Some of D.Birkin avatars don´t show actual game content, some others do, as an example the current pic of inventory with Green Medicine. That´s what he mean, so we shouldn´t take every new pic as actual game content.
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
I consider it game content until he or B.Zorks states otherwise. Maybe teasing wasn't the best choice of words, but you know what I meant.
This thread is so freakin' pathetic now. I mean, it was pathetic before, but now it is even more pathetic. So basically, this is what this thread has come down to now? A member of a team working to make a better and more complete 1.5 updates his avatar image, and then someone goes and expands the image, and then there is nothing but ass kissing towards him?
Granted, he can't control what people do with his avatars, but with all do respect, if he is truly updating his avatar every couple of weeks or so, because he knows that someone will expand the image and have something to talk about, either post a high quality image in this thread, or don't post shit at all.
The ass-kissing is also really unbelievable too. I respect what the team is doing, and they are doing a good job, but really guys?Last edited by RetroRain; 09-12-2013, 12:15 AM.
I don't quite get what you mean? I know I'm not kissing ass. I blow up the images so it's easier for everyone to see.
I'm not saying that you were ass-kissing. I'm merely generalizing. And yes, I get that you are blowing up the image for others to see. It's noble. But, you shouldn't have to. In a way there is something really obnoxious about the way his avatar is updated every other week, and people have to see a pixelized image, and then start saying "OMG look what he doing!" And then when I read the word "teasing", I'm saying to myself, come on already! Whether there is ass-kssing going on or not, its just the way it is coming off. To me, at least.Last edited by RetroRain; 09-12-2013, 12:25 AM.
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostThis thread is so freakin' pathetic now. I mean, it was pathetic before, but now it is even more pathetic. So basically, this is what this thread has come down to now? A member of a team working to make a better and more complete 1.5 updates his avatar image, and then someone goes and expands the image, and then there is nothing but ass kissing towards him?
Granted, he can't control what people do with his avatars, but with all do respect, if he is truly updating his avatar every couple of weeks or so, because he knows that someone will expand the image and have something to talk about, either post a high quality image in this thread, or don't post shit at all.
The ass-kissing is also really unbelievable too. I respect what the team is doing, and they are doing a good job, but really guys?Last edited by warren; 09-12-2013, 12:34 AM.
Originally posted by Darkness View Postidgaf what anyone thinks. you got someone butthurt because i didn't like their little tale about some homosexual song lyrics, and now someone thinks its wrong/pathetic to be grateful to people restoring a prototype for no charge.
WOW I'm gone for 2 days and all hell breaks lose.
Let's get some things straight. B.Zork and D. Birkin are giving use a service by releasing info./images when they want too and not because they have too. It's out of courtesy and not an obligation. The overall project is out of fun and leisure for them. We can't forget that.
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostWho said it was wrong/pathetic to be grateful to the people restoring a prototype? Clearly you didn't read my two posts above. Re-read.
I actually agree it can get a little ridiculous in here, but you know what?
I will take this all day, night, and century over the 123 boards, full of tards and the super-purists shitting all over igas.
Originally posted by RetroRain View PostThis thread is so freakin' pathetic now. I mean, it was pathetic before, but now it is even more pathetic. So basically, this is what this thread has come down to now? A member of a team working to make a better and more complete 1.5 updates his avatar image, and then someone goes and expands the image, and then there is nothing but ass kissing towards him?
Granted, he can't control what people do with his avatars, but with all do respect, if he is truly updating his avatar every couple of weeks or so, because he knows that someone will expand the image and have something to talk about, either post a high quality image in this thread, or don't post shit at all.
The ass-kissing is also really unbelievable too. I respect what the team is doing, and they are doing a good job, but really guys?
And I just thought I should mention this, a trial/preview edition has not yet been confirmed. Only hinted at. That guarantees nothing.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostLet's get some things straight. B.Zork and D. Birkin are giving use a service by releasing info./images when they want too and not because they have too. It's out of courtesy and not an obligation. The overall project is out of fun and leisure for them. We can't forget that.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostWOW I'm gone for 2 days and all hell breaks lose.
Let's get some things straight. B.Zork and D. Birkin are giving use a service by releasing info./images when they want too and not because they have too. It's out of courtesy and not an obligation. The overall project is out of fun and leisure for them. We can't forget that.Last edited by RetroRain; 09-12-2013, 01:06 AM.
Yeah I do understand what you are saying. Because even when blowing it up, it looks like crap. I would prefer native resolution screencaps, but I am not complaining. We are lucky to get anything at all.
Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View PostSome of D.Birkin avatars don´t show actual game content, some others do, as an example the current pic of inventory with Green Medicine. That´s what he mean, so we shouldn´t take every new pic as actual game content.“How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”