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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
    My biggest complaint about RE3 is the lack of boss battles I know Nemesis appears a ton but most of the encounters are optional so I barely count that
    Yea, but you can't deny that the optional Nemmy battles make up a good deal of the game's replay value. Those and the live choice selections sort of make up the "Scenario B" of the game.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 07-19-2013, 07:21 PM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      the first Nemesis fight is a boss battle probably more difficult than any boss battle throughout the entire game of RE2 and that's all within the first twenty minutes.
      So you complain that an OPTIONAL boss fight is too challenging? That's something I never thought I would read on these forums.
      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 07-19-2013, 04:54 AM.


      • Hey just a thought. If 1.5 had actually come to fruition and we never got the Resident Evil 2 that we did, we wouldn't have the Save Theme OR the RPD Theme...

        Neither would exist (potentially)! I'm not sure I want to live in that world.


        • Originally posted by Renard View Post
          At least it was pertaining to 1.5. And that was in the other 1.5 thread by the way. No, in this 1.5 thread, people have been needlessly arguing over RE3 vs. Code Veronica (and now RE2 vs. RE3 for some reason) for the past three days.
          I think it's kind of on-topic, we're discussing strong and weak points of the series in relation to the development of 1.5, IGAS may be able to pick up something interesting from the community I hope (either for 1.5 or if they decide to do something else). Not all posts are useful however


          • I too like exploring to progress, but re 2 doesn't have much exploring to do really. When you first play it everywhere is new to you, but after a while you realise how small the rpd really is and the lab and sewers are even smaller! Re 3 on the other hand, that takes a lot of exploring to progress and far more puzzle solving, and even though it's a shorter game you have to search harder than re 2 to find things to progress.

            Re 2 is very much a start at point a and finish at point b. Whereas 3 is a start at point a and finish at point b or c, via d,e,f,g if you so desire. This gives the main scenario a better replay value. The minigame is better than the 4th survivor too. Once again point a to point b, whereas operation jackal is again point a to point b, via c,d,e if you like. Thankfully though re 2 dual shock did redeem that by implementing ex battle. I also wonder if they were originally planning on using the train tunnel as a playable area either in 2 or 1.5, it certainly looks like it might of been.


            • RE2 is the best from the old school to me. It has twice the lenght of its sequel because of having two characters while RE3 has only Jill, that makes a good difference to me.
              RE2 also has much better level design and its Hard mode is harder than RE3`s Hard, so that means a greater challenge. Challenge on RE3 only relies on optional battles against the same boss again and again, and Nemesis is the only real improvement over RE2. Dodge mechanics are wrong designed and not needed except for Mercenaries.
              RECV is an excelent game in almost everything, but ruined by the lack of challenge due to its extremely weak enemies and tons of ammo everywhere.
              Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 07-19-2013, 11:37 AM.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                RE2 also has much better level design and its Hard mode is harder than RE3`s Hard
                It's not a valid argument since the orignal release of RE2 doesn't have a "hard" mode. RE3 doesn't have a "hard" mode either, it's just a normal mode of difficulty renamed for the western versions of the game.


                • Yes, it´s valid. It doesn´t matter if it was not part from the original game, hard mode, and extremme battle, are part of RE2, same way Separate Ways is part from RE4 and Lost in Nightmares + Desperate Escape from RE5. They had the opportunity to add a harder level to RE3 if they wanted but they added nothing but two extra costumes.
                  The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                  • In fact, it's just like RE1. There's no normal mode, in the japanese version it says Chris=hard and Jill=easy.

                    To be honest, I don't consider neither Chris nor RE3 hard mode to be hard.
                    Last edited by Grem; 07-19-2013, 12:05 PM.


                    • Both BH2 and BH3 have good level design appropriate for the places they depict. I can't really find a single fault between them.

                      CV is good, but extremely flawed and badly designed in some areas.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • imagine if 1.5 was the mansion police station and kamiya goes....wait wtf....they were in a mansion in the first one...i need to make this police station look more realistic and put more emphasis on survival (I feel like 1.5 is just more centered around...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES like RE3) ...and a more crude, scary backdrop...

                        BAM retail is 1.5

                        but seriously, re3 is so related to 1.5

                        we know that from the beta cutscenes.
                        with re3 and nemesis: OH GAWD HES BACK RUN CARLOS
                        Last edited by Darkness; 07-19-2013, 01:14 PM.


                        • The reason they dropped the realistic police station is because it was boring. Same could be said for most 1.5 areas.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            The reason they dropped the realistic police station is because it was boring. Same could be said for most 1.5 areas.
                            They obviously liked the labs tho ;)

                            Back to the whole RE2 hard mode thing sad part is most of us have prolly never played the Hard Mode due to it only being on the somewhat rare DC version and the hard to work PC version (I have still yet to get it to work properly on Windows 7


                            • Well yeah, they salvaged the best parts of the labs the same way they salvaged the best music tracks. Still doesn't mean the rest of it wasn't mediocre. ;D
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Well yeah, they salvaged the best parts of the labs the same way they salvaged the best music tracks. Still doesn't mean the rest of it wasn't mediocre. ;D
                                They didn't re-use the lab save room which is UHMAZING!!! Tho it prolly wouldnt have fit with the games other tracks tho

