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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Here are some highlights from the previous video.

    - Renders for Media Room
    - Extensive language selector and options menu
    - Rising zombies can be hit
    - Zombies dead bodies don't disappear
    - Zombie resurrection glitch fixed
    - Twitching zombie animations
    - Detailed item icons
    - Tactical reload
    - Head shots fixed
    - Updated file menu
    - Air Jesus glitch fixed
    - Detailed examination icons
    - New door transition 3D models
    - Skipable door transitions
    - Multiple locked door messages
    - Locked and unlocked door sounds
    - ADT layer masks being implemented
    - Items usable with the environment
    - Proper item storage implementation
    - Save triggers and memory card reading/writing properly implemented

    As you can see they've got a lot of work done already and it's likely there's nothing of interested to actually update us with. Once they get passed a certain point most of the core features required to complete the game will already have been implemented and it will just be a matter of finishing background renders, building and populating RDTs, writing event script and so on. There's nothing very interesting or note worthy that they need to update us with, it's things that we really should just be waiting to find out on the day of release. So now we should just be playing the waiting game with the reassurance that the engine is in good shape and development should be coming along pretty smoothly.


    • Next update ALLIGATOR FIGHT FOOTAGE!!! One can only hope!


      • I want to see D. Birkin's reconstruction of the Mutated Birkin versus Man-Spider scene myself.


        • I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of media hush for the immediate future. All the things we've been shown so far have been engine features required to start populating the game properly with finalised backgrounds, enemy placement, etc. which, as we know, is leading up to a demo (probably of the RPD area, or more than likely a throw back to the days of old with the first 20 minutes of game there - ah timed RE2 demo, I miss you so).

          It'd be kinda useless to release a demo if they demonstrated everything in it with media updates, so it'll probably be all quiet on the beta front till then.

          I can live with the wait I reckon, Carn usually updates the title of this thread when there's a significant enough update (or drama) so no one will miss it even if this thread runs a little dry till then.


          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
            I want to see D. Birkin's reconstruction of the Mutated Birkin versus Man-Spider scene myself.
            I'm so curious as to how they're gonna recreate this! I assume they'll have to completly create the later Birkin transformations


            • friends know I'm not popular but expected to relieve the last game of this I will libreral.
              the beta of the first Biohazard debug menu.
              100% playable from beginning to end and only has two failure of psx


              • Wasn't that the Saturn debug version? I don't recall any betas of Bio1 PSX that were properly functional and had debug menu other than movies.

                And yeah.. people will be asking for updates until the dawn of the time (when it happens again), as soon as this project wraps up, people will still want more.. further mods etc.. will Team IGAS stay on for further projects or call it a day! Who knows


                • Who knows indeed. It would be interesting to see what their interpretation of RE3 would be. Who would be the main cast? Will it be the last game? I'd be giddy as hell if they decided to make their own RE game based on their new and improved 1.5 engine. Man... that would be awesome. They'd have 100% freedom to do anything. Set it in Raccoon City or somewhere else. Maybe even have Umbrella Europe retaliate and launch a massive attack on the US. The possibilities are endless.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                    I'm so curious as to how they're gonna recreate this! I assume they'll have to completly create the later Birkin transformations
                    Who knows, perhaps they have the assets from Birkin's later mutations available, or at least some non-disclosed information to help them construct the models and textures accurately. Speaking of Birkin's mutations, it is agreed among everyone that his latter forms are those "reptilian" versions seen in concept art, right? This seems to be the case based on screenshots and the complete disc footage.
                    Last edited by Accell; 07-15-2013, 10:20 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Accell View Post
                      Who knows, perhaps they have the assets from Birkin's later mutations available, or at least some non-disclosed information to help them construct the models and textures accurately. Speaking of Birkin's mutations, it is agreed among everyone that his latter forms are those "reptilian" versions seen in concept art, right? This seems to be the case based on screenshots and the complete disc footage.
                      Yes I am pretty sure they are! Tho we have yet to see his 3rd form with the open chest in any form yet sadly but the 4th one looks awesome!!


                      • I suspect they've got their hands full just with the RDT (room) scripts alone, much less all the other little things they need to finalize for actual gameplay.

                        In the meantime, here's a semi-related YouTube video link to keep you all entertained ....

                        Jonathan Coulton - "RE: Your Brains"
                        Music video for "Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coultonhttp://www.jonathancoulton.comVideo by Moontalk Productionshttp://www.moontalkproductions.comCast:Tom: T...
                        Last edited by RMandel; 07-16-2013, 05:01 AM.


                        • Thanks for the video, I liked it.


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            Who knows indeed. It would be interesting to see what their interpretation of RE3 would be. Who would be the main cast? Will it be the last game? I'd be giddy as hell if they decided to make their own RE game based on their new and improved 1.5 engine. Man... that would be awesome. They'd have 100% freedom to do anything. Set it in Raccoon City or somewhere else. Maybe even have Umbrella Europe retaliate and launch a massive attack on the US. The possibilities are endless.
                            I'm not sure about a custom RE3 as a sequel to RE 1.5 though, that would be kinda weird.. RE 1.5 doesn't stand out as a game with a great story and depth, but I could be wrong

                            A new custom PSX-era RE game (in theory of course) would have to conclude the original trilogy and be about the end of Umbrella (like we were promised at the end of both RE2 and RECV). No choice about it I want to see all the surviving cast and ex-STARS members, maybe even add flashbacks with the Forest/Brad models etc. I'm sure you could wrap up all the RE3 prologue endings as well. And of course at this time Spencer's intentions (RE5) would not be known so IGAS could invent something a lot more interesting than what we have (i.e. no Wesker-worship).

                            Any subsequent sequels would of course be made from the rubble of Umbrella (they would be destroyed after launching their final attack, or STARS find their mother lab etc).. but yeah, at least Umbrella would be dead by our own hands. (Spencer as final boss I imagine.. I know it sounds ridiculous now but before it wasn't, we all wanted to duke it out with a Spencer pumped up on whatever virus that game would have)


                            • Imagine if The Matrix never came out and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon had been the natural wire-fu movie everyone and their mother had been looking at and wanted to copy... Wesker had been ... a very weird villain

                              To be honest, I'd still love to see a single game that sort of took everything that went on in (and around) Raccoon City from basically the mansion incident and up to the destruction of Raccoon City, and more or less let you play it in a similar fashion to Raw Danger (Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2). (Raw Danger basically builds upon the A/B structure of RE2 and the path branching of RE3)


                              • 1.5 wouldn't have killed the series.
                                Code Veronica wasn't very good and its the only one it would have made impossible. lolol.

