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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Again I agree, it certainly would have been a terrible health indicator but unless someone familiar with the builds of 1.5 can correct me I would have to say it was a cosmetic element.


    • Both together would have been orgasmic. I blame lazy and rushed capcom


      • I think adding the limping system would add some nice dynamics to 1.5, BUT it would not fit. The 80% build didn't have limping from what I've seen, but we don't know for sure if it wasn't there.

        Think, running from the apes and then you go into danger condition, FUCK... can't outrun them now.. It would make you more cautious and would makes you not want to always rush in. Shit there can be 7-8 zombies on screen and you get bit a few times and then you start to limp. Well you might get boxed in and then gang raped by zombies.

        I've given the tactical knifing ability some more thought and I think the game would benefit more from it than quick turn. Down a zombie, knife them, they get up, shoot them some more, they go down, knife them. If would make the flow better.

        Quick turn would be quite cool. Turn a corner and there's 7-8 zombies, freak out and quick turn to run away. It would also help with the boss battles some more. I think it may make the game too easy though.

        I'll probably play the game will all these features disabled though, then after beating it once or twice, toggle them on and play through again.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          Both together would have been orgasmic. I blame lazy and rushed capcom
          80% RE 1.5.....restart of project....rushed? just....nevermind.


          • RE2 was scrapped and made from nearly scratch after 1.5 was nearly complete. You gotta think they had that in their heads and were bustin' their asses to get it done.


            • I think I'd much rather just have the player character immediately change to the limping animation when they aren't moving. That's how the current build has it anyway, except it takes a few seconds for the animation to play.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                I think I'd much rather just have the player character immediately change to the limping animation when they aren't moving. That's how the current build has it anyway, except it takes a few seconds for the animation to play.
                that's how the 80% build was anyways. Idle stances would engage immediately upon standing still.


                • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                  I noticed that your choices for configuration options didn't include the quick knife feature. Is that because the quick knife function will be implemented across all controller schemes?
                  Yes. As was mentioned previously, "quick-knife" was an original feature of BH1.5, so there's no reason to suppress it.


                  • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                    My idea is to have controller settings holding special attributes.
                    • Type A: original 1.5 with quick turn and tactical reload disabled.
                    • Type B: western with quick&tact disabled.
                    • Type C: like A with q&t enabled.
                    • Custom: takes custom options about q&t and retains buttons from previous type selection. Gives possibility of full customization.

                    Assisted aim will always be settings independent.
                    I definitely want to see this awesome feature in the final product !


                    • So we'll definitely have the quick knife/pipe/whatever weapons(s) you can put in the Standard Arms slot. Good to know!


                      • They never really gave much attention to melee combat in the older RE games since it was really just a last resort, although it's in RE 4, 5 and now can be used whenever in 6, it's interesting that the Pipe could be a melee weapon. I'd assume it would have a more powerful attack but would be slower, I can see why it never returned in the retail version.

                        With the Standard Arms slot, I like the idea. I typically put the knife into the Item Box at the first one I come across since I just see it as a waste of a slot. At least it's always there just in case and it made sense since Leon (I'm not sure if Elza did) had a holster for it. Could it have maybe been possible that you can pick up the holster at some point during the game and it would give you the ability to carry a Melee weapon at all times without the cost of an item slot? In the same way that you find the Side Pack in retail and it gives you two more slots?


                        • To be honest im not sure why capcom had to completely and utterly waste their time restarting it, when they could of left some levels intact, change some locations and add some, and change some script details.

                          1.5 imo is superior in both technology and concept than the final release. It still baffles me as to why it was cancelled. Then again, RE 3.5 hook version looked 5 times better than the turd sandwitch we got in the end for RE4. So i guess capcom has weird development processes.\\\

                          Now off with that, im curious why they never brought the more powerful melee weapons over and cut them, but decided to keep that complete worthless garbage knife. The knife was practically the most worthless weapon in game. You get chomped at least 5 times before making the zombie fall.
                          Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-18-2013, 09:30 PM.


                          • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                            To be honest im not sure why capcom had to completely and utterly waste their time restarting it, when they could of left some levels intact, change some locations and add some, and change some script details.
                            Don't quite see what you mean, considering the following:
                            -RPD concept kept
                            -Sewers concept kept
                            -Labs kept
                            -Cast mostly kept
                            -Overall location kept
                            -Basic plotline kept


                            • Maybe off topic but it seems that the 1.5 engine enabled the developers to do more with the game than 2's engine did (I could be wrong, it seems that way though)


                              • Many games have lots of extra functionality in its game engine during development, to then get those features removed and trimmed during late development due to either bugs, budget constrains or other optimization reasons.

