Originally posted by PROTOBOY
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by skyrunner14 View PostDid anyone else notice the red dot in the new profile picture, or is that just me? I'm thinking that gun has a laser target equipped, or whatever you call it.
Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
Originally posted by PROTOBOY View PostI cant even imagine how to do that, maybe porting the hair of the 1.5 female zombie
Originally posted by skyrunner14 View PostDid anyone else notice the red dot in the new profile picture, or is that just me? I'm thinking that gun has a laser target equipped, or whatever you call it.
Originally posted by Northman View PostIndeed that looks to be a laser pointer. I wonder if it actually works, like the pointer of the Hyperblaster gun did in Silent Hill? Maybe civilian Leon gets to wield some sort of special handgun.
I never figured that, now I now why also in Dino crisis the women have short hair.
About the game limitations I guess its possible to it, the laser trail, we can see in Resident Evil Survivor the Cleaners
Since the game looks like Re2 with the same zombies but worse graphics is possible to see laser trail in 1,5 can also have.
Originally posted by The_Wes View PostI think is just the frame before the entire shoot can be seen.
I guess in the avatar pic its just like that but can be a laser also.
It'd be kinda cool to have upgrade parts like RE2, but at the same time it's unneeded. That's a retail specific feature not 1.5. But having a custom handgun with a laser sight will be cool. It would make aiming much easier without auto aim.
I decided to fool around with the female zombies today. Not only are the arms and head messed up when a female zombie is attacking, but when you blow its legs off, it starts crawling... backwards. I backed it into a corner in this picture. Its arms just kind of... flop around and its head folds in and out of its body...
Both creepy and funny lol.
A laser in the handgun is just a cosmetic feature. The shooting mechanics of RE didn't received any help from have a laser. The space colision for the bullets in the zombies are very big. Have a success shot is easy without autoaim or laser. And I still thinking the red dot is just the fire of the gun before the entire shoot can be seen. Anyway, a laser for a special unlockeable gun is very cool! But not for the normal progresion of the game, I feel it a bit out of 1.5 aesthetic. But again, like an unlockeable weapons is cool.Last edited by The_Wes; 09-14-2013, 05:55 AM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Postbirkin, are you guys keeping the single shot grenade launcher or using the retail 5x shot?
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostWill you be implementing respawning enemies, like the ones found in the lobby and shutter hallway, in the other areas of the game as well?
Originally posted by Scream View PostThat was always the dumbest thing I ever heard lol.Truth is Facebook picture leaks have nothing to do with build disappears. I would not post pictures in that case.
Originally posted by skyrunner14 View PostDid anyone else notice the red dot in the new profile picture, or is that just me? I'm thinking that gun has a laser target equipped, or whatever you call it.“How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”