Sorry if this is a bit messy, my home connection is down. Gotta love wireless ... Anyhow, what certain people :-) manage to forget is that the 'original' build of RE15 that got out was never intended for the public to play - only see. That's why only video was shown of it back in Nov '96 at the PSX Expo. Only the reporters got to experience it hands on - behind closed doors. Same thing happened when Cap com USA was sent their copy shortly thereafter. The 'pure' version was and always will be an incomplete, half-broken demo of what the full game was SUPPOSED to be. That's where the TEam comes in, and God bless 'em.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
I didn't measure the stairwell, simply made it fit to the rest of the map as it's outlined in the ingame map and none of them are very accurate. I'm pretty sure I remember B.Zork mentioning dimensions in the RPD being odd.
1. The RPD building sits on a 1m foundation. Go to Oudoor A and notice how the window beside the metal drums is actually located way higher than where it should be (compared with the window on the 2f). That's because the wall trim is actually a foundation for the building, which would mean that there's a short flight of entrance steps leading up to the lobby.
2. B1 level is actually taller than B2 level thanks to the height of the garage.
It seems like the team actually took these two things in consideration when building their recreation of the basement stairwell, since 1F > B1 takes two flights of stairs, whereas B1 > B2 only takes one.
And if I remember correctly, the western side of the 2F is actually 0.25m shorter than the 1F's if you overlay the maps, but that is probably just an error on the part of the pixel artist who made the maps.
Also, it's worth noting that the Outdoor A & B areas accurately reflects the location of the windows (or lack of them) seen in the interiors of the building. The window on the northern side of Chief Iron's office is actually visible in Outdoor B.Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-25-2013, 08:58 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostI believe Enigmatism made mention of this a while back. If you'll notice:
1. The RPD building sits on a 1m foundation. Go to Oudoor A and notice how the window beside the metal drums is actually located way higher than where it should be (compared with the window on the 2f). That's because the wall trim is actually a foundation for the building, which would mean that there's a short flight of entrance steps leading up to the lobby.
2. B1 level is actually taller than B2 level thanks to the height of the garage.
It seems like the team actually took these two things in consideration when building their recreation of the basement stairwell, since 1F > B1 takes two flights of stairs, whereas B1 > B2 only takes one.
And if I remember correctly, the western side of the 2F is actually 0.25m shorter than the 1F's if you overlay the maps, but that is probably just an error on the part of the pixel artist who made the maps.
Also, it's worth noting that the Outdoor A & B areas accurately reflects the location of the windows (or lack of them) seen in the interiors of the building. The window on the northern side of Chief Iron's office is actually visible in Outdoor B.
Some news guys. D.Birkin posted this four hours ago in his Youtube channel:
"Hardware tests reveal game is solid on console. It is time to celebrate with good remix."
And then he put a video of Depeche Mode. Seems like all is going good.
And this is his avatar:
At least, here is some info and a new photo!!!Last edited by The_Wes; 06-25-2013, 05:02 PM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
Here is!!!
And the song he put four hours ago wasn't of Depeche Mode, was a Final Fantasy OST. The Depeche Mode song was put 3 weeks ago My mistake!!!
Edit: Seems like D.Birkin is reading us even when he doesn't write in the forum. In the same moment I share his Youtube account, he changed his avatar... And put an angry cat surrounded by rats!!! Hahahahaha... A metaphor??? The fanbase are the rats and he is the angry cat??? If I were he, I feel in that way... Please, don't offense by my share or words Birkin.Last edited by The_Wes; 06-25-2013, 05:42 PM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
Looks like a few steps and the 1F being raised higher to me..
The left (west) sloping side panel of the front steps leading up to the 1F Lobby entrance is clearly visible in this image.
The street level at the rear of the RPD is one metre higher than that at the front of the RPD.
Originally posted by geluda View PostDoes this mean Outdoor A could actually be considered closer to a level of B1 than 1F? I'm probably thinking about this in the wrong way.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostNot really... The lower section of Outdoor A is only roughly one metre below the floor of 1F. The Parking Lot and Service Garage of B1 are at least 5 metres high, and yet the parking ramps touch down at-grade with Outdoor A, since this is the level of the main road running alongside the front of the property (south).I'll be curious to see how the team tackle the situation with the sewers.
Last edited by Guest; 06-25-2013, 08:15 PM.
Originally posted by geluda View PostYeah that's what I just thought, and like biohazard_star just said there's two flights of stairs going down to B1. It's just when trying to approach the problem with the sewers, one access shaft is on 1F level and the other is on B1 level, so I can't figure what is actually on what level. Like, does Outdoor A lead to B1 or to B2? Does Garage B just lead to B2 or does it lead to a slightly shallower level of B1? There's very little clues in this building and so many confusing points to work with.I'll be curious to see how the team tackle the situation with the sewers.