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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
    They never really gave much attention to melee combat in the older RE games since it was really just a last resort, although it's in RE 4, 5 and now can be used whenever in 6, it's interesting that the Pipe could be a melee weapon. I'd assume it would have a more powerful attack but would be slower, I can see why it never returned in the retail version.

    With the Standard Arms slot, I like the idea. I typically put the knife into the Item Box...
    The standard arms slot is brilliant, and I can't understand why they ultimately did away with it. An upgrade of melee weapons over the course of the game and possibly using the slot for grenades sounds very entertaining.


    What are your plans for possibly allowing the player to change what is equipped to the standard arms slot?
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • Intentions are one thing - reality and production deadlines are another. They HAD to jettison features that didn't seem to be working - or not working as well as might have been hoped - in order to meet those deadlines. RE2 had already been announced and Capcom's hype machine was already churning out promos and press releases. Go back to 1997 and put yourselves in their shoes - and limit yourself to the available hardware and programming resources of the era, while you're at it. There was only so many ways the reboot was going to work in order for RE2 to get released on time. Anything that could go overboard went. Anything that was needed for the reboot was kept - and usually reworked, revamped, or tweaked in various ways in the process. It really is that simple - although the codeheads here have a good feel on just how involved the actual processes were.

      Having said all that, there is STILL a lot of RE15 in RE2. Some of it is obvious, and a lot of it is not so obvious. Not to mention the buggy and incomplete sections of RE2 retail code that were simply walled off, waiting for some enterprising hacker to find them and try to finish/reactivate them. Then again, the latter is true of just about any retail program.
      Last edited by RMandel; 05-19-2013, 05:19 AM.


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Don't quite see what you mean, considering the following:
        -RPD concept kept
        -Sewers concept kept
        -Labs kept
        -Cast mostly kept
        -Overall location kept
        -Basic plotline kept
        Yes, but according to the wikipedia and re wiki article about the games, the backgrounds *each* took 2 weeks to complete.
        They would of had to remake each.


        • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
          Yes, but according to the wikipedia and re wiki article about the games, the backgrounds *each* took 2 weeks to complete.
          They would of had to remake each.
          I think you've found the problem.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
            Yes, but according to the wikipedia and re wiki article about the games, the backgrounds *each* took 2 weeks to complete.
            They would of had to remake each.
            I doubt it would have taken two weeks just to create one background, considering the many backgrounds that can be found within the game, I'm sure if that was the case they probably wouldn't settle with pre-rendered backgrounds.

            I wonder why they decided to scrap the majority of the backgrounds though, I know it was discussed earlier in the thread that the Police Station was probably scrapped so they could make it look more artistic and include more puzzles, but what about the sewers? The sewers in retail 2 was quite short, but the sewers in 1.5 seemed to be quite long and it still had a crocodile boss battle. I would have preferred to have crocodiles and giant spiders infesting the sewers then zombies though, I just found it weird how a group of zombies made it into the sewers and lay underwater waiting for Leon/Claire to pass through. They could have maybe had a few zombies that worked within the sewers, maybe carrying keys or files, but yeah.

            As for the laboratory, there's a difference such as the bedrooms and long corridors (Didn't 1.5 also have multiple floors for the labs, similar to RE2?), but which one do you think was better?


            • The "two weeks" statement is for the rendering time. As for actually making them, it's not like they had to start from scratch. Entire rooms got reused and upgraded to retail's quality standards. A lot of room assets got carried over from 1.5 to 2, just dissected enough to the point of not standing out too much. Just look around the environments in the PSX RE games, a crap ton of models and textures got constantly retuned and recycled from one game to the next. Then there's the fact they had an entire team of people slaving away at making these rooms. Honestly, if you gave me Capcom's repository of models and textures used for the RE games, I'd be able to make you at least a dozen rooms in a week (sans rendering time).

              The sewers in retail 2 was quite short, but the sewers in 1.5 seemed to be quite long and it still had a crocodile boss battle.
              It looks to be about the same to me. The retail sewers actually has a higher room count, although this isn't taking into consideration the missing B1 level in the 1.5 version. Generally speaking, it has the same flow path too, from what we can tell from looking at the map:
              Entrance hallway(s) > save room > bunch of hallways > central hub/pool room > alligator battle > exit
              Last edited by biohazard_star; 05-19-2013, 10:31 AM.
              Seibu teh geimu?


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                The "two weeks" statement is for the rendering time. As for actually making them, it's not like they had to start from scratch. Entire rooms got reused and upgraded to retail's quality standards. A lot of room assets got carried over from 1.5 to 2, just dissected enough to the point of not standing out too much. Just look around the environments in the PSX RE games, a crap ton of models and textures got constantly retuned and recycled from one game to the next. Then there's the fact they had an entire team of people slaving away at making these rooms. Honestly, if you gave me Capcom's repository of models and textures used for the RE games, I'd be able to make you at least a dozen rooms in a week (sans rendering time).

                It looks to be about the same to me. The retail sewers actually has a higher room count, although this isn't taking into consideration the missing B1 level in the 1.5 version. Generally speaking, it has the same flow path too, from what we can tell from looking at the map:
                Entrance hallway(s) > save room > bunch of hallways > central hub/pool room > alligator battle > exit
                Well actually, now days if you had their engine and software they used for the rendering, id be sure it would not be 2 weeks anymore for rendering. Its because back then, look how cheap their computers were compared to now. Now using that software it would likely only take a few minutes.


                • That's what I had meant. With the vast amount of material resources the bg artists had at their disposal, it'd be quite easy to design a lot of rooms, so I don't really see how they had to start from "scratch". As for rendering times, it takes me three to five minutes max to churn out RE-like renders in Vray, so yes we have definitely come a long way from then.
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • So please, you guys from THE TEAM, can make the script to use the grenades???

                    This video as not made by me, I just find here in youtube and I reuploaded it, because It's very important for me to show for all Resident Evil fans in the w...


                    • Didn't they already say they'd fixed the grenades? Or maybe I'm thinking of something else... I've been wrong before.


                      • Grenades have been fixed in many ways. They do not crash zombies on hit and all three types spawn when you throw one. I also fixed bug with animation cancel decreasing count. Tactical reload is complete too for all weapons that have reloading. Like I promised it can be toggled from controller settings.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • EDIT

                          Okay now I see, actually I am trying to fix the aim and the fire movement's of some weapon that I am trying to change in RE2, but I don't know how to fix that??

                          Does anyone here knows how could I do it?

                          Cant wait to see the grenades in action XD.

                          Elza also will able to use?? If actually does it have possibility to make it??
                          Last edited by PROTOBOY; 05-19-2013, 04:06 PM.


                          • D.Birkin, I had a question about the saves. Will they conflict with retail 2 saves at all? I was wondering since saving had to be added in, so you guys must have come up with a custom save ID.

                            For those who don't know, the saves on a PS memory card a labeled by their SLUS/SLPS (and so on) ID's and not by the name of the game or title of the save. So viewing the files on the card would be something like SLUS1000, SLUS1001, and so on. You can even use programs to rename the saves to work for different regions of the same game. This is incredibly easy to do.
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                              I doubt it would have taken two weeks just to create one background, considering the many backgrounds that can be found within the game, I'm sure if that was the case they probably wouldn't settle with pre-rendered backgrounds.

                              I wonder why they decided to scrap the majority of the backgrounds though, I know it was discussed earlier in the thread that the Police Station was probably scrapped so they could make it look more artistic and include more puzzles, but what about the sewers? The sewers in retail 2 was quite short, but the sewers in 1.5 seemed to be quite long and it still had a crocodile boss battle. I would have preferred to have crocodiles and giant spiders infesting the sewers then zombies though, I just found it weird how a group of zombies made it into the sewers and lay underwater waiting for Leon/Claire to pass through. They could have maybe had a few zombies that worked within the sewers, maybe carrying keys or files, but yeah.

                              As for the laboratory, there's a difference such as the bedrooms and long corridors (Didn't 1.5 also have multiple floors for the labs, similar to RE2?), but which one do you think was better?
                              Did you even play the 1.5 leaked build? The sewers are below RE1 standards in some areas. The backgrounds are pretty atrocious. I am not surprised they remade them. The only location that was probably reused due to time constraints, and probably because they somewhat liked how it looked, was the lab. The factory area was no longer required, so that was promptly scrapped. And as you mentioned, they wanted the atmosphere for the police station to be much different.


                              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                                D.Birkin, I had a question about the saves. Will they conflict with retail 2 saves at all? I was wondering since saving had to be added in, so you guys must have come up with a custom save ID.

                                For those who don't know, the saves on a PS memory card a labeled by their SLUS/SLPS (and so on) ID's and not by the name of the game or title of the save. So viewing the files on the card would be something like SLUS1000, SLUS1001, and so on. You can even use programs to rename the saves to work for different regions of the same game. This is incredibly easy to do.
                                I had wondered this a few weeks ago. If possible they should assign a new code. SLUS9999

