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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • For that exist the option 'options' mate! There are five options in that trial start screen: new game, load game, options, extra and information.
    Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


    • I am lost, he always changes the profile picture.


      • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
        I am lost, he always changes the profile picture.
        Birkin has changed again his profile picture. Now is showing the audio options screen.

        Changing the topic. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm been following and reading this thread since more than 4 months, it was like a miracle when the team released th MZD build. I have been waiting tfor so long that I can't remember how much. I'm can't wait for the final version, but makes me happy to think that there would be a preview version, and who knows, maybe is released soon.
        I think that this restoration is going more than great. When I first read that Birkin was expecting to have something "retail-quality" I couldn't imagine that he meant it. The things he showed in here, are remarkable. Gee, even better than retail some times. Who know how great would be the final build?

        So, thank you all for this thread, and I will join you on the waiting for this version of RE.

        Greetings from Spain.
        Last edited by refan83; 09-11-2013, 09:21 AM.


        • "voice volume". Lol.


          • Originally posted by refan83 View Post
            Birkin has changed again his profile picture. Now is showing the audio options screen.

            Changing the topic. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm been following and reading this thread since more than 4 months, it was like a miracle when the team released th MZD build. I have been waiting tfor so long that I can't remember how much. I'm can't wait for the final version, but makes me happy to think that there would be a preview version, and who knows, maybe is released soon.
            I think that this restoration is going more than great. When I first read that Birkin was expecting to have something "retail-quality" I couldn't imagine that he meant it. The things he showed in here, are remarkable. Gee, even better than retail some times. Who know how great would be the final build?

            So, thank you all for this thread, and I will join you on the waiting for this version of RE.

            Greetings from Spain.

            I remember the sensation when I first time knew about this thread.
            I was surprised and not believing what I was reading...

            Welcome to THIA forum, I hope you also like this forum..
            I am here since the previous board, before this new one.


            • Originally posted by warren View Post
              "voice volume". Lol.
              Dbirkin's current facial expression:


              • Click image for larger version

Name:	ngbbs499f176b8bddd.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	33.0 KB
ID:	403254


                • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                  thats parasite eve 2.
                  birkin is trolling you all like a boss
                  I see what you did there.

                  I've got to admit, at one point the purist in me was unsure about a lot of these changes, but the more I've seen from their work the more I've come to understand their vision and the more I think the game will be better off for it. When you've got the opportunity to do something like this why limit your self and emulate an unfinished prototype which by all means is still a mess even in its final form? Why not go all the way and try to make this the best RE game it could ever be? It would be a waste and do a complete and utter disservice to 1.5 for them to do a half assed job and not try and better all previous examples, such as the retail RE2 and RE3. What would be a better accomplishment than finishing the project and showing everyone how good this game could have actually been had it been given a chance and completed to the standard of its successors? What better way to do it than taking all the knowledge from the past 15 years and improving on the RE engine in every possible way? The way I see it now, this version of 1.5 should be something new that lives up to the standards of 2013, not a copy of something old that was left in the dust back in 1996. For the purists, the prototypes are still out there somewhere and one day we'll all get to enjoy them in the way we all want, but this isn't the way to do it. 1.5 as a game deserves to be completed in a way we can all celebrate and all be proud of, this is exactly the way to do it.


                  • I kinda liked the color scheme of the prototype maps. It was unique to this build, it set this game apart from the other entries for that distinct prototype flavor.


                    • birkin has a new avatar


                      • Originally posted by warren View Post
                        birkin has a new avatar
                        A totally new one. What is it about with those guns there?


                        • who knows. Maybe it is another photo unrelated to re. Someone does know what the writing does say


                          • Its so hard to see, can be RE or any game with those guns.


                            • it says bonus something, maybe bonus select, or screen, or bonus extras.
                              that's the game though i can tell.


                              • It says "Bonus Gallery" from what I can tell, so it's probably the screen for the "Extras" menu. Now all it needs is this and a certain other video trailer and it's a legit Capcom demo:


                                Seibu teh geimu?

