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Resident Evil 6 Announcement Incoming ?

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  • #31
    I have mixed feelings about this: I liked Resident Evil 5, but I really see it as lacking what Resident Evil actually is. That is really no shock as a lot of people see it that way. Anyway, I doubt Resident Evil is ever really going to be revamped into what we see Resident Evil as trully being. Face it, those days are done. Why? Because there aren't enough fans to outweigh the popularity of today's Resident Evil. If something isn't broken, it doesn't get fixed. And Capcom doesn't see Resident Evil as "broken." That was made clear when that dude in the article claimed Resident Evil 5 was a success and they wanted to get the new game out as soon as possible.

    I'm like DONNIemo...I enjoy BOTH generations of Resident Evil, so I can't really complain if we get another RE4/5-type of game. I will still play it.

    The one major thing I would like to see implemented into the series is the OPTION for co-op. I personally cannot stand having to play with a computer or another person if I do not want to. I think it should be optional. There are ways to tweak the story to where it can be single player or co-op.

    I doubt Resident Evil will ever be scary again, but being alone, completely by yourself, does add a bit of suspense to the game. Dead Space made effective use of single player mode, and that made it ten times scarier than if Isaac had someone following him around.


    Last edited by Xander Ashford; 09-01-2010, 06:30 PM.


    • #32
      I'd like to see RE6 go the way of Lost in Nightmares it worked really well and merged the two styles in a convincing way. I'd like to see them bring in the abandoned idea of zombies vs las plagas that way there were sections where slow zombies had to be dealt with where ammo and patience were key then some areas with Ganados/Manjini/Whatever where you have to move faster etc then areas full of both. Blend the two you know? Part survival horror part survival action . . .

      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      To be honest, I was a bit surprised by the fact that Lost Planet 2 didn't join the trend of also having a "Zombie Mode" tucked away somewhere.)
      DLC anyone?
      Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 09-01-2010, 06:51 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Project Omega View Post
        I never gave Lost Planet a fair enough chance. I got stuck early on at this large worm boss that came out through the ground, and kind of just stopped playing at that point. The same thing happened with Bionic Commando, Devil May Cry 4 (or was it 5? Is there a 5?), Dark Sector, Alone in the Dark, Deadly Premonition, Jericho, Dead Rising (I still haven't beaten the story mode since I find it way more fun to just kill zombies with random items, plus time always runs out and such), Jumper, Ninja Gaiden 2, Halo 3:ODST, Halo Wars : I'd get stuck some where, but they would have the misfortune of coming out while another game I really wanted to play came out so I would play the other game to completion and so forth and these would get stuck on "waiting to be played" list of games I own but haven't completed.
        My god I do the exact same thing. Talk about having to many games to play.


        • #34
          sounds good so far, lets hope they don't downgrade though


          • #35
            I havent disliked a main RE title game yet so I trust you Capcom. Sure some of the games could have had a few better ideas but they havent REALLY disapointed me. I hope they keep using the characters we already know, if not at least refference to them. God I hope they dont just wipe a clean slate.


            • #36
              meh, i don't know. re is just one of those series that has no reason to continue, like metal gear. you really can only go so far before you start fuckin' things up.
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              • #37
                I give up...

                That's it...I give up...Capcom has officially molested my childhood to no end and won't stop. I thought RE5 was the last abomination that they would make out of the main series. Now this crap surfaces. I grew up being raised on RE and it disappoints me to see the series tainted like this.


                • #38
                  Sounds good but I want real zombies this time. Not Las Plagas virus. Good old shuffling zombies. Or better yet.... Crimson Heads.. >


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by revil5 View Post
                    Sounds good but I want real zombies this time. Not Las Plagas virus. Good old shuffling zombies. Or better yet.... Crimson Heads.. >
                    What this guy said!


                    • #40
                      I will say if RE6 has no hint of the Survival horror returning then im not evan going to borther with RE6 after what happen with RE5 as a action game it's good but as a RE game it's shit simple as that.

                      But 6 needs to scrap both level select and bring back the typewriter and CO OP I was stick and tired of babysiting an AI. Ow and another thing they really need to improve on the AI in 6 because the enemies in 5 was just brain less most of the time hell evan the AI in 4 was fair more better and smarter.
                      Last edited by Sephiroth; 09-02-2010, 05:00 AM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                        I'm like DONNIemo...I enjoy BOTH generations of Resident Evil, so I can't really complain if we get another RE4/5-type of game. I will still play it.
                        Yay someone agrees with me And yes I will play it and love it and collect it regardless. Im already thinking of the boxart designs


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                          The one major thing I would like to see implemented into the series is the OPTION for co-op. I personally cannot stand having to play with a computer or another person if I do not want to. I think it should be optional. There are ways to tweak the story to where it can be single player or co-op.

                          I doubt Resident Evil will ever be scary again, but being alone, completely by yourself, does add a bit of suspense to the game. Dead Space made effective use of single player mode, and that made it ten times scarier than if Isaac had someone following him around.
                          I agree with you, although I think co-op should be reserved only for mini-games and such. If they can work an optional co-op thing into the story, fine, but I just don't see it happening.

                          I have a sickening feeling that this co-op (or forced co-op in single player) will become another staple of the series, much like herbs or item examination. This disgusts me, but after the success of RE5 amongst the casual gaming masses I just don't see it going any other way.
                          Mass production? Ridiculous!


                          • #43
                            I wish they would make another Outbreak game using the RE5 engine. That would be pretty awesome (assuming they'd fix a couple of the AI partner problems for playing single player).

                            Other than that, I don't want to see co-op gameplay return. I think once is enough (actually once was one too many times, in my opinion) for the main series entries.


                            • #44
                              The problem with making co-op optional is it usually means it will suck. A game designed around the idea of two people working together is much better as a co-op game, RE5 for example. The co-op bosses were great.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • #45
                                But the game only really works with two players. I know I refuse to play with the damned AI, because it drives me into a maddened frothing rage. Not that the game was horror in any form anyway, but the co-op also took away from what little tension there was. At least for me.

