case. I came over here to make that clear and I think it should be clear enough by now

          No questions about it. The work IGAS has done is unprecedented. There were near to no serious PS1 modifications before.
          The checksum check of the PS1 titles have been cracked by the modding community only recently.. Making file swaps etc possible but without any use of heavy assembler artillery near to useless.. or at least still
          pretty uninteresting. I share the opinion that modding the PS1 games indeed is a lot more interesting, since to the platform indepency of a modded iso (emulators for PS1 exist on most operating systems if not for all).

          There were no assembly level mods done on this calibre before, so that really is something great and interesting to watch

          Dominion's mod really was interesting, personally I think it was the project that got me into looking deeper into the whole modding.
          Sadly it seems to have been cancelled as well. Good thing is, by now nearly everything he had done before has been figured out by the modders.
          One of the last riddles are animations which are currently also pretty manageable. The community even has found ways of doing stuff that even Dark Biohazard never had.

          Masks for example,

          I showed a video of 2 RE1 1.5 rooms ported to RE2 with masks in use. Dark Biohazard had none, watch the trailers closely.

 By that i don't mean Dominion was not able to do so (we don't know) but his footage lacked them for sure, last time I've checked..

          A few weeks and months ago when we started work on RE-DM limits where a bit more torturing us.. But we wanted to get a start and concentrated on doing the best out of our options at that point. In the meantime we figured out a lot more, not only how to handle masks.
          All room data can be handled, no matter if it's lights, room script objects, cameras etc.. So basically we have pretty much freedom and a lot of rooms are currently redesigned from scratch, since the old limits are gone forever >

          Problem is a lot of guys never succeeded that "look here is a red leon reskin" level.. Mark is kinda right, a lot of guys just wait for "hack.exe" (even though i don't like the trend of using this phrase...)
          and do nothing but wait for a new version of that.. That's why I also don't invest much more time in public tools at the moment and rather concentrate on working on modding/modelling and provided internal tools for our team.
          In the meantime guys are mostly not willing to look into it the puzzles... Guys like that can hardly be called modders.. imo. Since that requires you to at least try to understand what you're doing or what you have to do.
          I often tried to help but noticed again and again, that your help is not even appreciated or just ignored.. And a few hours later the same question will be asked even though you made it pretty clear earlier.. Wrote a step by step guide for dummies..

          Sadly a lot of guys only want info and a one-click "make uber-mod" app packaged with it.. A common mentality.. similar to the leechers in the filesharing sector..

          Granted DXP's outrage was unnecessary and I will keep a better eye on the 1.5 topic in general on 123, however I don't have to justify someone else's behavior so just keep focusing on IGAS' progress.
          It's their show here, so it really should keep on topic


          Nah I get what you mean, kinda feel stupid for saying that post amount stuff.. Just wanted to make clear that it is pretty lame to say i'm not on the "helping side".
          Having a look at my posts here should implicate that i'm not the guy who posts a "LOL" as a reply every 2 seconds to push his post count...
          So yeah agreed. Urgh report post feature.. Should make a sticky about how to use that.. I had guys trying to use that as some kind of PM alternative to chat with me about the dumbest of things....
          Last edited by TheMortician; 05-15-2013, 08:55 PM.


          • Thought I'd jump in here and ask a few questions(maybe make some uneducated guesses). I wouldn't have to guess if a little more info was given

            I recently saw the new video, looking good so far. Go TEAM! Glad to see bugs are getting "smashed" and door locks are working now that's a must for a retail like experience. Noticed the portfolio remark, probably a sound designer to fill in the holes of the BGM. Kind of odd that they would ask for help from the public though.
            Quick question did the video editor have the week off? And where's the narrator, he sounded creepy

            Saw alot of people talking about VO and FMVs. They could certainly be done, if they don't exist, someone would have to create them. Movies for example - make Hi_Res models and animate them then convert those to psx videos(STR) like they did back in '96'. We know 1.5 has the functions to play movies, of course C@pcom would put their logo video right at the beginning. Surely the team has figured out the event handler enough to properly add some videos. Would the team like to talk about that?

            I don't think the team mentioned much about their code injection system. I saw alot of speculation about that. I'm pretty sure the PSX will not run C code, it runs only mips r3000 asm. You'd have to compile your C code into mips asm then inject into that into the .exe but you couldn't just inject it anywhere, that would probably mess up your addresses. The new functions are probably just added on the end of the .exe. Then you'd need edit the code to jump to your new and improved function. They probably have some simple solution for doing all this maybe even a Hack.exe. Who knows with these people, they would have to be good with C and an expert at mips, and sharp enough to put it all together. I don't see a problem fixing something that's broken.

            I think some of the people were a little disappointed when they got their hands on the "leaked" build. The TEAM is suppose to do amazing things, So no more disappointments OK
            The leaked build was more like released build with the TOC tampered with. Obvious reason for that is they don't want people messing with the files. If someone opens the disc image, they only see 3 files. 1 of which was a nice readme - would a leaked build have a readme? That person may then say "wtf - it must be encrypted".
            I saw people complaining the nothing has been done with it, it's kind of difficult if you can't access the files.
            What really needs done is to write an extractor for all the files.

            Imagine if it was handled differently, if the files, formats, tools, and info was public from the start. Could have the most glorious public project ever. Everyone working towards the same goal. It would be done already.
            Instead lock everything down, keep most of the info confined to a couple people, I hope an outbreak doesn't happen in a key team members town(or hope they still have internet connections). I hope someone's taking good notes, and some info will be released in the future. Too much work to be wasted.
            Usually you can get more done faster when your working collectively, one hand also usually washes the other. So why discourage people that would/could help?

            And where's all this documentation I've been hearing about. I want to catch up on my reading. Someone have a link?

            [/Maniac post off]
            Last edited by RekseW; 05-15-2013, 08:48 PM.


            • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
              I'll reassemble them and try to get them back up tonight. Space in my online locker is limited, so I'm always having to swap stuff in and out of it. I'll post when it's back up.

              Thanks, bio. I knew if anyone could help clear up this issue for me, either you or Enig could. That still doesn't explain the Biohazard Complete Video #1, where at the end Leon is coming down to the Sewers via the Lobby roof drop - but it helps. So ... let's see ... I've got to send Leon back up to Chief Irons anyway to check on him, per Leon's statement to Marvin in the Service Bay. That's probably also when he gains access to the 3F Conference Room. When he gets back up there ... the boxes on the roof edge are already gone (Elza's game). No "blowing them away with the assembled bomb," as some have theorized. That would be like by the time he finally gets into the Service Bay, the locked? broken? door has already been opened (by Elza) per the cutscene where he spots Sherry. Back to the helipad. Curious, Leon heads down to explore ... but he can't get up into the Service Bay because the big crate is still over the hole. Hmmm ... it makes sense. Two small points, though. One, what's to stop him from climbing the ladder at the far end and heading on up into the Baby Gator Room? Maybe an event triggered message to block him until Marvin and Ada/Linda get down there, too? Or ... if we do send Leon down into the Sewers early via the Lobby roof drop, do we want to allow the player to skip on ahead in the game - skip the entire business with the gorilla fight in the Parking Garage and such, and go straight to the "threesome" cutscene at the Service Bay ladder? Two, how does he get back into the RPD from the outside Sewers access if the ladder back up to the Lobby roof is broken? I'm inclined to think he doesn't, but I'd still like to hear you opinion.

              Thanks for your help, bio. I mean that.

              Oh, and the Service Bay access to the Sewers isn't unique to Leon's game. There's embedded dialogue (i.e. a broken cutscene) in the MZD build where John helps Elza push the crate off of the manhole. Perhaps that's a Team IGAS addition? D.Birkin or B.Zork will have to answer that one.
              I was thinking more along the lines of having Leon backtrack all the way back up to the roof after he has already entered the sewers, and parted ways with Ada and Marvin, in order to get access to the lobby roof. It'd be a completely off-the-path optional sort of thing, maybe with some supplies located on the lobby roof. As for the embedded dialogue, that is weird. Do you happen to know if cutscene dialogue also exists for Leon and the roof access? I suppose there's always the possibility that the player gets to choose which escape route the characters use, making the game seem a lot more like RE1 with regards to the scenario system, where you get to decide a number of things that affect events. Either that or maybe it's a remnant from a story/scenario decision they chose to scrape. How peculiar.
              Last edited by biohazard_star; 05-15-2013, 09:16 PM.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                Scalability. PC is in a reversed way a very restricted platform. The way I see it, PS1 offers much more scalability in the form of pretty much being able to run on almost every single platform out there through PS1 emulation. The same can not be said for running a virtual machines with a Windows/DirectX environment at full speed.

                Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                Basically: wait until somebody does the job for you, even if that means waiting forever. Welcome to the magic of hack.exe.
                i don't wait for anything, i use what i have to do what i can.

                why use my time to make something someone else is making? its called being efficient.

                oh it never gets a public release, oh well, i still have work to show and more to do.

                pointless argument, if people didn't help each other like that we would all be building our own games from binary


                • Why people kill each other when I take vacations from forum?

                  Something new to calm you all down. 1.5 has its own controller settings screen in minimalistic style.

                  Originally posted by RekseW View Post
                  Surely the team has figured out the event handler enough to properly add some videos.
                  We do.

                  I'm pretty sure the PSX will not run C code, it runs only mips r3000 asm.
                  I created a GCC toolchain based on C and assembly. C code is compiled to MIPS R3000 and injected with assembly hooks.

                  Imagine if it was handled differently, if the files, formats, tools, and info was public from the start. Could have the most glorious public project ever. Everyone working towards the same goal. It would be done already.
                  You are making a leap longer than your leg. Many people does not mean quicker result.
                  Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-15-2013, 10:06 PM.
                  “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    I was thinking more along the lines of having Leon backtrack all the way back up to the roof after he has already entered the sewers, and parted ways with Ada and Marvin, in order to get access to the lobby roof. It'd be a completely off-the-path optional sort of thing, maybe with some supplies located on the lobby roof. As for the embedded dialogue, that is weird. Do you happen to know if cutscene dialogue also exists for Leon and the roof access? I suppose there's always the possibility that the player gets to choose which escape route the characters use, making the game seem a lot more like RE1 with regards to the scenario system, where you get to decide a number of things that affect events. Either that or maybe it's a remnant from a story/scenario decision they chose to scrape. How peculiar.
                    Sounds like you and I are thinking along the same lines, even if our paths are somewhat different. I've been going over my notes, and what Alzaire and the old Bioflames team gathered in the past, and you know what I now think? I think we're seeing RE15's zapping system at work. An early form of RE2's A-B gameplay system that's quite a bit unfinished in the 40% build. That would explain the duplicate paths to the Sewers appearing in both Elza's and Leon's game. In other words, IF Leon accesses the Sewers via the Service Bay in his game, THEN Elza MUST access the Sewers via the Lobby roof drop in her game. The converse would also be true - IF Elza accessed the Sewers via the Service Bay in her game, THEN Leon MUST access the Sewers via the Lobby roof drop in his. Sort of an early Leon A/Elza B or Elza A/Leon B, if you will. It's the only thing I can think of that fits all the data points. If true, it's obviously quite a bit unfinished in the 40% build, but it would be similar to what goes on in RE2 at this point - fighting the early Birkin or the G-mutant, depending on the order in which you played each game.

                    Given what we've got to work with, I can still see Elza being able to visit the Sewers both ways, but not Leon - since Marvin's not there to boost him back up onto the Lobby roof as John would be for Elza. Maybe that's something that had yet to be implemented in the 40% build. Team IGAS could implement a form of both in Elza's game given what they've got to work with, as I did with my video series, but there's only one route (the Service Bay) for Leon that makes sense given what's available. Still, I think your idea has a lot of merit. It would make a good extra for Team IGAS to add, once they resolve the rest of the major issues in playing the RPD. Yes ... I like it a lot - especially if first-time players have been rather wasteful with their ammo and health items. Hmmm ....

                    I haven't found any embedded dialogue for Leon and the Lobby roof drop ... but it might not have been implemented yet, either. After all, this is the 40% build we're talking about. Who knows how much further they got in the (unreleased) 80% build?

                    Thanks again, bio.

                    Oh, and before I forget, Ultimacloud123, here's those bathroom designs. The first is by yami from the abandoned Dark Biohazard project, and the second is pandemondecilla's hypothetical RE15 bathroom

                    And here's a re-up of my comprehensive RE15 background pack, complete with fan recreations of most of the still-missing rooms.

                    Last edited by RMandel; 05-15-2013, 10:25 PM.


                    • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                      Why people kill each other when I take vacations from forum?
                      Something new to calm you all down. 1.5 has its own controller settings screen in minimalistic style.
                      Because we just can't bare to be without you, not even for five minutes
                      Awesome, I see you have an option for vibration, so you decided to add it I guess, very nice. The minimalist look fits in very well with the style of the other menus imo

                      Originally posted by RekseW View Post
                      Imagine if it was handled differently, if the files, formats, tools, and info was public from the start. Could have the most glorious public project ever. Everyone working towards the same goal. It would be done already.
                      Obviously my friend, you have not heard of the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth"
                      Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 05-15-2013, 10:35 PM.


                      • @RMandel - In any case, I assume the team already has it all figured out, assuming they have more 1.5-related "content" (aside from being in possession of the 40% build) that they'd rather not spoil.
                        Last edited by biohazard_star; 05-15-2013, 10:37 PM.
                        Seibu teh geimu?


                        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                          why use my time to make something someone else is making? its called being efficient.
                          You could see how something works and replicate similar solutions in future instances, that's why. With hack.exe there's virtually zero to learn. Providing informations along with a program is undoubtedly the optimal solution. That kind of knowledge really helps growing, while breastfeeding pretty much stacks on bottomless pits.
                          Last edited by Gemini; 05-15-2013, 10:52 PM.

                          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                          • Very nice! So I assume that vibration was added in then? That is awesome. If you plug in a non dual shock type controller, will is change the controller type mage in the configuration? I know Directors Cut Dual Shock had this feature. Sorry for so many questions!

                            Also, "too many hands in the pot" ;). Thanks again.

                            Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                            Why people kill each other when I take vacations from forum?

                            Something new to calm you all down. 1.5 has its own controller settings screen in minimalistic style.

                            We do.

                            I created a GCC toolchain based on C and assembly. C code is compiled to MIPS R3000 and injected with assembly hooks.

                            You are making a leap longer than your leg. Many people does not mean quicker result.
                            Last edited by Zombie_X; 05-15-2013, 10:53 PM.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Thanks as always. This is amazing.


                              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                                Very nice! So I assume that vibration was added in then? That is awesome. If you plug in a non dual shock type controller, will is change the controller type mage in the configuration? I know Directors Cut Dual Shock had this feature.
                                Vibration was not added yet. It shows the red cross because it is always disabled. It can detect digital controller and both dual controller types. It changes controller's appearence depending on what is plugged into port 1. If nothing is plugged it asks to connect a supported pad.
                                “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”

