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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • You've done so much already! Man, you must live on Jolt Cola, or sports drinks, or something.


    • Came back on the thread after a few days to look what cheery news we may have ..

      Oh .. no, sorry. Just more pointless bickering phhf.

      Loving the sprite thingy D.Birkin hehe - what IS it by the way? Grenade sprite or flame ammo for the grenade launcher? Hmm..
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
        Deus Flux I hate you lol j/k. Only said that because you posted my favorie Easter candy and now crave them almost how zombies crave flesh.
        Haha sorry, they are good aren't they? Haven't had them in a while myself.


        • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
          Loving the sprite thingy D.Birkin hehe - what IS it by the way? Grenade sprite or flame ammo for the grenade launcher? Hmm..
          Just sprites for flame effects. Grenade sprites are in ESP but there is no sequence to activate them. I will need additional ESP code to make my launchers work. If I can fix this all weapons are operative.
          “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


          • I'm wondering, how do you manage all these things? Do you have some kind of checklist with things listed by a level of priority or something? Or are you randomly switching between all these features? It must be complicated to manage.


            • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
              You've done so much already! Man, you must live on Jolt Cola, or sports drinks, or something.
              You should go on they have a ton of caffinated products including body soap.

              Birkin I'd love to see your sprite animation for the launcher when your finished.


              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                I'm wondering, how do you manage all these things? Do you have some kind of checklist with things listed by a level of priority or something? Or are you randomly switching between all these features? It must be complicated to manage.
                I imagine their development follows some sort of logical order. Getting the engine stable and ironing out all the glitches would be first priority, actual event scripting and flag populating would be last priority. It seems they have team members doing various pieces of artwork including menus, backgrounds and textures while D.Birkin (and whoever else he might work with) works on getting all the status functions ready so the game events can be scripted and the scenarios can be developed without a hitch. I guess D.Birkin just picks and chooses what to do untill the engine runs without problems and all the game functions are working correctly.


                • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                  Did you even play the 1.5 leaked build? The sewers are below RE1 standards in some areas. The backgrounds are pretty atrocious. I am not surprised they remade them. The only location that was probably reused due to time constraints, and probably because they somewhat liked how it looked, was the lab. The factory area was no longer required, so that was promptly scrapped. And as you mentioned, they wanted the atmosphere for the police station to be much different.
                  Yes, I have played the leaked build, I'm not sure how my opinion being different affects that though. I didn't mention the factory, but it did seem like a good area, especially from the part that was available during the leaked build. I didn't mention that because in retail they changed the storyline so a closed down Umbrella factory wouldn't make sense.

                  Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  These idiotic suggestions and recommendations you guys are giving the team that stray from 1.5 are getting old
                  I agree, I mean I like the suggestions about unlockable games and costumes, but some suggestions stray too far from 1.5 and wouldn't work. I'm sure that the Team are attempting to restore the game to what it would most likely be had it been completed and released.


                  • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                    Yes, I have played the leaked build, I'm not sure how my opinion being different affects that though. I didn't mention the factory, but it did seem like a good area, especially from the part that was available during the leaked build. I didn't mention that because in retail they changed the storyline so a closed down Umbrella factory wouldn't make sense.
                    The series of corridors below the trainyard, I believe, is referred to as an abandoned factory area? The thing is, it looks nothing like a factory, and looks more like left over rooms from part of the lab. They could've recycled some of the factory rooms here. As it stands, this one area looks pretty slap-dashed together and unfinished.
                    Last edited by doriantoki; 05-21-2013, 12:52 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                      I'm wondering, how do you manage all these things? Do you have some kind of checklist with things listed by a level of priority or something? Or are you randomly switching between all these features? It must be complicated to manage.
                      I work with task tables and real priority. All bugs are my priority. If one task has problems connected to itself I try solving child issues. Here you have me working on grenade effects because of weapon reimplementation.
                      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                      • Dbirkin: when we enter a room the loading door is always the same, you can fix this bug on door loading animations?
                        Last edited by blackpower; 05-21-2013, 01:53 PM.


                        • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                          Dbirkin: when we enter a room the loading door is always the same, you can fix this bug on door loading animations?
                          Actually that is not a bug at all... There is only one door model file (.DO2) in that build...


                          • Is that going to be fixed? It seems odd to climb down a ladder and the animation is a giant grey door.


                            • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
                              Actually that is not a bug at all... There is only one door model file (.DO2) in that build...
                              Yeah your right. They more then likely will add more to ma ke it look correct. Most likely why D.Birkin takes all possive and negative critizism to make a list priorities and must-dos. I am sure he wont accept every oppinion given though.
                              Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 05-21-2013, 02:36 PM.


                              • you could add different animations on doors of loading?

