Heres a real question for you I've not seen asked that should be a good one. Are you guys gonna make it so more than one zombie skin can spawn in a room like retail? Also whats the chance of more than one type of enemy in one room?
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post@RMandel - In any case, I assume the team already has it all figured out, assuming they have more 1.5-related "content" (aside from being in possession of the 40% build) that they'd rather not spoil.
As far as my last "walkthrough" problem goes, it's now resolved. There will be three more required trips upstairs in the RPD for Leon, and a fourth optional one (yours).
Trip 1 - Go to the 2F Radio Room and open the vent in there (with the Driver Tool) to access the roof. This sets Leon up for the Burning Van and all associated cutscenes/gameplay.
Trip 2 - Take the 2F Radio Room vent onto the back roof and then run around the edge of the building to access the Archive Hallway via the other vent. This sets up unlocking the 2F Media Room and all associated cutscenes/gameplay.
Trip 3 - Go up to 3F to unlock the Conference Room and get the (blue) key card for unlocking the B1 Parking Garage Service Bay door. Player also goes to the Chief's Office (and is attacked by the now zombie-fied Chief Irons) to solve the cityscape puzzle and get whatever special item is available there.
Trip 4 (optional) - This can only be done after the crate is removed from the Sewer manhole in the Service Bay and all associated cutscenes in Leon's game have played. Leon returns to the RPD from the Sewers via the Service Bay manhole (NOT the Lobby roof drop manhole) and goes ALL THE WAY BACK UP to the helipad at the top of the building. The crates at the edge are now gone (Elza and John have already pushed them off). Leon uses the side ladder to get down to the Lobby roof. Nothing here, per Biohazard Complete Video #1. As soon as Leon drops down on the barrels below the Lobby roof drop, however, the player needs to tap the action button for an item pickup. The item is obscured by both the sprite overlay for the barrels and the camera view - like the hidden boxes of 9mm ammo in other RE games ... and it's a Magnum. (Zowie!!!) The player will not get any Magnum ammo for reloading until they reach the Factory (awww!). Even so, that would make the Magnum available to fight the giant alligator in the Sewers - provided the player is smart enough to save it until then. Once Leon picks up the Magnum, he can then make the turn and head on down into the Sewers.
The presence of the Magnum would make your proposed side quest definitely worth considering. As you know, I've always favored an early Magnum pickup, but without the ability to get any additional ammo until much later in the game. This will do it without obviously contradicting what's in the old Bioflames RE15 database. It's not going to be easy, though - because that late in the RPD, practically every room and hallway is going to have multiple revived zombies in it (another event flag). Player is either going to have to be skilled at dodging (ala HUNK's game from RE2) or burn through a lot of ammo going for that early Magnum. Hmmm ... might want to put some ammo pickups near the outside manhole, too, to help make up for what Leon will have to expend getting there.
Of course, if you wanna get it the smart way ... you'll go up the Lobby drop manhole and climb up onto the barrels beneath the broken ladder, instead of going the long way around and dropping down onto them from the Lobby roof (hee-hee-hee). That is, unless the lid was on, and it had to be removed from above - thus forcing the player to take the long way around (as you proposed).
Again, thanks for the input. I promise not to bug you anymore, and I'll let everyone get back to the ... ummm ... rather interesting discussion at hand.Last edited by RMandel; 05-15-2013, 11:34 PM.
Originally posted by Darkness View PostHeres a real question for you I've not seen asked that should be a good one. Are you guys gonna make it so more than one zombie skin can spawn in a room like retail? Also whats the chance of more than one type of enemy in one room?
Zombie+cerberus+crow appearing together. 1.5 can do many more things than BIO2. This answers your second question.What do you mean with zombie skin? Zombies sharing same model but different texture?
Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-15-2013, 11:26 PM.“How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”
Would love to see the lead pipe being used as a weapon, just like in Outbreak, alternate costumes for Leon and Elza (not replacing the originals of course), being able to shoot off zombies arms, just like in RE1, more vomiting-attacking zombies like RE1, the fixing of the firing range/dog attack trigger (the dogs will jump out of the vent if you are a foot away from the shelf. You don't necessarily have to pick up the screw driver). And, making it more scarier somehow, so the player jumps (maybe make the ventilation lid blow off the wall with the dog jumping out).
I'm really liking what I am seeing D.Birkin. Lots of potential here!Last edited by RetroRain; 05-16-2013, 12:06 AM.
Originally posted by D.Birkin View PostWhy people kill each other when I take vacations from forum?
We do.
I created a GCC toolchain based on C and assembly. C code is compiled to MIPS R3000 and injected with assembly hooks.
You are making a leap longer than your leg. Many people does not mean quicker result.A bit brief though. Thanks for the few details, I was wondering about the compiler/injector. Another question what hasn't the team worked out?
You guys heard the phrase "Many hands make light work"? I guess our views just differ.
Sometimes when the right people get together and the stars, the sun, and moon align - magic happens. I guess that's what we have here.Last edited by RekseW; 05-16-2013, 12:30 AM.
Code:root@brain# ./read_thehorror -t 9548 --debug You once again entered to world of interesting subject. Good luck. Reading new pages ... OK Analyzing new information ... OK DEBUG: Whoa, pile of shit detected There are many new pages filled with nonsese. Skip them [y/n]N Are you sure, there are pointless arguing with people you can call void-arg-typed, as no argument gives no effect to them and output makes no sense! In pseducode: function average_flamer(args) { i_am_cool_minded(FORCE | IGNORE_LOGIC_ERRORS | SET_SELF_ADMIRE); logically_ignore(args); /* no need to use activate logic on input */ EgoMsg = generate_ego_response(args); /* locally yber duche bag */ extra_egoistical_non_logical_merge(EgoMSG,look_good(VERY_COOL | LOOK_BOLD_ENOUGH_AT_SAME_TIME)); print(EgoMsg); } Are you sure you want to read average_flamer() output[y/n]N Skipping pile of shit ... OK DEBUG: god damn wise decision... Generating output for new information about IGAS Project ... OK Please see new_info.txt and screenshots from /root/thehorror/9548/20130516/
Nice new shots. Love the controller setup. Also love the possibility to have different enemy types. Thanks. Looking forward this!ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
Originally posted by originalzombie View PostAre you guys still planning to approach capcom for a possible fan made psn release ?
Edit: It sound stupid but what does I.G.A.S stand for ?
An old game, that is being unofficially and technically illegal (Reverse engineering their code is still modding), and a game they originally cancelled because capcom themselves did not like it, being released on PSN? That would never happen in a million years. They cant even please the fans with a game we actually want and keep releasing those trash games that barely resemble a resident evil title. Do you really think they would do this?
What do you guys think about how Live Selection of Resident evil 3?
It would be interesting to introduce this modality in 1.5, for example when the zombies break the entry of the rpd, the player enters the Live Selection mode, in which you are asked to choose between two possible actions (do not choose between the two represents a third choice), each changing the direction the story takes. The time for choosing is limited before the player faces the opponent.
Won't happen. While they've taken liberties with very few elements in the game, overall they're trying to stay as faithful as possible to what was originally intended. It's supposed to be as if you just purchased the game in 1997 when it was originally meant to be released. You can see where this is going.sigpic
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."
Originally posted by RekseW View PostImagine if it was handled differently, if the files, formats, tools, and info was public from the start. Could have the most glorious public project ever. Everyone working towards the same goal. It would be done already.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium