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  • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
    bad news forum friends canceled the team to play the reason is that various team member abandonaro game development.
    and because of that Mr.birkir Bzork and prepares an iso game with which it already has developed and is soon to release the game. sorry for the bad news.
    I'd like to hear this from BZork himself.


    • ^Why, yes of course. Zork still chats it up on YouTube quite frequently.

      Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
      A few things here:
      - There are 2 stories, at least, about the "origins" of the RE2 beta vers2.
      A) Tyrant, webmaster of Evil Online, released screenshots made with the emulator Bleem of the beta in 1997-1998. His source for the beta is unknown, but he is the first RE webmaster to show them.
      B) Evilude contacted me in 1998-1999 about a copy of the beta. He bought it on an Italian beach with a lot of other pirated games. According to him, there was a guy selling them openly on the beach. He gave me this beta and I fall in love with it. I loved to check all the changes between the beta and the retail game. It is because of this beta that I changed the focus of my website from "survival-horror games" to "Resident Evil betas only".
      I didn't know that Evilude gave it also to the guys from WU.
      It also used to appear on quite a lot of mailing lists for mail orders of PS1 CD-Rs/Backups (and "PolyStation", "PlayerOne" and other rip-off labels).


      • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
        bad news forum friends canceled the team to play the reason is that various team member abandonaro game development.
        and because of that Mr.birkir Bzork and prepares an iso game with which it already has developed and is soon to release the game. sorry for the bad news.
        You waste your time, nobody believes in you.
        Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-08-2013, 12:55 PM.
        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


        • I think reHorror may have motivated CAPCOM's lack of contact with fan-sites.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by Northman View Post
            I'd like to hear this from BZork himself.
            Or from me. Project is progressing.
            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


            • Jesus Romero is the same troll who constantly asks for nude Elza codes and Elza panties codes, I wouldn't put any stock into anything he says anyway.


              • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                Or from me. Project is progressing.
                Great to hear! :3


                • ok sorry it bores me know when the team is not going to release a beta of the game's most advanced and it should be time Elza and I can say I am a single man 32 years so do not complain


                  • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
                    ok sorry it bores me know when the team is not going to release a beta of the game's most advanced and it should be time Elza and I can say I am a single man 32 years so do not complain
                    please god, please based carn


                    • Elza upgrade

                      AF2011-A1 -
                      Nock Volley Gun - I'd love to use this weapon in a re game.


                      • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                        Or from me. Project is progressing.
                        Haha thanks for the update Birkin


                        • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                          Project is progressing.
                          Thanks for the news, D.Birkin. Glad to hear from you. You've had quite a part to play in this tale yourself - and not just for your coding skills, either.

                          This is just my personal opinion, but in certain respects the stories of how RE15 developed and the subsequent hunt for it are even more fascinating than the game itself. With regards to the hunt, there's certainly been (and will still be) enough melodrama, intrigue, scene politics, back-stabbing, and double-dealing to keep any soap opera fan happy. Like the story behind BH2 Beta 2, for example - one of the first rays of light in the hunt. My apologies, imacwesker - looking back over my notes, I'm not sure now if Evilude WAS the source for White Umbrella's copy of Beta 2. Maybe I didn't connect the dots correctly. He's just the earliest "fan" data point I have for it.

                          Anyhow, back on topic. The whole business with Beta 2 is just PART of the story, folks. Can some of you newer guys imagine a time when Colvin was one of the GOOD guys? Yeah. Or just following Alzaire as he investigates one false lead after another, claimer after claimer, and so on. The sad story of the harrassment of mushido - which completely ruined a potential lead back then, and showed that the community then and the community now aren't (as others have said) all that different .... I love a good story, and the tale of the search for RE15 over the past 16 years has plenty of "good story" in it. Perhaps I should spin off a separate thread for revisiting those old, golden days of yore ....

                          In a related development, I now have a RE15 development timeline for which some people here (and other certain places) would almost give their right arm. Unfortunately, one of my sources is confidential and I don't have a release yet for the data that's coming from it. As soon as I get the necessary clearance (i.e. I get the high sign), I'll be happy to share it with everyone. I guess I could strip out or censor those parts and let everyone see what I have without it. Won't be as intriguing, but it'll still make a nice read for those who are interested. I don't know about you, but it's nice to see how everything lines up. Even without this new confidential data, this timeline answers a lot of questions about how RE15 evolved before it was canned.

                          I hate confidentiality agreements ... even if they're only word-of-mouth (pr PM or email) ... but they're a part of the life some of us live.
                          Last edited by RMandel; 07-08-2013, 02:52 PM.


                          • Can we please get some kind of progress bar or completion percentage, every time I check back it seems there's no progress


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                              • Originally posted by Jesus Romero View Post
                                ok sorry it bores me know when the team is not going to release a beta of the game's most advanced and it should be time Elza and I can say I am a single man 32 years so do not complain
                                Can someone hang this guy by his testicles please? Thanks.

