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  • Code Veronica definitely put trans people in a very bad spotlight. I find it to be absolutely offensive that CAPCOM chose to portray a trans person as being that 'cross-dressing freak'. Granted, the chracter, Alfred, is a few cans short of a six-pack; absolutely psychotic... but that doesn't make it 'okay'. The entire concept of character is just in bad taste/homophobia.

    ...and then, CAPCOM drops the Dead Aim bomb. T-g virus, administered by yet-another fuck-all insane transgendered person? Seriously, CAPCOM? WTF does your 'creative staff' have against trans people?!

    No, really, fuck these two games. The 'save theme' from Dead Aim is alright, absolutely cannot stand much of anything about CV - the models, textures, animations, story, location, music... Wesker was the only redeeming quality of the game. Bio3 puts these two titles to absolute shit-shame, and still stands the test of time.
    I'm a blackstar.


    • Wesker was probably the most annoying thing about cv for me. Fee Fi Fo fum I smell the blood of Chris Redfield Grrr. Come in to my hook little fishy, Chris as you're one of my best men i'll let you handle this, Alexia I want your body.
      ENOUGH ALREADY! All they needed to complete that was, oh Chris this brings back memories doesn't it, or better yet Chris welcome home! Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Wesker!

      Then so begans the new Wesker character that has more in common with a James Bond villiain than a serious re character.


      • i always thought alfred was just portraying his sister to protect her while she was in stasis, or whatever it was.

        funny you say bio3 stands the test of time mark, CV seems to have gotten better to me over the years while 3 gets worse. then again, all i care about is how i feel when i play the game. models textures and animations are something to critisize, but solid gameplay is not bound by pixels in any extent. the real 3d environment just adds all kinds of levels of awesome to the game, especially the combat and cinematic aspects of it.

        "t-g virus" HAHAHA!!!

        i understand your gripe, but also understand most people cannot relate to that without figuring there is some kind of mental "thing" at work. dear god, lets not get into mental things again. HA!


        • Capcom should've brought new voice actors for RE:CV HD re-release, just like what konami did with SH2 HD !


          • I found Code Veronica to be the superior game. Bio3 was not nearly as good as Bio2. I enjoyed it so don't get me wrong, but it was not an upgrade from Bio2. It was more of a side step to me. Bio2 flowed and played better, though the enemy designs in Bio3 are superior (zombies especially). Nemesis felt like an upgraded Tyrant (Mr.X) from Bio2, but not an improvement. Though his theme that plays when he is near does get you tense.

            I felt it was a great game, but not a true sequel or evolution. They took what was good with Bio2, added some new mechanics/features, and set it in Raccoon City. The flow was not as good to me and the action was not as satisfying. There's nothing like using the upgraded shotgun in Bio2 and blowing the zombies upper body apart. In RE3 you feel overpowered, like nothing is that difficult. Hard mode does ramp up the difficulty, but it's not a huge difference.

            So CV felt like a true evolution to me. It felt like Bio2 and played similar. The setting was great and atmospheric. The main gripe I have is they recycled the zombies moans from Bio2. Other than that the game was incredibly fun. It still does not top Bio2 but it's certainly better than Bio3.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
              Exactly! If you enjoy battling transsexuals who laugh maniacally like girls for most of the game and whose dialogue lines suck in a game which is supposed to be a survival horror, then good for you, but I don't enjoy that!

              I expect charismatic enemies, not some cliché retards. Between Steve the Di Caprio clone and that guy, this game should have won the award of bad taste 2000 edition.
              First of all Alfred wasent a Transexual i think u need to look up what the word Transexual means....he was a "Cross Dresser". 2 different things...and in my opinion they did take alot of things out of CV that were in RE 3 like the dodge mechanic and turning around looked ridiculous because they didnt move their feet and it looked like they were floating lol.

              So yeah CV is still a great game just they took some things out that they had no reason to other than the fact that they were probably too lazy.


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                I found Code Veronica to be the superior game. Bio3 was not nearly as good as Bio2. I enjoyed it so don't get me wrong, but it was not an upgrade from Bio2. It was more of a side step to me. Bio2 flowed and played better, though the enemy designs in Bio3 are superior (zombies especially). Nemesis felt like an upgraded Tyrant (Mr.X) from Bio2, but not an improvement. Though his theme that plays when he is near does get you tense.

                I felt it was a great game, but not a true sequel or evolution. They took what was good with Bio2, added some new mechanics/features, and set it in Raccoon City. The flow was not as good to me and the action was not as satisfying. There's nothing like using the upgraded shotgun in Bio2 and blowing the zombies upper body apart. In RE3 you feel overpowered, like nothing is that difficult. Hard mode does ramp up the difficulty, but it's not a huge difference.

                So CV felt like a true evolution to me. It felt like Bio2 and played similar. The setting was great and atmospheric. The main gripe I have is they recycled the zombies moans from Bio2. Other than that the game was incredibly fun. It still does not top Bio2 but it's certainly better than Bio3.
                BH3 is even better than BH2 in pure game terms. It takes everything that made the game great and improves upon them. Sure, it's not as big as BH2, but that's because it wasn't even intended to be a main title and had probably half the budget. CODE:Veronica had double everything and was still a bit of a mess.

                How can Nemesis be an upgrade yet not an improvement? Those are synonyms. "Hard Mode" is the default mode. Anyone who plays Easy is selling themselves short straight away.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  Bio3 was not nearly as good as Bio2. I enjoyed it so don't get me wrong, but it was not an upgrade from Bio2.
                  More enemies, more environments, events selector, ammo crafting, dodging mechanics, mercenaries mode, Nemesis, walking/running on stairs, etc...

                  Not an upgrade? Reeeaaally?


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    I found Code Veronica to be the superior game. Bio3 was not nearly as good as Bio2. I enjoyed it so don't get me wrong, but it was not an upgrade from Bio2. It was more of a side step to me. Bio2 flowed and played better, though the enemy designs in Bio3 are superior (zombies especially). Nemesis felt like an upgraded Tyrant (Mr.X) from Bio2, but not an improvement. Though his theme that plays when he is near does get you tense.

                    I felt it was a great game, but not a true sequel or evolution. They took what was good with Bio2, added some new mechanics/features, and set it in Raccoon City. The flow was not as good to me and the action was not as satisfying. There's nothing like using the upgraded shotgun in Bio2 and blowing the zombies upper body apart. In RE3 you feel overpowered, like nothing is that difficult. Hard mode does ramp up the difficulty, but it's not a huge difference.

                    So CV felt like a true evolution to me. It felt like Bio2 and played similar. The setting was great and atmospheric. The main gripe I have is they recycled the zombies moans from Bio2. Other than that the game was incredibly fun. It still does not top Bio2 but it's certainly better than Bio3.
                    While I agree with some of your post, not sure I understand your point about the RE3 zombies, I thought they were the worst. I don't get why they chose those particular emasculating zombie sounds.. if you did a "zombie challenge" 9/10 people will choose RE2 zombie sounds over RE3. They also looked like weird lanky puppet creatures, not humans that became zombies, with the same big Nemesis-like head on all of them.


                    • Zombies are meant to look like "weird lanky puppet creatures" though. The t-Virus causes an increase in growth hormone, so zombies are intentionally larger than the characters. Just a way to make them more menacing.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • What always bothered me about RE CV was that Chris had some animations from Claire and that looked kinda gay.. The "stepping on a box"-animation is a decent example.
                        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                        • I hated Nemesis, he's the sole thing that ruined that game for me. It isn't fun trying to learn how to kill him, everyone wants the gun parts, but having to spend the time learning his paterns over and over just to get one part each time ruins the fun for me. Shoot, shoot, run, repeat.. yawn. It's bad game design in my opinion, sure I understand that RE3 is supposed to be an extension of RE2 and add new levels of difficulty to the series, but difficulty shouldn't come in the form of repetitive boss battles, it detracts from the experience and makes it a chore to get through as opposed to something which is fun and has good levels of progression like its predecessor. I get what Nemesis was supposed to be about, adding new levels of fear to the player and making them more on edge, but it wasn't inplemented very well at all and encouraged me to switch off the game instead of keep on playing it.


                          • Nemesis is probably the most well implemented gameplay mechanic in the entire series.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                              Capcom should've brought new voice actors for RE:CV HD re-release, just like what konami did with SH2 HD !
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	1373212973122.gif
Views:	3
Size:	760.2 KB
ID:	403166
                              Last edited by BeefWellington; 07-18-2013, 03:23 PM.
                              PSN Gamercards


                              • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                                Capcom should've brought new voice actors for RE:CV HD re-release, just like what konami did with SH2 HD !
                                No way, jose!

