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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
    Yeah, I know. I'm just pissed now.
    I actually agree it can get a little ridiculous in here, but you know what?
    I will take this all day, night, and century over the 123 boards, full of tards and the super-purists shitting all over igas.
    People take your 123 boards vendettas somewhere else, nobody here cares.
    I for one and sure i'm many overs are too sick of reading your pointless posts that are only set out in an effort to try and causes problems, stop attention seeking.


    • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
      I like to play detective, thank you for the opportunity. These are all old pictures of old progress? You chaps are really blazing along!


      Cheers to everyone who posts the avatars before they disappear! We should get a little collection going (maybe I've missed some?)
      New animation for the Knife, i've no notice that... We hopefully that all the Weapons would be avaible in the complete build... like the Lead Pipe... and... the missing items like the Flamethrower fuel, antidote grenades, nitro capsule, Strong Acid, Drug Capsule, Ignition Drug Capsule, Enzyme and something called Truth...


      • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
        something called Truth...
        something called people not having context when translating broken text :')


        • That Staircase was pretty sweet, its nice to see Civilian Leon make an appearance, same for the new save screen. If that's what's considered old progress then i can't wait to see what is new.

          Its a good thing the team hasn't put out a date yet on anything, better to just release something than set a date and risk not meeting it. Judging by the way some people act around here that could just bring them a boatload of frustration they don't need to deal with. While i do think the team deserves to be treated with respect, we don't need to pounce on every single person who makes a comment on the teams work that's considered less than positive. there is room for critical discussion, the team is free to listen or disregard it. People around here need to lighten up a bit, 1.5 is just game. There are bigger things in life.
          Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 09-12-2013, 03:27 PM.


          • Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
            People take your 123 boards vendettas somewhere else
            never understood what was with all this drama. i think is best we not make drama. never did anything to provoke or irritate. so it is really strange the big foul mouth and negative reputation we received on those boards. best not make drama. regular discussion fine. drama is so much exhausting.


            • Originally posted by JamesWilliams View Post
              I haven't seen this brought up anywhere else, least of all here, so there were two observations I made that I felt should be pointed out.

              If you care to know, D. Birkin (whoever the hell he/she/they are) has the following quote in his signature “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”. For a long time I wondered where this comes from, as it has nothing to do with Resident Evil. The only connection I could make was the allegation that the G-Virus actually stands for the God Virus. Anyway, the quote is not a perfect transcription from the source but it comes from the song 'Afterglow' by Cosmosis. The full quote is actually "How far can they control my mind? But to know god, you must be god, and to be god you must let go of being who you thought you were. And as the gods have given us, so we return the gift. I can see it glowing just beyond the trees a kind of reddish colour."

              Furthermore, the team IGAS logo is actually taken entirely from the logo of a Suntory brand called Boss coffee. If you notice, the earlier videos put out by team IGAS copied the Boss coffee logo completely but in the more recent videos, they changed the colour of their logo from red to blue and added sunglasses on the Boss logo. It's nothing short of wholesale trademark infringement, not that it matters since this is a non-profit project, but their logo isn't original at all and I didn't want anyone thinking their logo is original.
              you ok? now do me


              • Sorry, gotta say, what's some people's problem with the 123 board? is it the whole place or is it certain individuals? It's kinda getting annoying that there are a few individuals taking little stabs at the 123 boards in general, be a man, take stabs at the individuals who are actually bugging you. Hell, take a stab at me and my crappy moderation, I'd rather you do that. I like the THIA and 123 boards just as much as each-other, but the problem is, is that you get both sides and their little tribal wars. Why is that? A lot of us are members of both forums, so why shoot yourself in the foot? The opinions of certain individuals is not the views of everyone over at 123.

                The new maps for example, I personally love the new maps, some people would rather have the old ones, but don't necessarily hate the new maps. It's just a matter of preference. So as long as IGAS use their own discretion in design choices and not listen to opinion too much, everything should be fine.

                My usual method is just to ignore that sort of smack speak, but hey, sometimes people crack.

                Anyway, IGAS, love what you guys are doing, keep up the good work!


                • If this was Facebook, you'd get a "Like" click on that post.


                  • Originally posted by EvilMarshy View Post
                    Sorry, gotta say, what's some people's problem with the 123 board? is it the whole place or is it certain individuals? It's kinda getting annoying that there are a few individuals taking little stabs at the 123 boards in general, be a man, take stabs at the individuals who are actually bugging you. Hell, take a stab at me and my crappy moderation, I'd rather you do that. I like the THIA and 123 boards just as much as each-other, but the problem is, is that you get both sides and their little tribal wars. Why is that? A lot of us are members of both forums, so why shoot yourself in the foot? The opinions of certain individuals is not the views of everyone over at 123.

                    The new maps for example, I personally love the new maps, some people would rather have the old ones, but don't necessarily hate the new maps. It's just a matter of preference. So as long as IGAS use their own discretion in design choices and not listen to opinion too much, everything should be fine.

                    My usual method is just to ignore that sort of smack speak, but hey, sometimes people crack.

                    Anyway, IGAS, love what you guys are doing, keep up the good work!
                    So much truth in this post, people just don't know when to keep their mouths shut and keep the peace. xD


                    • birkin, are you guys keeping the single shot grenade launcher or using the retail 5x shot? even up to the beta2 it was single shot, so please yes, it is MUCH more useful that way.


                      • Regarding D.Birkin's latest avatar, the new staircase looks really nice. Those background artists are really skilled. And I'm excited to see Leon in his civilian wear. Is the knife animtaion really different though? It's hard to tell. Maybe he's just pulling the knife from the holster behind him.


                        • I'm not checking too much into these avatars recently but its looking great. I was kind of skeptical they could turn this into a game, but it looks fairly decent now.

                          I think with IGAS you have to prepare for the unexpected. This thing could be released at any time.. that's the way they like it.. when everyone is surprised. It's part of working on a game, building up that marketing hype, it often means they have a good product.. The woogies are back also which is a good sign


                          • What I am thinking is, after 1.5 is finished what is next? I mean I'd hate to see IGAS after 1.5's completion to just disappear off the face of this world. I would love to see more work from them other then 1.5 if you ask me.


                            • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                              What I am thinking is, after 1.5 is finished what is next? I mean I'd hate to see IGAS after 1.5's completion to just disappear off the face of this world. I would love to see more work from them other then 1.5 if you ask me.
                              Another classic Resident Evil would be cool but I know the work is too much.


                              • Originally posted by B.Zork
                                maybe best to cut loose from resident evil community when 1.5 project is over. so many fakes, liers and false informations.

