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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • It wouldnt't be odd have a Mercenaries mode?
    The mercenaries mode was introduces in RE3, as in RE2 was introduced the Hunk, and Tofu modes, and the battle one.
    So, and this is just my opinion, that because we are having the colosseum mode, the final build won't have a Mercenaries mode, but probably a battle and colosseum mode.
    What do you think?
    Last edited by refan83; 09-11-2013, 05:25 PM.


    • In mercenaries can appear Marvin, kendo, Ada, Irons, Leon and Elza. That's for
      sure. And maybe Roy and Annete.
      Last edited by The_Wes; 09-11-2013, 05:29 PM.
      Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


      • Dualshock edition more or less had a mercenaries mode, it just wasn't called as such.


        • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
          Perhaps there exists a secret message within the book, reading a message on the back cover or some kind of subliminal message that points to the release date of the trial, the videos and the full game? I joke, of course.

          With some mentions of the Mercenaries, which characters do you all think would appear in the 1.5 Battle Arena or Mercenaries? If it's going to be in the game, of course.
          For some moment I thought you was being serious but who knows??

          Maybe this time can have special game of Marvin, something similar of the Ada mode in Umbrella Chronicles.
          If is possible also something related to Kendo to enter in the R.P.D, or just another character in the Battle Mode / Colosseum or in Mercenaries mode.


          • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
            In mercenaries can appear Marvin, kendo, Ada, Irons, Leon and Elza. That's for
            sure. And maybe Roy and Annete.
            as a troll myself in case of a mercenaries game, good characters would be sherry, Irons, unfinished john and unfinished Ada, plus unfinished annete.


            • Oh he has a nice new avatar of the Green Medicine inspection image. Does anyone have copies of the previous avatars he had from earlier today? I saw the marcs one when I was at work on my phone.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	medicine.png
Views:	1
Size:	262.8 KB
ID:	403256
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Mercenaries requires scoring and combo system insertion, I don´t doubt team IGAS could do it, but I don´t think they would waste time on such things. Maybe the battle arena they previously shown or something more simple like the 4th Survivor.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • I leave for school, only to find a whole lot has happened in my absence. It looks like I missed the sound setting avatar, but I saw the one with the guns. It reminded me of Biohazard Complete Disc.

                  Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Hah, think of who would be Mercenaries in RE 1.5, Roy as a Mercenary would just shit his pants, run away, get bit, and die all over again. Maybe Roy can be in a mini-game The Failed Survivor, and be this game's version of Tofu with a Knife, in danger health, and nothing else.
                  A side game like that isn't such a bad idea though. Retail had the 4th Survivor, the next game had Operation Mad Jackal. it would be cool to play as Roy, I've always liked him. A side game featuring him could also explain how he got there and how he was injured. A side story with Ada or John would be cool too, I always wanted to know how they got arrested, but that's stretching it a bit.

                  Originally posted by JamesWilliams View Post
                  Furthermore, the team IGAS logo is actually taken entirely from the logo of a Suntory brand called Boss coffee. If you notice, the earlier videos put out by team IGAS copied the Boss coffee logo completely but in the more recent videos, they changed the colour of their logo from red to blue and added sunglasses on the Boss logo. It's nothing short of wholesale trademark infringement, not that it matters since this is a non-profit project, but their logo isn't original at all and I didn't want anyone thinking their logo is original.
                  Lol looks like Capcom liked Boss Coffee! I noticed the same thing was on placeholder items in MZD along with the word "BOSS", but I didn't know it was a coffee brand.

                  Resident Evil 1.5. Brought to you and sponsored by Team IGAS and Boss Coffee.

                  Originally posted by JamesWilliams View Post
                  I wasn't posting it for you then. You couldn't care and wouldn't because you're a complete imbecile, pretty much.
                  There's no need for name-calling.

                  D.Birkin's current avatar with Green Medicine reads "Medicine derived from special herbs that grow in the Raccoon City region." I think 'extracted' would be a better word, but that's just me.

                  It seems things are going well. I love this little avatar game D.Birkin is playing with us.


                  • Indeed, he's playing with our emotions!! I can't wait. More, more, and more hype added to hype train.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Maybe he is changing the avatar every time he makes a new improvement in the project.
                      While we are talking he is updating.


                      • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                        Public likes to analyse thumbnails that show nothing of real feature.
                        Reading this, I'd take all of his avatars with a grain of salt. That Parasite Eve 2 one was a joke one for sure. I bet he had a good laugh with that one! Can we really trust the others were real now though?

                        They're probably seeing how fast we can catch them, what we do with them, and what we think of them, etc. Him (and maybe others from the team?) are either viewing how we are reacting to the avatars or just doing it for the amusement. Probably both lol.

                        It's hard to tell what they're up to, but that's the mysterious Team IGAS for you!


                        • Indeed. Al regarding the sound options menu, I think the voices option is for enemy sounds as well. But then again it can be the team teasing us. It could be they figured out how to make XA stream files and just implemented the proper code to adjust the volume of said streams. But I am sure they wouldn't add it if it was not going to be used.

                          "Voice acting is not confirmed, D.Birkin adds in voice volume options. THIA goes wild again. Team sites back and laughs long and hard, like your mother Trebek (I hope someone got that reference)"
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Take all of D. Birkin's recent avatars as a troll face.
                            Last edited by Eteponge; 09-11-2013, 11:30 PM.


                            • I already have. "Want new pics/info? Look at my tiny avatar!!". Actually it's funny. He is giving us new screens like we want, but in a way to tease us.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • I wouldn't really say he's "teasing", that makes him sound like a bad person. Probably just having a little fun is all.

