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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Creating an algorithm for that would be pretty difficult though, it would require a lot of thought and planning. Imagine finding the Magnum right at the beginning of the game, or never finding any shotgun shells. It would be interesting and fun to play, but if the algorithm wasn't thought out enough it could make completing the game a problem.
    Surely it would be a matter of just modifying the re 3 algorithm. Re 3 has an element of randomisation, but it's only a choice of 1 in 3.


    • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
      You must not have played re 2 for a while. If you watch the fmv you can clearly see 2 coloured vials. The purple which as Birkin points out is G, and the green which is T.
      I played RE2 one month ago. And you are saying exactly the same than I, more than one virus in the suitcase. It's a problem of my english or you misunderstood me?
      Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


      • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
        Surely it would be a matter of just modifying the re 3 algorithm. Re 3 has an element of randomisation, but it's only a choice of 1 in 3.
        It was already implemented in an RE game? Well that would solve any issues then lol.


        • Originally posted by Ohmycod View Post
          You must not have played re 2 for a while. If you watch the fmv you can clearly see 2 coloured vials. The purple which as Birkin points out is G, and the green which is T.
          Well, Alice says "Blue for the virus, Green for the Antivirus" lol


          • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
            Well, Alice says "Blue for the virus, Green for the Antivirus" lol
            Are you seriously gonna take the #$@#$ing movies seriously..rofl


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              Are you seriously gonna take the #$@#$ing movies seriously..rofl
              I remember back when the first movie came out, there were a bunch of desperate Resident Evil fans making topics and posts attempting to "reconcile" and make the movie "fit perfectly into the game canon", and of course they all went "fuck it" with the next movie.


              • I quit taking them seriously from the very first one. That opening scene was really dumbass, IMHO - although I know you younger guys probably liked it for entirely different reasons than I disliked it. Then Capcom had to go and retcon elements from the movies into the games themselves. Talk about a continuity mind f--k. I just ignore them now, whenever and however possible.


                • Resident Evil 1.5 related, I remember reading in old interviews from magazine scans where they talked about how in RE 1.5 the game was planned to constantly have zombies break into the police station to give you a very trapped feeling. We see some of that with the zombies breaking through the front entrance. I hope the Team knows this, and adds a few more break ins. Sounds like it was planned as a significant thing.


                  • ^ I will never forget the first time those arms crashed through the barricades in RE2 LOL - I was only 7 when I played it on release date - shat my pants LOL (not literally haha)
                    Even in DSC, the fact it happened the first time around aswell made me jump hehe

                    1.5 needs more jumpy moments though - like what we know happens on 2F and 3F lift hall's (wish I didn't know this for the surprise but I do now so.. meh)

                    As for which virus contaminated Raccoon - technically both, but it was mainly T which started it all. Play several of the games and you'll see.
                    The only monsters caused by G was Birkin himself, and the mutant with the G baby things .. all other B.O.Ws and zombies are T virus contaminated.
                    It leaked from the mansion after the explosion ''blew the lid'' so to speak. Increased attacks near Arklay Mountains an RPD barricading those areas first.
                    Then RE3 opening happens shortly thereafter - even the RE3 manual states its T virus, not G initially.

                    Ada herself even says in her scenario "If the T virus did this.. what would happen in the G virus got out?"
                    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                    • Birkin ate all the G samples. That's why there was no secondary infection caused with it.

                      The t-virus didn't leak from one source. It leaked absolutely everywhere imaginable, much of it caused intentionally by Birkin. Raccoon City was a powder keg and there was no way to save it once the Mansion Incident was over. The leak in the sewers after the attack on Birkin was just a large-scale one that caused a sudden spike in infection, it isn't as important as people think. It just sped up the city's inevitable demise much like the Black Death, even transmitted through the same means (rodents and insects).
                      Last edited by News Bot; 07-05-2013, 07:44 AM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • yurieu:Why not included mice, carriers of the virus-T in resident evil 2 especially in the sewers.


                        • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                          yurieu:Why not included mice, carriers of the virus-T in resident evil 2 especially in the sewers.
                          not a problem at all, just info addition that the outbreak was too caused by the bizarre murder cases on the outskirts of RC, based on RE1.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Birkin ate all the G samples. That's why there was no secondary infection caused with it.
                            TV night at Birkin's sounds like fun ...
                            Last edited by Carnivol; 07-05-2013, 02:01 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                              TV night at Birkin's sounds like fun ...
                              gud drawing dude!


                              • Carny ... that's ... bwu-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah!!!

